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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Teemo is one of the few champions who fit well in any lane/jungle. Be aggressive in the early game. If you can do so safely, blind the enemy champions as fast as your q cools down to prevent their creep score from rising. As soon as you get your ult, put a shroom in the bushes in the river to help prevent ganks. Continue to place shrooms in bushes and escape/evasion points ( ex. - the exits from the jungle) as well as the Baron and dragon. Placing shrooms in key areas can alert you to the enemy's whereabouts.
Teemo's q is always what you get first whether you jungle, mid, bot, or top. After you get his q, always get his e so that you can kill them after they get to their tower or after you die(killing people after you die is always fun). You should max your e first since it is your most used ability.
As you may or may not notice, most of the items in this build add attack speed. Teemo's individual basic attack generally doesn't do much damage, unless you gear him toward AD. To compensate, a high attack speed can quickly bring down the enemy and in team fights it helps to get the fatal blow for the kill.
Teemo's shrooms are very useful in getting creep score. They slow minions and poison them too. As with all champs, you should last-hit minions to kill them. But with Teemo, it's also a good idea to hit random minions that are being focused by other minions so you poison can have a chance of killing them. When a large group of minions are , for example, pushing a tower, you should plant a shroom in the middle of the group to poison them to make your extermination quicker.
Teemo in team fights is commonly focused due to his being downright annoying to play against. Try to blind their ADC as much as possible to help win the fight. It is generally a good idea to place shrooms in the middle of the lanes so that enemy minions can't push towers when you aren't looking.
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