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Briar Build Guide by liucan

Top Briar Top bad english

Top Briar Top bad english

Updated on March 19, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author liucan Build Guide By liucan 4,816 Views 0 Comments
4,816 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author liucan Briar Build Guide By liucan Updated on March 19, 2025
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Runes: PTA

1 2 3 4 5
Press the Attack
Absorb Life
Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Briar Top bad english

By liucan
Fast combos:
-Q+W+aa+W2 then E and run
-W+aa+Q+W2 then E and run
-Q+E into wall
-AA+Q+AA i dont like it since is only usable to lvl 1 Q PTA start and i dont like it
Auto cancels: Q+w1+w2 and hydra can cancel autos
Never be the first on engaging in tfs, u are not a frontlaner, u are a bruiser/assasing u will get destroyed. This also helps u land ult since enemies will be distracted.
Ur ult gives alert enemies before proyectile launch and is even slow than ashe arrow (which BTW doesnt give any alert and is a 3.5 stun nice one riot), so try to use enemies movement and distraction to land it. U can also throw it to where u think they will move.
Go search for her page in a wiki for more interactions details.
She has a lot of bugs, the most common ones for me are:
-Sometimes your Q will cast on a minion even if u have your mouse in a champion and with only champions active.
-Your E can be autocanceled, why? i still dont know.
If u are the only frontlaner then u are cook, Briar cannot be the first to engage since getting the focus on her makes really easy to kill her/protect adc,mages,squishys and also u will not land ult on the target u want.
If u are not, then wait for enemy to engage on ur ally or grab someone that is far from the team and kill them, u can use ult long range after they engage but beware of hitting a tank.
Ur main focus are people that can kill u fast and are easy to kill, so u can win the TF by outsustain the enemy, if u cannot outsustain because they have multiple high dmg sources then ur main focus is killing what can carry tfs or to make them run from tfs so ur team wins them.
Use E even if u are in ult to tank more, the more u are alive the more usefull u are to your team, it doesnt matter if u kill someone or not, ur whole existence is a menace to enemy.
Briar is really good at pushing lanes, but really bad at taking towers. So unless u have really bad team comp and cannot fight properly or if u have grubs, ur best course of action is to shadow an ally (wait close to them but far enough so enemy doesnt see u) or to wait in a bush like garen kill whoever comes close to it. All of this is there is a objective that is up or close to up (like a minute or so), if not then go farm u need items to win dont waste time.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author liucan
liucan Briar Guide
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Briar Top bad english

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