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He has a sexy af hook
His hook does true AP damage (1 to 1 scaling)
He can run in and out of situations with his w
His e is lifesafer and a life ender
His ult is just about the greatest move of all time
His passive is a lifesaver
He's a ***** early game
His hook is useless until you get your e
His hook has a long cooldown
He has a sexy af hook
His hook does true AP damage (1 to 1 scaling)
He can run in and out of situations with his w
His e is lifesafer and a life ender
His ult is just about the greatest move of all time
His passive is a lifesaver
He's a ***** early game
His hook is useless until you get your e
His hook has a long cooldown
Ok so this is the part where I say to use AP blitzcrank. Ok so a lot of people prefer blitzcrank sup and try not to keep anything out of that support group, but he can be a absolute bully in all ****ing scenarios (but not all "****ing" scenarios).
Ok so blitzcrank has a hook that is awesome, it has no delay time when pulling targets in(COUGH COUGH THRESH)and is a nice stun. Anyway, this hook is a destructive force to be reckoned with, when you up your AP it ups your hook 1 to 1. So if I had 200 AP my hook would do that much. In other words, get a hook on anybody, and you'll be doing some nice damage.
Now after doing so, you've got a combo that will get the enemy running (or you know dead). Right after that hook, you can do some sexy knockup with your e (which also does 1 to 1 damage) and then right after ult. OK BIG ****ING IMPORTANT THING RIGHT HERE: if you just scrolled down and saw this without anything else here's something you should know, YOUR ULT ALSO DOES 100% MAGIC DAMAGE, ANNNNDDDDDD WHEN IN PASSIVE IT DOES 20%. SOOOOOOO IN OTHER WORDS if you have high AP you can deal 100% of your AP (with ur hook) then knockup, THEN WOW ANOTHER ****ING 100% OF YOUR MAGIC DAMAGE WITH YOUR ULT. AND THATS NOT IT FOLKS, THEN W TO ENGAGE ON THAT LITTLE SCUM CHAMPION FOR A FAST CHASE, or incase you killed him W ANYWAY AND RUN AROUND LAUGHING.
And thats why you should use AP blitzcrank.
Ok so blitzcrank has a hook that is awesome, it has no delay time when pulling targets in(COUGH COUGH THRESH)and is a nice stun. Anyway, this hook is a destructive force to be reckoned with, when you up your AP it ups your hook 1 to 1. So if I had 200 AP my hook would do that much. In other words, get a hook on anybody, and you'll be doing some nice damage.
Now after doing so, you've got a combo that will get the enemy running (or you know dead). Right after that hook, you can do some sexy knockup with your e (which also does 1 to 1 damage) and then right after ult. OK BIG ****ING IMPORTANT THING RIGHT HERE: if you just scrolled down and saw this without anything else here's something you should know, YOUR ULT ALSO DOES 100% MAGIC DAMAGE, ANNNNDDDDDD WHEN IN PASSIVE IT DOES 20%. SOOOOOOO IN OTHER WORDS if you have high AP you can deal 100% of your AP (with ur hook) then knockup, THEN WOW ANOTHER ****ING 100% OF YOUR MAGIC DAMAGE WITH YOUR ULT. AND THATS NOT IT FOLKS, THEN W TO ENGAGE ON THAT LITTLE SCUM CHAMPION FOR A FAST CHASE, or incase you killed him W ANYWAY AND RUN AROUND LAUGHING.
And thats why you should use AP blitzcrank.
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