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Ekko Build Guide by Cephrus

Middle Carrying through Time - The Ekkonomics to Ekko

Middle Carrying through Time - The Ekkonomics to Ekko

Updated on August 23, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cephrus Build Guide By Cephrus 22,719 Views 4 Comments
22,719 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cephrus Ekko Build Guide By Cephrus Updated on August 23, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ekko
    Mid Ekko
  • LoL Champion: Ekko
    Jungle Ekko


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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About Me

My name is Cephrus; I've been playing Ekko since his release and I've accumulated over 109 thousand points in him across this time.

I've also been maining assassins since season 4, with my secondary main after Ekko being Rengar.

With this guide, I hope to teach the fundamentals of playing Ekko, and give insight on the decisions that led me to create the build I use, in the hopes that you, too, can learn the champion.

My other guides:

Introduction to Ekko

Ekko is an AP Assassin that excels at dealing damage fast then reliably getting out. His kit allows him to go for risky plays while still surviving.

Z-Drive Resonance

Z-Drive Resonance is Ekko's passive, which gives him additional damage on his third ability or attack against an enemy unit, as well as slowing them and giving Ekko a boost of speed. This ability scales with 80% of Ekko's AP, making it his main reliable source of damage.

The movement speed that this passive gives allows Ekko to proc it in very risky circumstances and still survive. Thus, it is important to know when it is safe to do so, as it is easy to underestimate one's ability to escape with the added speed.


Timewinder is a linear skillshot that quickly shoots out, then slowly extends for a small range, then pulls back, dealing magic damage both ways. Timewinder deals more damage on the way back than it does on the way out, and slows any enemies it hits.

It is crucial to learn how to curve Timewinder on the way back, as it can surprise opponents and allow you to get the extra damage off.

Parallel Convergence

Passively, Parallel Convergence causes Ekko's basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage to enemies under 30% of their maximum health, equal to 3% of their missing health increasing by 1% for every 33 AP. This passive is crucial to jungle Ekko, and helps secure a kill when all Ekko's abilities have been used.

The ability's active will create a circular field that will slow all enemies within it for 40% after a 3 second delay. If Ekko is inside the field, he gains a shield scaling with his AP, and all enemies within the field are stunned instead of slowed for 1.75 seconds.

This ability requires you to predict where your opponent will be to be used effectively. Also, it could be used for the shield if engaging in a risky play.

Phase Dive

Phase Dive is a short, linear dash that then gives Ekko's next basic attack a ranged blink and bonus magic damage scaling with Ekko's AP.

The dash can be used to cross small walls, and can be used to cancel Ekko's other animations. More on that later. The blink can be used to evade projectiles, as if Ekko is "hopping" over them. The range of the blink can be extended with the use of Rapid Firecannon, as well.

This ability has great synergy with Lich Bane, Hextech Revolver, and either Luden's Tempest or Enchantment: Runic Echoes, procing all of these passives. These items add a significant portion of burst to Ekko's kit.


Chronobreak is Ekko's ultimate ability. It blinks him to his location 4 seconds in the past, restoring health based on the damage he has taken in that time, and dealing massive magic damage to enemies around the location he blinked to.

This ability can be used for damage in fights when people lose track of Ekko's location, and in order to do so, it is crucial to have the positioning to allow yourself to escape without your ultimate, and leave your shadow in a location where enemies will be in damage range.
The most common use for Ekko's ultimate is to escape from bad positioning. This is fine, though when one does this, they usually sacrifice the damage portion of it. When using Ekko's ultimate, it is important to know whether it is necessary to use to escape, or if it can be saved to be used for its damage.
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Pros / Cons


  • Relatively easy to play.
  • Can solo-carry games if played well.
  • Has many escapes, making him difficult to punish for mistakes
  • Has a very safe lane, even when behind.


  • Squishy
  • Easy to mess up positioning with Chronobreak
  • Build is expensive, hard to get Core items when behind
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Runes, Masteries, and Ability Sequence

Mid Lane


The masteries for mid are fairly standard, with Thunderlord's Decree for the additional damage when procing Z-Drive Resonance, though alternatively Stormraider's Surge may be used, if preferred.


The rune page gives 26 AP to make early game damage better, though the glyphs can be swapped in part to cooldown reduction per level if necessary.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Ability Sequence

This ability leveling pattern focuses Ekko's damage abilities ( Timewinder and Phase Dive), leveling Chronobreak whenever possible.
There may be situational changes in the leveling order, an example of which when facing a champion that is not safe to all-in at level 2, where it is better to level Parallel Convergence over Phase Dive, due to its safety.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



Masteries in the jungle come down to personal preference. Thunderlord's Decree will provide additional damage against champions, which is useful for assassinating a target, though Strength of the Ages provides additional health for survivability in the jungle.


Flat ability power and attack speed help Ekko's first clear. The attack speed synergizes with Parallel Convergence's passive.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Ability Sequence

In the jungle, it is best to start Parallel Convergence, due to its passive damage, though starting Timewinder is also viable. Aside from this, the leveling order is the same as mid lane.
Phase Dive has no real use in the jungle, therefore it is best to level at level 3 when beginning to gank.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Core Build

Lich Bane is a core item because it empowers Ekko's Phase Dive, giving him more burst damage.

Void Staff is the best damage item for gold value, determined by Aqua Dragon. The magic resist shred and high ability power make this item a great buy.

Rabadon's Deathcap amplifies Ekko's ability power and is a great item going into the mid/late game.

Sorcerer's Shoes give magic penetration and amplify the damage Ekko can deal to other champions. Ekko does not need cooldown reduction, since his damage is limited by his passive, Z-Drive Resonance's static cooldown.

Items to Build When Behind

Luden's Echo gives ability power and a passive that has great synergy with Timewinder. This item excels at waveclear, combined with Timewinder and Z-Drive Resonance, thus it is great if the enemy is pushing you in constantly (a la Malzahar).
It is also a good replacement for boots in the late-game.

Morellonomicon gives Ekko mana and cooldown reduction in lane, allowing him to delay recalls, and use Timewinder twice to proc Z-Drive Resonance. This is an excellent item as a whole, but is great if Ekko is behind as well.
Abyssal Scepter is an excellent buy against AP enemies, giving magic resist, and ability power, along with a magic resist shredding aura. Much like Morellonomicon, this item is a great buy even if not behind.

Zhonya's Hourglass is a good item to buy against either AD enemies or if you are being one-shot. This item gives good ability power alongside its defensive stats, as well as cooldown reduction. As a great defensive item, it also makes for a good last item in a build.

Zhonya's Hourglass can be used in conjunction with Parallel Convergence to stun enemies right after coming out of stasis, or with Chronobreak to allow for repositioning.

Additional Damage

The Core build provides enough damage for a reasonably long game, however, there may be circumstances in which one would want to build more damage items.

Hextech Protobelt-01 has an AoE active that scales with ability power. This item can be used in tandem with Phase Dive to increase burst, and can also be used for mobility.

Hextech Gunblade boosts burst damage against one target and increases sustain with the Omnivamp passive. The added burst is useful if the standard combo is unable to one-shot the enemy. This item is to Ekko how Duskblade of Draktharr is to AD assassins; it secures the kill.

Rapid Firecannon extends the range of Phase Dive and allows for greater gapclosing distance. It also adds additional damage to the attack, though not as much as Lich Bane.


Spirit Visage amplifies the heal on Chronobreak, allowing for extra survivability in fights. This item is also great against AP team compositions.

Guardian Angel; a fairly standard item for a carry. Gives you another life if you are unable to use Chronobreak or Zhonya's Hourglass.

Other Items

These items are good buys as well, though they don't fit quite well into the other categories. Thus, they are placed here.

Rod of Ages can be considered a core item by some, and to an extent it is, though it is better for scaling. The Core items in this build are centered around immediate damage, and Rod of Ages does not fit the build. A build involving the item would involve rushing the item, then building the other core items, power spiking later rather than when building each item.

Mejai's Soulstealer: a good item, though not very effective when behind. Build if expected to snowball that game.

Nashor's Tooth: Not the best item for Ekko, but it is viable.

Items to not build

Iceborn Gauntlet and Sunfire Cape: Tank Ekko is not welcome here.

Liandry's Torment is not an efficient item on Ekko. Though it is relatively easy to get the bonus damage with Z-Drive Resonance or Timewinder, the damage is not consistent enough to warrant purchasing it.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Ekko does not need additional slows, as he has Z-Drive Resonance, Timewinder and Parallel Convergence.

Archangel's Staff: Ekko has no spells that he can reliably spam ( Timewinder isn't a prime spamming ability like Mystic Shot), and Ekko does not need the mana. Don't build this item.

Guinsoo's Rageblade: Not a good item on Ekko. Ekko won't be in the fight long enough to charge the item up, and his abilities do not have the on-hits to make this item worth it if it were charged up (Yes, Parallel Convergence does synergize well, though if the enemy is at low enough health, Guinsoo's Rageblade won't make a difference).
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Basic Combos

Ekko is no Riven or Renekton, but he does have his share of cancels and combos.

The Basic Combo

This is Ekko's basic combo during laning phase and it is the easiest way to harass or poke down an enemy.
Timewinder the opponent, then Phase Dive to curve the Timewinder so that both procs hit, giving the opponent two stacks of Z-Drive Resonance. Then, use the blink portion of Phase Dive to proc Z-Drive Resonance and run out.
This combo is relatively safe, as long as the opponent is unable to hard crowd-control Ekko after he finishes his combo. It is wise to wait until the enemy has their hard crowd-controlling abilities on cooldown before engaging.

The All-In

This combo can be used to either kill the opponent, or create an opportunity to deal damage. Unlike the Basic Combo, this combo does not require the enemy to be hit by both procs of Timewinder.
Lead in with Phase Dive, then, while mid-dash, use Timewinder in the direction of the enemy. Follow up with a basic attack to finish Phase Dive, then another basic attack to proc Z-Drive Resonance. Try to use the speed from Z-Drive Resonance to curve the Timewinder into hitting the opponent on its return, although this is not imperative.
It might be wise to lead in with Parallel Convergence before doing the combo, to open the potential to stun the opponent and to get the shield as a fallback if the combo fails.

Chronobreak + Phase Dive escapes

Phase Dive can immediately be used after Chronobreak, before the animation completes. This interaction is the same with Flash.
To perform this combo, use Chronobreak, then use either Phase Dive or Flash, or both, then throw Timewinder at the enemies and/or use Parallel Convergence for the shield, and run away.

Animation Cancelling

Phase Dive

Phase Dive can be used to cancel Parallel Convergence or Timewinder's animation.
In order to perform this, cast either Parallel Convergence, Timewinder, or both, during the dash portion of Phase Dive.
This cancel is useful for catching the enemy off guard, or to reveal an area for escape.


Chronobreak can be used to cancel either Phase Dive, Flash, or Timewinder's animation.
This cancel is useful when escaping from enemies, allowing you to slow them coming out of Chronobreak.
Performing this cancel involves casting the spells just before Chronobreak ends.

Tiamat + Phase Dive

Phase Dive's basic attack portion can be cancelled, preventing it from resetting the attack speed timer. This allows Ekko to attack twice almost simultaneously, provided he has enough attack speed.
To perform this cancel, Tiamat or Ravenous Hydra must be used during the blink from Phase Dive. Then, auto attack the enemy to get another attack off.
This combo is not useful for most Ekko builds, as it requires high attack speed to function correctly, but was included because it is an interesting interaction.
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Ekko, being a very versatile champion, can use a variety of spells to aid him in combat.
Flash is an excellent mobility spell that allows you to instantly relocate yourself to make plays. It can also be used in tandem with Phase Dive to close a large gap. This spell offers enough mobility to warrant taking it every game.

Ignite is a good spell for securing kills during the game. It is favorable to take on easier matchups, such as Katarina, as it allows for more kill potential in lane.

Smite is essential on Jungle Ekko, for securing buffs and making the jungle clear possible (Ekko's early clear is abysmal).

Cleanse is good against a champion with crowd control as an integral part of their kit (i.e Lux, Morgana, Twisted Fate). It allows Ekko to be more aggressive and make plays without worrying about being crowd-controlled in an unfavorable spot. It can be used to Chronobreak from being crowd-controlled, providing extra safety to Ekko even after laning.

Ghost provides great roaming power, as it allows Ekko to quickly rotate to other lanes and catch up to people after Z-Drive Resonance wears off.

Barrier is the best summoner spell to take into a difficult matchup. It allows Ekko to negate burst damage, making it good against LeBlanc or other similar burst champions.

Exhaust is also good against difficult matchups, though more specifically those that involve attacking for damage (a la Yasuo).

Teleport gives Ekko map-wide presence and allows him to gank using the ability. Not the best ability choice for mid lane or jungle, but is good if Ekko is being played top lane.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cephrus
Cephrus Ekko Guide
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Carrying through Time - The Ekkonomics to Ekko

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