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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Way of the Wanderer (PASSIVE)
Yasuo Passive Ability
All information regarding my choices can be found in the notes of the corresponding field. Just hover your mouse over the little "+Notes" and you will see them. I will also, for convenience put them in their own section with some more indepth information.
Hello and welcome to my pretty simple Yasuo-guide. It's my first guide here on Mobafire so do not be too cruel with me ;)
This guide will be covering Yasuo, the newest addition to the League. His playstyle can be described as swift and fast. Normally you will see Yasuo build tons of damage and getting ready to own anyone he touches. This guide takes a different approach. While we add in some early damage to kill squishies without worries, we still want to get most of the one skill, that for me makes this champion really good: His ult.
But this here is the introduction so not too much shall be told.
So, let us get some pros and cons regarding Yasuo.
- He is a really mobile champion when played correctly
- He requires skill (which is attractive for some people)
- He is a samurai
- His skin is a freaking Cowboy-Samurai
- His lategame is really strong
- His midgame can be really strong
- He was made for Trinit... tons of damage
- His early is... meh.
- His midgame can be... meh.
- He gets countered by tons of champions in the current meta
- Playing him with more than 60ms delay makes you feel uncomfortable
- He requires skill (which is not attractive for most people)
Let us start off with our runes.
We choose 5x

Second 4x


For Quints I choose 3x

Other possible options for runes would be:


Double Edged Blade - Dealing 2% more damage while receiving 1% more is a trade you can make. You arguably do not need to as from plain math it won't help you (5 guys deal 1% more damage compared to 1 person dealing 2% more) still it is an improvement in 1v1 and could maybe secure you a kill.


The start

Regarding the trinket: For me it depends on my team which trinket I choose. Most of the time I take the Warding Totem but sometimes also the Farsight Orb might be a good idea.
First back

Core Items

So, when you got these 3 you are ready for late. They will cost quite something, though, so keep on farming to get them!
I got 'em all... what shall I do now?
When the game is still going on and you need more goodies to be stronger you have to choose. Either you go more tanky. Pick up

Or go more offensive with e.g.

Early Game
Early game is all about not loosing. Without your junglers help the chance of winning your lane is minimal, so just try to not fall behind too much. Get as much CS as possible with your Q as it enables you to keep some distance. Try not to use your E too much as it pushes the wave when you stack it up (The damage is kinda high with +100%). Best would be to have the wave on your side of the river but not exactly at your tower as you will always loose some cs to it.
Trading: Trading early with Yasuo can be an efficient way to make sure not to loose your lane. When you see that you will get 2 before they do (you killed the wave faster than they did for whatever reason) try to get yourself to 3 Q-stacks right as you hit 2, e into your enemy and knock him up with the Q. Get one more auto off and e away again. If you are lucky and crit: Gratulations you just made your lane way easier. If not... fear not, it could be much worse. E.g. when their laner gets 2 first. If this happens you have to be really, really defensive. They will outdamage you so hard in 99% of all cases that you should really fear them - and you don't even have your E to get away if they jump on you. If the wave is in the middle of the lane and this happens you surely will loose some CS - but that's WAY better then loosing your life in an attempt to secure yourself 20 gold.
Combos (I will add some images for these asap):
Q (minion) -> E (minion as often as you like, close gap) -> Q (enemy) -> E (enemy, get behind them and move away so you don't take damage) -> Q (enemy, knock them up and get another auto off) -> E (minion, get the hell out of there)
This one is really strong and if you have your shield up makes for a really save trade - IF your enemy does not have a gap closer + cc (e.g. Jax, Irelia). If they do, I double dare you to do this... you will always loose the trade.
2xQ -> E (minion) -> Q (enemy, knock him up and get one auto off) -> E (minion, get the hell out of there)
The shorter version of 1, if you get lucky with crits you can deal quite some damage here and you are way safer against CC + Gapclose as you can get away through minions. Keep in mind, that there actually have to be minions for this to work (but not too many so you don't take ~200 minion damage while doing this)
Mid Game
Mid game usually is the point when the first objectives are contested. People start to group and get down towers and claim dragons and jungle control. Top lane at this point can pan out in 2 ways. Either you join your team to win fights and rush down objectives or you stay and start splitting. Splitting, or split-pushing CAN win you games - however it really depends on your skill and on the skill of your teammates whether it's going to be successful or not. Splitpushing requires 2 main things:
1.) Awareness of the map.
2.) Pressure.
First off it is important that you always keep your imaginary third eye on the minimap. Each 2-3 seconds you should take a peek if you can still see 3+ enemies. If you don't - run like a lil' girl as enemies are probably collapsing on you (and even if they are not - better safe then sorry). Secondly you can not push without pressure in the other lanes. If there is nothing better to do for your enemies besides killing you they will prolly do just that - kill you. And surely you don't want to die. So make sure your team is in any other lane or at any objective and pressures the enemies. Still make sure your team can escape in a 4v5 or they will just die and you gained nothing but bad scores.
Other than that keep on farming. When you have your Trinity Force you can actually start fighting (and winning against) most enemies if they aren't overly fed or overly tanky.
Late Game
Late game is where you can shine, your bright moment. You want a team with some sort of heavy knock-up engage. The truly most epic thing you can have is

However this does not mean that you won't win without knockups. Still, they make things easier. Yet there are other ways to engage fights. As you are a tanky champ you can often engage a fight without dying, so flash into e, into knockup Q into R can often lead to nice 3 man ults which giving your team time to follow and win the fight. Besides engaging you have 2 more important roles.
1.) Protect your squishies with your windwall.
2.) Kill their squishies.
The first one is pretty simple. Get your windwall between their squishies and yours. You surely do not want an Ashe to ult your AD or an Caitlyn to freely hit your poor Jinx. Getting the wall in the right place (which sounds easier as it is) can win teamfights alone. Try to fight in the jungle and you can block off whole paths with the wall making it really really hard for the enemy AD to kill somebody.
The second one might be harder and depends on the situation. Surely you should kill their AD. You are the Bruiser, you deal damage and still do not die so easily. Yet you can get shutdown really hard if they have some hard peel. Examples are Thresh, Janna or Leona. If those decide to stay at the side of their AD it's often a better idea to simply block him off with a windwall and help your squishies kill their tanks faster than their squishies kill your team.
Think situational and win your game!
Videos with footage from games will follow soon.
Well, I guess the title kind off gives it away. There certainly are some (top-lane) champions you surely do not want to be matched up against. Some will straight out kill you without much you can do, others will just be an annoyance or a skill-based matchup.
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Difficulty: 10/10 |
Well Jax could have been designed for one sole purpose - kill Yasuo. He counters you in each and every aspect of the game. He deals more damage than you can at the crucial levels of 3,5 and 6 and can still easily trade with you at later stages of the game. He can dodge all of your autos and if you engaged on him you are already dead as he can simply follow your E with his ![]() |
Tips: Best advice: Do not pick Yasuo. However, if you somehow got him up against you, first off, try to laneswap. You will do better in a 1v2 compared to a 1v1 against Jax and he will loose quite something, too. If you for whatever reason are still in the same lane as Jax, never ever engage on him when your jungler is not in reach of < 10 Teemos. If you engage on him he simply mitigates 90% of your damage with his E (which also blocks your Q as far as I know) then stun you up and deal ~5x the damage you could have dealt to him. If he engages with his stun up, try to dodge away by using E against a minion or just straight through him. If you don't get stunned it's okay, get away with the help of minions, if you have your third Q up you could even try to Q him up and auto him once - if you aren't 6 yet. Don't ever dare to all in him with your jungler if one of you is below 50% and you are not certain whether you can kill him - free doubles on Jax aren't exactly what you want. Play it safe and hope your team carries you. |
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Difficulty: 7/10 | Let's talk about Riven. I gave her a 7 out of 10 as you can possibly beat her when you play it right. Riven is a somehow 'skillshot'-based melee. All of her spells (besides her W) have a somehow predictable casting time. However once again, make sure to NEVER engage on her if your jungler is not in reach of < 10 Teemos. She simply outdamages you until you have Trinity + Sunfire. At this point you can fight her but still have to watch out for that CC-chain of her as it can blow you up in an instant. |
Tips: 1.) Play it safe. Do not engage on her and ask your jungler for some help. Riven has exceptional escape at level 3 where she has her Q, W and E (most of the time) so try to utilize on this by punishing her with a level 2 gank when you are blue side (coming through their jungle - wards!). Getting an early level lead against her can swing the lane in your favor. 2.) Dodge. As said before all of her skills come with a somehow predictable animation. If she loads up her Q go back and wait for her third one to time out. You will maybe loose 1-2 CS for that but when you get caught by her Q you will loose at least 50% of your health. When she goes full ham on you with her Qs, try to E through minions away from her. When she used her W without hitting you you are one lucky boy and can trade with her by E-Qing into her and getting out again. If you hit 6 and she didn't you can all in her as long as her Q is on CD and she is at least pushed a tad. Make sure you don't dive to far as you want minions to get out when she turns on you by getting a random level 6. 3.) Get to late. When you got your items you can trade with her kinda well as she is reliant on her CC-chain with Q into W. When you can dodge both of them she is most likely easy to kill as she won't deal that much damage thanks to your shield. She is all about the burst so avoid the burst and kill her afterwards. And also: Use your wall to block her ![]() |
More matchups will be added later on when I have more time to play.
15.12.13 - Released the guide, version 0.1
16.12.13 - Item-section was added, also some general gameplay
17.12.13 - Added some matchups and rune-options, reworked the masteries
Well, if you are still with me, thanks a lot. If you just skipped everything to get here - still thanks for opening my guide.
I love to see feedback and some comments below.
Kind regards
15.12.13 - Released the guide, version 0.1
16.12.13 - Item-section was added, also some general gameplay
17.12.13 - Added some matchups and rune-options, reworked the masteries
Well, if you are still with me, thanks a lot. If you just skipped everything to get here - still thanks for opening my guide.
I love to see feedback and some comments below.
Kind regards
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