STAT CHECKER: champion that runs at u and kill u because his stats are better, regardles if u dodge something of his kit. Briar falls into this category but she is the worst of this.
All champions that can INVIS themself cancel ur W if there is no minions nearby or make u focus minions. UR ULT reveals the marked enemy, but dont rely on this because how hard is to hit the enemy u want.
Fast combo: Q+W or W+AA+Q +W2 then E instant to disengage.
Buffer E: cast E before something happens so u land it 100%.
STATCHEKER: my personal BAN. she always win versus you, she can use her combo to chase u and still outdamage u, dodge your E and execute with ult. If u are against this or u talk to ur jungler or u roam, u can wait in tower but she will not let u farm if she is not bronce and permapush. beware of wasting E because post lvl 6 she can dive u easy.
EVEN WORST THAN RIVEN BUT LESS POPULAR SO NOT WORTH BANNING: even if ur ahead he destroys u 1v1 and also he can rush bramble to cook u more, can freeze eternaly, outroams u with his ult, his empowered Q gives a free hail of blades + lots of dmg lvl 1 he can half hp u in a second, he can use ignite + tp, force u trade with his E and block all dmg with W, u can buffer E into taunt for slaming wall but his shield will block dmg and u cannot trade after it, also he can E flash u if ur are low to make it unpredictable, u dont win even with items. Pray and play for team, if he ults u can ult him to stop the tp, and dont let him tp since u are not good in taking towers, maybe ur team can win even with his shield, the only good thing is that he will not rush tiamat or he can lose 1v1 after items, so no waveclear.
WE dont talk about him, hes ur paralysis demon, will look at u and u **** ur pants, roam and talk to ur jungler to never come top, or he will get a double kill.
STATCHEKER: Buffed hail of blades makes that if he Hit Q he can do a fast trade and silence u before u can deal something. So much sustain in lane, u cannot tank more than him and his ult can kill u before healing. Go TP and try to roam. U can win in lvl 1 or 2 if he is bad, but again dont rely on this.
If he fails everything or u dodge then u win. U lose VS his E. use ur E to force disengage if he uses it and trade after. U can also use ur E or ult to dodge the knock up of his Q3. Dont use ult to dodge his ult, because he ends behind u before the projectile goes off. Dodge with ur W and Dont Q if he has Q3 or ult, u give him free land of them. ext + ign good here, dont commit without ext if he is good.
STAT CHECKER: If hes good he wins early, if not u win, dodge Q3 with W or Q into a minion, dont use E if he has his W, use it if u know he will hast Q3 after ur W. he can resist ur W and keep trading since his W cannot be mover with E. He stacks armor and bramble and get dmg for it, yeah u are not winning after first back, go tp and try to roam.
HARD Skill match, if u Dodge E then u Win until lvl 6. Remember that his ult dodge cc so dont try to disengage with E if she has it. If u are even then she wins after 6, if u are ahead then u win dodging his E and shorttrading.
HARD Skill match: Dodge Q with W, then trade. Remember that his W stops ur W and Q. U can use ult to engage then W behind for bait his ult, but if this fail ur cooked. buffer E whenever u can, u cannot outrun her if she lands Q. She can kill u in a few E if u are low hp and get poisoned, so dont rely on shield + second wind too much.
HARD match, try to bait some cds after she waste them u can trade and destroy her, shes like riven but her movement is more slow than her and her shield has more CD, so u can land E more easy. dodge second Q with W then trade. Her ult cannot be stopped or moved with ur E but can slam into the wall after it. I dont remember if her W is also Unstoppable. if he use E into u then u can buffer E to quick slam into wall. late game she destroys u due to how little her cds are and how much dmg she does, u cannot tank her also because she has armor pen in her ult passive.
STAT CHEKER: even if u go lethal ext+ign and win early, after 6 he will run at u and kill u, and u cannot even disengage this. Dodge axe without using W after 6 u need it if he tries to all in u. go tp and roam, dont let ur tower alone too much, since he is good at waveclear and taking towers. For winning early start W dodge first axe and ext ign him to kill, again this will not help u and u dont have tp to roam without loosing too much.
HARD Skill match: u win lvl 1 if u dodge his E with ur W, after that he can demolish u, but u can E backwards his E into your tower or a wall (or both for more emotional dmg). U can ult him if he uses his E, but u need to dodge his ult or he will execute u before/after healing easy, since he has so much burst. rush botrk and use PTA dont rely on dodging ult too much because how big that hitbox is, u need to kill him fast. if u are really ahead then hes is just a minion and really easy to dive if u jungler knows what he is doing (sadly this will not be most of the time, unless hes ur premade)
W makes ur W ****, his E will always hit and deals a lot of dmg because Riot balance team is stupid, fast combo her, if u land Ult then shes cook. If uses E and ults u try to E her to force early 2on ult or move her so she cannot execute u. if She already E u and wants to recast try to E where she is so ur E cancel her second E and half of her stupid dmg.
STAT CHECKER: U can waveclear without killing urself and also Proxy. i prefer to not proxy to expose myself to feed enemy, since u need to taunt urself to farm. He outruns u while dealing %hp dmg to u with liandry, so dont try to fight him, until u have enough dmg or move speed, if he goes into your team, stun him and try to burst him with them (or at least make him run low hp so he doesnt come back), dont use R or he will make u run into his team. His ult is nuts gives so much stats for just pressing a button, so he will statcheck u literally. Go scaling runes so u can be good in TFS and put wards in your jungle so he will not cheese yours and tilt him (u can lose just because of this) ALWAYS WATCH WHERE HE IS AND USE PINGS.
RANGE STAT CHECKER AND ALSO BRIAR COUNTER: His W cancels urs like a invis character. He will farm hp from u with grasp so rush BOTRK. if he waste W then u can engage, u cannot if he has phase rush. Just farm and scale go tp, dont try to cheese lvl 1 with ext + ign if it fails u are out of the lane. If he is really bad u win easy, but dont rely on enemy stupidity.
HARD skill match: Fast combo her if u dont land ult, U win lvl 1 and 2 hard, even lvl 1 vs her lvl 2 if u start W and he doest go E. If u hit ult u win, but she can dodge easy and after 6 her E and invis with QR destroys u, also She deals %HP true dmg and is buffed with PTA, so she can deal serius dmg to u. go ext + ign or even ext + tp if u dont think u are winning, yeah ext does nothing against true dmg but if she ults u can use it to escape then win after her ult expires without it or use it to cheese her early game, if she goes ghost then u will have a more difficult time against her. remember every range top (except the tank ones like gnar) 1 error can cost u the game, they have to play agro and expose themself to ganks (so set-up for your jungle if u see him path into u).
Go watch Drututt vayne games for more info, he is good with range tops and still suffer from this.
Build botrk since she doesnt stack armor early and health doest make u more tanky, PTA for better fast combos. Hail of blades can also be good here but is still in test table.
WORST STATCHEKCER OF TOP: any good jax will destroy u, he counters most of tops, because they rely on AA like u. If he E+Q u use E then trade after, the more the game advaces the worst this match is, since his CDS are pretty low late, he can tank a lot and deal tons of dps. Go ext + ign u will need to match his splitpush and also to win early, cover ur team from him in tfs and try to end the game the faster as possible.
60/40 skill match to her favor: if the game is long enough the she will win 1v1 but a lot of other lanes champs can force her ult (that why she is a bad champions, she needs a lot of time to be a normal champion). So 1v1, u win pre 6 so dont let her farm, u need boots to dont get outruned after 6, go swift since her Q slow u and plated will not save u (dont go mercs even if needed because she is ur mayor problem in the game). she can win lvl 1 with tempo, but if u ext + ign her u win, but after that u will not have this sums to deny her farm. dont stand front of minions because she can still farm with Q and poke u, go shield against her. If she goes anyother rune, she **** and even can be worst than u late game. just remember that nuke kayle can deal a lot of dmg in a second and shadowflame is good againts u, again Drututt plays her a lot, see how he plays and what he builds. Learn from ur enemies.
80/20 skill match to her favor, go for E if she E, ext will not save u from her Q2 true dmg and also ignores ur E dmg reduction, so try to move her before she will land it to u. Her ult cancels ur W if there is nothing to hit, her passive shield is big, but it will not deny ur E magic dmg and the cd is really big, trade her if it is down and dont trade if she is close to a wall because she can E E u before u can react, dodge her W with yours (u can also dodge E if yours is on CD u deny the extra att speed)
MONKE stat checker: His w can make u target the wrong MONKE and he can use it or his own E to dodge your E. After 6 he destroys u, if he E u use E backwards, why? because most of the time if he use R he will go into u or he uses W to dodge it if u use it in front and run to other way, is the best u can do to survive if u **** up and let him engage u. Go ign + ext and try to play better or go for roams.
stat checker: why? because the lane depents if he reacts to ur Q with His E or not, there is nothing u can do better to win against him. u can cheese lvl 1 is a good idea, but remember he can ghost and run from your ext + ign or just roam. barrier will not save u from him and he can force it easy against u.
Survive, has range to poke u, burst and also disengage with melee E. Is a really hard champion to play so try to force errors from him, dodge range E+Q with W and then fast trade him, this cant tilt him and also make him waste a lot of mana early. GOOD LUCK
BIRD UP stat checker: If she waste E to trade then u can trade if she doesnt waste E then u are ****. Survive, scale and if u land E in mid/late u can win. fast combo good here and roams dont good because she will just counter roam u and deny everything u do.
Stat checker i really hate since ult change: so u cannot escape ult, but his ult will always put a wall close to him so u can stun him, then run and cast ult to counter trade. U win pre 4 and after that is really hard, the real problem with this match is that he can build tank and still outdamage u. try to delay ult so he lose stats when his ult expires. fast combos here.
Little people plays this champion: he heals a lot, deals a lot of dmg and can cc chain u with his kit. dodge E since he can use Q to a minion and just AA u, u can also precast E into her E to slam into wall. Dont understimate this champ and build BOTRK since he rush hp, he can also build antiheal and u cant.
hard skill match: Cancels ur autos and can get out of ur E with W if he knows how to do it, very favorable match to him. if he Q then Q + E into a wall then trade and destroy him, dont expect this to work so much. go sweeper for see his ult and be creative with build. Little people plays him and his is useless other than a lane bully. U can also roam or set-up ganks while u survive.
Most hard skill match: u win ext ign W but u cannot use Q against a good fiora, and E against all fioras since her W is so easy to land against u. Also u cannot use walls to deny her passive and ult since u cannot kite with briar.
Little Stat checker: of course his ult can be countered with barrier at lvl 1, but after that he can deal more than 1k dmg with it, so other sums are better. Fast trade him and try to slam into a wall if he goes for his Q, if he goes phase rush q can run circles against ur E. try to survive, and dont roam too much he can clear waves fast and destroy towers fast. Remember dont be low hp against his ult, no stun or E will save u from it and has a decent range (THE OUTPLAY BUTTON SI REAL).
50% of her dmg is true dmg, u can win easy at lvl 1 with w and tempo, u have to dodge Q with W and beware of ult burst dmg. if she waste E then u can slam into wall easy unless she has ghost, run from her ult and try to land ult, remember her W deny ur if u are outside. Hard champion to play but really good to kill hp% stackers like u.
I played vs him 2 times in a row, both times i got ahead thanks to my jungle, he stills oneshots me. Rush some mr early, play safe, if he is close to tower to get towershot then fastrade him or if he waste E, u have to learn to dodge Q. After some items u win 1v1, but he still is a menace to teamfights.
Ryze, another one that i never play against in top, due to nobody like him. But normally ryze loves champs with little movility due to his W. U can chase him down late game.
didnt play vs her top. Jesus this champs is annoying. Her W roots u and heals her with ult, her Q slow u and her E gives movespeed to whatever are u chasing. U win late game, but she is a lane bully and can make u not scale properly, she can clear waves fast but doesnt destroy towers as fast, roaming is a good strat and dont 5v5 unless someone else has the agro or she waste CDs.
STAT CHECKER and good splitpusher: win early before maiden, after that u are cook. U win lvl 1, dodge E with ur W into him, wait for cage and use Q to go out. After 6 pray, maiden is like another champs so ask ur jungler for help. Late game his a braindead splitpusher that can destroy tower in seconds and end the game, win fast or be ready to kill him after u scale. u can make maiden go into tower and get kill with ur E and Q, if he uses E while u are under it, and he cannot deal too much since getting tower shot and exposing himself into your ult is not a good idea.
skill match: u win early if u dont choke, after that he has no CD and can run u down. Dodge Q1 with W, use Q to stop Q2+E and instant use E to stop his Q3, if u get hit by W side with W but u will lose this trade. U can build bramble for late, since he need to use his passive AA and use AA bteween Qs for dmg, but this is a hard match.
Since Aurora rework she has no more move speed passively like lillia, but still really annoying, really long range, her W can stop ur frenzy and her E slow u and make her move backwards. Use E to stop her E dmg and if possible her passive also, side step Q or E. Go Botrk and swifties (unless there is much cc) since her E and Ult slow u really bad. If she builds for autos then she is an idiot u will outburst her easily.
hard skill match: side E with ur W, dont get caught using E if he has Ult or u get bursted, really bad match for u still, e can play passively and dont lose mana and hp after first back. And he can provide a lot of value in TFS if he is good. Dont let he go melee u or u will not be able to react to E also E has big aoe hitbox beware of being too close to minions.
Why this match is bad, he will just poke u with Q early, can outrun u with Q also, he can u rush bramble and kill u 1v1, E reduce att speed, he can set-up easy ganks for u and of course his ult is tf oriented. The only reason he is no above is because u can free roam against him and also he will not solo carry a game, just deny u. If he rush malignance then u win free, rush cleaver and start D shield and scale.
stat checker: Hes u but better, his Q cancels ur E easily and has little cd, half hp for him is full hp and ur half hp can be dead. use ignite ext. he forces long trades, and u lose without ignite, if he runs ignite then u are cook, he gains a lot of move speed when an ally is low hp, nothing u can do with it. Just scale and try to be better at tfs. U can buffer E to stop his ult after it lands if he uses it at long range.
RNG based: if u get bad rng and get crit too much early u lose, after that u win even with his ult. ext ign and start E if u arent comfy first 2 lvls, wait for lvl 3. If he gets ahead just play safe, he cannot win u at fast trading and even less dive u alone.
STAT CHECKER: He wins even if he fails his W completely late game, early game just fast trade him. Side his E with W, u dont outscale him, but he is useless in splitpush, since u stack lot of hp dont give him free R into your team, or u can kill them.
Rush cleaver and u win, dont use W or Q in her W, remember W has a long CD so trade after it. if u had good reflexes u can use E to stop his E and put her into the wall, side step Q when possible to stop Second Q from dmg u, dont understimate her, she has really high dmg.
Tahm Kench
The most known Stat checker in the game: u win after 2 items with letal tempo easily, before that some tips, use E if he W u to slam into a wall or dodge it with ur W, side Q with W and fast trade him, try to trade between minions so u can stop his second Q. Dont get too close to tower without ur E or he will eat u and put u into it like gragas.
Another bad Stat checker like u: I was main of this champion before riot kill it without nerfing him directly. So hes a forgoten champion, with his main dmg being uncontrolable after cheese (when he doesnt put a point into it), just beware of this. Dodge Q with W, try to E into a wall if he goes past u, because second E put him really close to u, if he waste W or Q go all in he already use his main dmg or his antiheal. When he loses scarl wait for cds without giving him courage and destroy him with fast combo, dont use ignite before this. In late game he has little cd, but his stats are still **** not like u and his item are also ****, so u just run him down. go whatever build u want, except tank of course.
Beware of this idiot, he can build ap, fail every E and still win u 1v1 if the trade is long enough, use E to disengage, but beware his ult is unstopable. ext + ign needed here, go whatever u want. Play smart not hard and beware of his passive statik dmg (another stupid thing of this champ)
who still play this?: Full ad udyr is really bad in top, just use E for Empower tiger. Ap u win short trades, dont underestimate his healing. Botrk since he builds dmg first then tank.
Play smart not hard: dodge E, engage after and use E if he ults. U destroy him, ignite needed for healing, hes cant burst and also deal dps, dont use ext here unless needed for another champion. U can win 1v2 depending enemy jungler. In tf u can burst him or use E to make him go away from ur team and reduce healing, by that point he will be so bad behind that a ward is more usefull. Botrk is really good here since he stacks HP with passive and items.
more of a Gank set-upper than an actual champ against u: normally he bully lanes because high dmg and disengage with Q, if he uses W from long use E into a wall, W/Q after Q, remember Q has low CD and only knockup in short range, he has cc and slow, build the boots depending on the rest of the team. beware of gank, his W let him behind u so try to buffer E so u E him instantly as he appears, so he doesnt Q u to his jungler. A minion after ur first item, another one that suffers from ignite.
One of the 2 u can go tank and just farm him (if really needed because the rest of his team destroys u). His Q goes in low cd after getting canceled, so sidestep it with W or cancel it with Q and then use E in the next one. dont follow him with ur ult. another Hp stacker, destroy him with botrk. Go tp because he can use tp/ult to go lane while u reset, push fast and destroy ur tower in nanoseconds.
Dr. Mundo
One of the 2 u can go tank and just farm him (if really needed because the rest of his team destroys u). D shield and second win for Q poke, dodge Q with W, destroy passive with Q, and use E creative into a wall. Rush botrk with scepter first for lifesteal. Easy lane.
Who the plays this into u or blind it top idk: free win, u statcheck him, ignite before his W and dont use Q if he has e ready. PTA is better here because of burst, but u can use letal for scale since this is free. This and briar both has broken chains in their sounds lul useless fact.
My fav champ in top, but useless now and nobody plays it even before: if u get picked against u, smile because u destroy him, he needs to cheese lvl 1 u but u win so dont be afraid, ext + ign. He will try to proxy but he cannot push lane against u, so dont let him. His ult cancels ur W, but if u land ur ult dont cancel it, because it runs towards the closest vision champion until he appears again, use Q before E goes into the wall too much then E him fast. go whatever u want except tank, because red kayn can still statcheck u even behind. if he uses W use W into him, or at side if he is red already.
I see this most times i like: he can never kill u, if he goes ap u statcheck him and if he goes tank with cleaver u kill him easily. Dodge E with ur W and his W taunts u, something like u do already so idk thank u i guess(?
Beware of barrels and Passive reset dmg, yeah he can destun himself with oranges but u still win, u can E barrels to stop dmg, u can go barrier if u feel uncomfy, but other sums are better.
I didnt play against this but since he need to use bushes close to walls u can just slam him or u can push him at the other side negating the pasive jump stack, beware of his high dmg and W heal dont fast trade him because he heals all of that. ign ext here.
I play vs this 2 times, the 2 times i just destroy her, but both lillias were really bad. U cant use E to cancel ult, u can use W and Q to go into him and he cannot use outside Q, use E to stop W since it deals a lot of dmg, she burns mana like crazy, but has a lot of move speed. D shield and second wind are god here. Be creative and bait Q and E the most u can.
U destroy him, but beware of W slow and **** att speed reduction. rush botrk and try to deny him most farm u can, if he ults u, try to slam or move him with E after W runs our, and just wait for ult to run out. ignite god for lifesteal passive.
Worst than malph in lane but better in tfs and general game, %hp dmg, unstopable, u can cancel his E with yours but dont try to slam into pilar, he destroys it if he hits. After 6 use E or own ult for ult or dodge with W but is really big, u can also move him away with e but he can cancel it with W and recast ult. if he starts with armor and no potion he will build bramble, try to low his hp before this. late game u destroy him regardles but his a master in tfs and also gives better items to his team, ign tp or ign ext depends on his team, ext is good against his burst but no necessary. He requires brain, something that most players dont have, including myself, abuse this.
What is the problem with him, he can fast trade u with lots of dmg and then run with E, and u cannot use W to go behind him. buffer E to his W into u to slam or get him away, then use Q and W if he E or use W and Q after he slam the shield to stop his fast escape. Beware of his Q when u are low hp, ur E will not save u. Ext really needed here, u can go tp ext to scale, u scale better, dont fast trade him then use E to move him away, after it u are vulnerable to his combo.
Another stat checker: u win lvl 1 or if he waste something, use he if u know hes gonna use W, u win long trades, he can dodge ur E with his E. Dont understimate his ult and burst, use ext ign. E E champion.
Normally a cancer champ, idk if this is also for Briar, i lack info. U probably win if u initiate after he goes red.
STAT CHECKER: Dont understimate his ult and dmg, he can run u down with it, u can win mid game or if he has no ult (it doesnt have too much cd). He steals your ult stats and AD, u cant out run his W+E and his move speed can be enough to dodge ur E. Survive.
Unlike his brother, he has nothing to do to u. Use E or W to dodge Q and dont get ult, u stat check him and more if u go ext ignite. make him regret playing this. Beware of his E to dodge yours.
skill match favorable to u: He can use your self taunt to land His W and land his combo and run, but u can use your ult to engage him after stun if timed correctly. D shield and second wind. run him down on first 2 lvls or if waste W. Ur kit W and Q has less cd than his W, so u can bait him by bitting a minion (since u can heal really good), ur E has only second less u cannot use it to bait.
Fast combos:
-Q+W+aa+W2 then E and run
-W+aa+Q+W2 then E and run
-Q+E into wall
-AA+Q+AA i dont like it since is only usable to lvl 1 Q PTA start and i dont like it
Auto cancels: Q+w1+w2 and hydra can cancel autos
Never be the first on engaging in tfs, u are not a frontlaner, u are a bruiser/assasing u will get destroyed. This also helps u land ult since enemies will be distracted.
Ur ult gives alert enemies before proyectile launch and is even slow than ashe arrow (which BTW doesnt give any alert and is a 3.5 stun nice one riot), so try to use enemies movement and distraction to land it. U can also throw it to where u think they will move.
Go search for her page in a wiki for more interactions details.
She has a lot of bugs, the most common ones for me are:
-Sometimes your Q will cast on a minion even if u have your mouse in a champion and with only champions active.
-Your E can be autocanceled, why? i still dont know.
If u are the only frontlaner then u are cook, Briar cannot be the first to engage since getting the focus on her makes really easy to kill her/protect adc,mages,squishys and also u will not land ult on the target u want.
If u are not, then wait for enemy to engage on ur ally or grab someone that is far from the team and kill them, u can use ult long range after they engage but beware of hitting a tank.
Ur main focus are people that can kill u fast and are easy to kill, so u can win the TF by outsustain the enemy, if u cannot outsustain because they have multiple high dmg sources then ur main focus is killing what can carry tfs or to make them run from tfs so ur team wins them.
Use E even if u are in ult to tank more, the more u are alive the more usefull u are to your team, it doesnt matter if u kill someone or not, ur whole existence is a menace to enemy.
Briar is really good at pushing lanes, but really bad at taking towers. So unless u have really bad team comp and cannot fight properly or if u have grubs, ur best course of action is to shadow an ally (wait close to them but far enough so enemy doesnt see u) or to wait in a bush like garen kill whoever comes close to it. All of this is there is a objective that is up or close to up (like a minute or so), if not then go farm u need items to win dont waste time.
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