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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
He can easily out trade you with his boomerang and cause some serious damage when he's in his Mega Gnar form
Ability Combos
Q = Winters Bite
W = Stand behind me
E = Unbreakable
R = Glacial Fissure
Laning combos:
AA > AA > Q
Does a **** ton of damage if you can pull it off and makes for a great trade if you can take as minimal damage as possible (using W to disengage/engage to minimize damage).
W > AA > AA > Q
Using W to gap close.
AA > AA > R > Q
Two autoattacks (easily accomplished with your attack speed items) followed up with your ultimate to apply the slow/stun and saving Q for when they try to escape to apply a 2nd slow.
Disclaimer: If you didn't read the build notes above and expected to see them hear, then you best be scrollin' up
First off I just want to say that this is my first build and is really nothing serious. I recommend playing this in NORMALS ONLY as it is un-perfected, but really fun to play when there is nothing on the line. However if you do play him in Draft pick or Ranked Queue then avoid any ranged matchups.
I'm merely a silver scrub who got to gold through my ranked 3s team my friends and I play on. I have little League experience and by no means plan on making any serious builds on this site. I tried this out once before and thought "Hey, what the hell Imma just make a guide to show my friends!" I highly advise trying this playstyle as it is really fun especially if you love Braum as much as I do <3
For those interested; here is the game I played as Braum topNothing too exciting. Just 8/4/13. Most of the assists (if not all) were from people just getting the killing blows after I did a **** ton of damage with my stun, engage. The four deaths were early/mid game deaths, because late game I was an unkillable tanky machine who would destroy anyone who got in my way. I honestly had the most fun I've ever had in this game with this build. 10/10 would play again.
First off I just want to say that this is my first build and is really nothing serious. I recommend playing this in NORMALS ONLY as it is un-perfected, but really fun to play when there is nothing on the line. However if you do play him in Draft pick or Ranked Queue then avoid any ranged matchups.
I'm merely a silver scrub who got to gold through my ranked 3s team my friends and I play on. I have little League experience and by no means plan on making any serious builds on this site. I tried this out once before and thought "Hey, what the hell Imma just make a guide to show my friends!" I highly advise trying this playstyle as it is really fun especially if you love Braum as much as I do <3
For those interested; here is the game I played as Braum topNothing too exciting. Just 8/4/13. Most of the assists (if not all) were from people just getting the killing blows after I did a **** ton of damage with my stun, engage. The four deaths were early/mid game deaths, because late game I was an unkillable tanky machine who would destroy anyone who got in my way. I honestly had the most fun I've ever had in this game with this build. 10/10 would play again.
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