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Jinx Build Guide by Leroswend

ADC Basic Jinx guide [7.19]

ADC Basic Jinx guide [7.19]

Updated on October 5, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leroswend Build Guide By Leroswend 6,866 Views 0 Comments
6,866 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Leroswend Jinx Build Guide By Leroswend Updated on October 5, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Welcome to my basic Jinx guide! This guide will teach you most of the basic skills you'll need to start playing jinx to a reasonable level, I will also be including some more advanced things that can improve your performance on Jinx.
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    Great scaling
    Fantastic team fighting
    simple to learn
    goes well with many supports
    really high high moments

    Extremely vulnerable to ganks
    easily abused by champs with either longer range or strong engage
    hard to come back on when behind
    really low low moments
    no on demand mobility outside of flash
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Summoner Spells

Heal and Flash are the standard however if your support is taking heal you will want to take either Cleanse or Barrier instead of heal the situations for the choice in such a situation is purely based off how much CC or burst dmg the enemy team has.
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Runes and Masteries

Your Runes and Masteries will be centred around whether or not you want to run 1 Life Steal quint or not if you do your runes will be exactly as described in my above section along with the mastery page above as well. Not running a life steal quint will see you running a rune page that is as follows : 9 flat AD Marks, 9 flat Armor seals, 3 scaling magic resist Glyphs and 6 flat magic resist Glyphs, and 3 Attack Speed Quintessences, this basic rune page also goes with running 5 pints in Vampirism in your masteries. The following images are of the rune pages and mastery pages that you will choose between, the first set being with a life steal quint the second set without one.

For those of you wondering why I take 12 points into the Resolve tree it is because Jinx has a very weak early game so to compensate for that I take points in Resolve to give me stronger regen and to take slightly less dmg during trades and have higher hp for the lane. Also in 60 seconds the Recovery mastery will regen more health than a biscuit would give if you took that mastery. Also the choice between Warlords and Fervor is completely up to preference, Fervor offers better damage in extended trades while Warlords offers better sustain, the only time where you should always take fervor however is when you are with a Soraka or Sona support and thus Warlords would be greatly excessive sustain.
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Maxing q first is a must as it increases your range with rockets and your attack speed with mini gun, this gives you safer poke and faster fervor stacking or warlords stacking respectively. Taking e at lvl 2 offers a great protection especially against aggressive opponents, maxing E last is a must because its usefulness is only in a short window of protection as the traps themselves don't do much dmg and only have an ap ratio which you will only be increasing through your Natural Talent mastery if you are running that rune/mastery combination. Taking w at lvl 3 enables access to all of your CC and a strong poke tool with a very high total AD ratio. Maxing w second gives you strong poke from long range (Zap! has a max range of 1500 units) this enables you to play safely in the mid and late game while also poking from afar before fights break out around objectives. Level your ult at every opportunity and take not that it is an execute ability, this means you generally want to use it to secure kills but don't be afraid to just fire it off even it if wont guarantee the kill but will do a significant amount of dmg and either force them out of a fight or out of lane, as well your ultimate gains damage as it travels over the first second of travel this distance is the same as your max W range (1500 units) this increase does not affect the execute damage but it does affect the base damage going from 25-250 at rank 1, Your ultimate also does 80% of the damage that the initial target takes to surrounding units (excluding structures) these units do not take a % of their missing health.
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Jinx is a late game scaling crit monster so youll want to itemize to abuse this fact. Infinity Edge is a standard item on her as it gives you increased crit damage along with a large chunk of AD and some crit chance. Runaan's Hurricane is almost always a required item on Jinx because of it's unique interaction with her Rockets from Q, the bolts from hurricane apply the on-hit splash damage from her Q rockets and as suck increase both Jinx's wave clear and her team fighting damage by a significant margin. Choosing between building a second Zeal item as a third item or going for something else typically depends on how the game is playing out, if you need to deal with getting CC'd consistently a Quicksilver Sash is a great item to pick up, if you need to deal with a strong armor heavy front line a Last Whisper is the perfect item for the job, for dealing with large amounts of burst magic damage a Hexdrinker is the perfect buy. Sitting on these component items isn't a bad idea especially when it comes in particular to Hexdrinker, Last Whisper, and Quicksilver Sash as the majority of their power comes from either their passive or active effect. Making the choice between either a second zeal item or a defensive item alongside armor penetration can often be a hard choice but a dead adc isn't doing damage so sacrificing that extra crit chance is typically the right choice. Picking the right defensive items is also a key skill to learn, if the enemy team has a strong AD assassin you can pick up a Guardian Angel and a Death's Dance to have a significant amount of damage reduction and a way to deal with overwhelming burst damage, vs a strong ap assassin or burst mage an early Hexdrinker is key top surviving the damage and since most ap champs also have a strong CC tool grabbing a Quicksilver Sash can also be very strong against them.
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Team Play

jinx is a strong team fighting and objective taking adc so sticking with your team is more often than not the right call, it gives you the safety of numbers and lets you pressure the map more easily since you wont have the enemy team killing you off in a side lane, yes this means sacrificing those big side waves that pop up often while you're grouping for that mid inhib tower or for baron. Jinx is also a huge source of sustained damage for a team and has a very large basic attack range so you'll be playing fights from the back line hitting the enemy front line and any squishies that step too far forward, having your 2 core items (Runaan's and IE) really helps with this as it gives you a huge amount of aoe damage while also letting you hit the enemy mid line or back line champs if they are within range to be hit by a runaan's bolt.
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Farming and Backs/Recalls

Farm as much as you can, your rockets let you have increased range but cost 20 mana per attack so if you're getting shove into your tower constantly you can use your mana to farm a little safer however this int always advisable as if you go OOM (Out of mana) you wont be able to place down your traps and thus can be easily pushed off of minion waves or your own tower. getting your first back after 1300g is the most ideal situation as it lets you buy your BF sword as soon as possible which means you are able to last hit and trade even more effectively. Try to time your recalls so that you aren't sacrificing a major objective like your tower or Dragon as that can leave you at a significant disadvantage when you return to lane. Knowing your level up timers is also very important (this is just knowing after how many minions on which waves you'll get what levels) for example youll hit level 2 after 3 melee minions on the second minion wave if you earned all the xp available from the first minion wave and you'll earn level 3 after 3 melee minions on the 4th wave if you earned xp from the 3 previous minion waves (this is of course assuming you are splitting xp with a support if you are alone it will be much different).
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Playing Jinx is deceptively difficult, she is very much like Annie, although her kit is simple there is much outside of just your champion's abilities that you must learn and know to play Jinx to her utmost. Paying attention to your mini map and knowing where and what your team mates are doing is very important to playing the early game well. For the mid and late game you need to be rotating around the map to take objectives and to group with your team to use your strength in team fights and objective taking potential,utilizing your strengths will take time to get a firm grasp on. Learning how to trade well and when to recall is often not just on you but on your support so try to find a duo partner that you can learn with that will hopefully not be toxic towards you (and you to them!).
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