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Malphite Build Guide by TejiBoi

Top Caught between a rock. And a hard place. [WIP]

Top Caught between a rock. And a hard place. [WIP]

Updated on July 20, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TejiBoi Build Guide By TejiBoi 35,453 Views 2 Comments
35,453 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TejiBoi Malphite Build Guide By TejiBoi Updated on July 20, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Malphite
    Very nice
  • LoL Champion: Malphite


Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Hello everyone! My name is Teji or Tejiboi.

Thanks for looking at my build guide. As it is my first it might not be the best ever. So please come with feedback for me to get better at this. Thanks.

Without further ado. here is my guide on AP Malphite Hope you enjoy

I also have a Youtube channel where i mostly upload funny moments from different games.
Id you like this build i will soon have a video about the build. and other things like that.


+ Can poke alot with Seismic Shard early
+ Strong Combo more about that later
+ Powerful if you are ahead
+ Crowd control with his Unstoppable Force

A lot of fun is had with this champion. I love to play him and i recommend everyone to try this and see what it really can do to a squishy champion and what a great crowd control he actually has with his Ultimate
Unstoppable Force

- Slow
- Needs core items to be usefull
- Miss a ult? well no combo
- Easy to counter with ranged champions

As said he is alot of fun but counters are still out there. Alot of people like to play ranged champions top which can be a good and a bad thing. Just play accordingly to their build and their abilites and do not be a bad sport about getting matched up against one of your counters

Flash: Is a must have ability. It is a great escape tool but also a perfect spell to get closer for a combo with your Ultimate Unstoppable Force

Ignite: is perfect for when you want to be sure when playing that you get a kill. Just a little extra damage to make them die. A great choise

Teleport: Great for getting around. For going top fast after dying/backing to not lose your tower to fast.

Main Path
Sorcery Gives you 25 AP
Arcane Comet:Damaging an enemy champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location, or if Arcane Comet is on cooldown, reduces its remaining cooldown. Adaptive Damage: 30-100 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) (+ 35% bonus AD)

This is a great rune because you can use it to do more damage with your Seismic Shard pokes and when you do your combo

Manaflow Band:Every 60 seconds, your next ability used has its mana or energy cost refunded, and restores 8% of your missing mana or energy.

A great asset to this rune page. Will refund most of your poking and when you have it for the combo the
Unstoppable Force cost will be refunded. which costs 100 Mana

Absolute Focus:While above 70% health, gain an adaptive bonus of up to 24 attack damage or 40 ability power (based on level).

This is a game changer. with your Health over 70% you gain some additional Ability Power. which is great for the combo.

Scorch:Your next ability hit sets champions on fire, dealing 20-60 bonus magic damage based on level after 1 second.

This is great for both early game and mid/late game. with a little burn it can mean you get the kill with that Magic Damage.

Second Path
Precision:Gives you +18% Attack Speed

Triumph:Takedowns restore 15% of your missing health and grant an additional 25 gold.

This is a great rune because it can save you from dying after a takedown. With not only a Health restore it also gives you Gold not alot but can mean that you might finish a last item or start on a new one.

Coup de Grace:Deal 10% more damage to champions who have less than 40% health. Additionally, takedowns on champions grant an adaptive bonus of 9 Attack Damage or 15 Ability Power for 10 seconds.

This rune is great for killing a opponent which is low on Health and you want to secure the kill. just use your Unstoppable Force and a Seismic Shard it should do the job. Or just do a combo for being sure that the champion dies.

For AP Malphite you need to start of with either a Corrupting Potion for easy sustainability in lane. or if you want you can start a Doran's Ring with two Health Potion's for more Ability Power. Just lane accordingly to the champion you are against.

After a while you will have enough to buy a Hextech Revolver and maybe a Kindlegem These two items will help with a little Health and some Ability Power.

Just play as normal and finish the items in the order that seems most obvious to do in different situations. After you have purchased the hextech protobelt-01 remember to pick your boots for the whole enemy team not only your opponent. if you are ahead. go Sorcerer's Shoes if not go either Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi

My usual full build would be

Hextech Protobelt

Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Iceborn Gauntlet: This does so i do more damage after using a ability and then auto-attacking. which will result in a kill or doing alot of damage to a tank, It also has 20% Cooldown Reduction

Rod of Ages

Liandry's Torment


Sorcerer's Shoes
  • Sorcerer's Shoes: This is at the end to just have a clean build. You should go for the boots after the first item. or even before having one whole item. This atleast helps you do more damage with the magic penetration

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

> > >
I always complete my Seismic Shard before anything else. Then i go for my Ground Slam. and at last i finish my Brutal Strikes. Feel free to spice it up. it is only my preffered method. sometimes it can be better to have other sequences. Keep in mind that you must alwasys level up Unstoppable Force when you can.

The combo isn't really hard to do this. But some of you might not know how to do it.

It is as easy as using Unstoppable Force into the enemy, then you use your Seismic Shard, Third you use your Ground Slam and last your Brutal Strikes. That wasn't to hard was it? But why this combo?

First the Unstoppable Force is the starter. It knocks up the enemy/enemies you hit. It has a range 1000 units which is a great distance. but with your Flash you can get even closer to the enemy. To ensure that you hit them.

Second the Seismic Shard does damage aswell as it slows the enemy for 4 seconds

Third the Ground Slam deals damage and it also slows the enemies attack speed by quite a bit. which stops adc's and champions with fast attack speed to kill you fast.

Last but not least the Brutal Strikes is used to end the target and do as much damage as possible.

in between this your Liandry's Torment has done some burn damage, and the Iceborn Gauntlet did some damage aswell. Last if you have Ignite. light the enemy on fire if you are suspicious of them dying or not.

Here is a short video about the combo

That was it for my AP Malphite build. I have said how his ability set works.
how the items help. Why i chose the different runes and how i play him.
This was an expirience it was fun to make this build. look forward to making more of these. As said in the introduction i am looking forward to any feedback.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TejiBoi
TejiBoi Malphite Guide
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