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Braum is really good at all ins and he should take them any time he thinks he can win them. To start one use either your winters bite if not yet level six or a close range sure to hit Glacial Fissure. Follow that up with a stun use your unbreakable to block return damage.
Be sure to watch your squishes if they are in trouble jump to them, stun whoever is giving them trouble and then position yourself between them with your Unbreakable up.
If none of your squishes need help, try and land a Glacial fissure across the team, get your passive on everyone and stand in front of your team with Unbreakable up if your getting hit.
If none of your squishes need help, try and land a Glacial fissure across the team, get your passive on everyone and stand in front of your team with Unbreakable up if your getting hit.
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