Lane matchup isnt to bad early game but becomes a issue with her high mobility of w and ultimate. Most Ahri will just perma push with Q and w and roam. You have high kill potential on her during laning phase. If you dont kill her before 6 the match becomes extremely hard. You need to get a lead
Zed match up used to be extremely hard but now it is purely skilled if you know how to play it. Big tip is do aggressive trading early with W q you will out trade. Make should you dodge the Double Q but him. Once he hit 6 always E behind youself and he is really simple. You completely out range him so make sure you space correctly
Just take First Strike and farm. You can have a 2 stacked wave against him and you will still lose trade. This champ needs nerf. Just farm and survive and consider that a win.
Try to kill early but honestly just miserable match up. you can either go comet and try to kill but safer to go first strike and play to farm.
Annoying match up because of passive and she just buys health item. Go first strike and just to play to farm. Likely hood of you killing her is so slim early game.
Annoying matchup you can kill her early with comet fairly easily. Biggest thing is at 6 to make sure your not in ranked to be tibbers and should be easy matchup.
Aurelion Sol
He is super easy matchup. Go comet with ignite and spawn that W Q combo off cd with comet. Since he has to stand still to press q should be ez target. Biggest thing is to not waste E. Good Sols will wait for you to waste E and fly towards you and since you cant cancel wit without stun you cant do anything. You shoudl be easily 2-3 kills on him
Ez match up you hyper out poke him and just farm kills on him after ludens. Go comet tree
Super ez match up only annoying thing is being perma pushed in. Get early prio and try not to lose it.
Can be little hard of match up but you can kill her with comet tree. Biggest thing is just dodging her Q but if she does land it she will run you down. Only use E if she tries to run you down and just simply poke her.
Easiest match up just bully him with Comet. You win at every stage of the game.
Just dont get hit by Q and poke him. He is really squishy early so should be ez kills.
Very scary match up. You can kill with comet but her damage is insane. Just watch her passive auto stacking up and dodge her Q. If she lands Q just walk away dont you dare try to trade. Use your max distance. If she kills you early she will farm you on repeat with ulti
Ekko is soo boring. So most high elo Ekko just perma farm with Q and roam and never even try to fight you. But if you find a aggresive one its fairly simple. If he E towards you should be really ez to stun and walk away. Don't get hit by his q in lane should be really ez to dodge. Be outside the wave so he has to decide on Qing you or the wave.
This match up is fun in my opinion but im a pyscho. Biggest thing is never get in range to get hit by his E early. You can poke him down really easily pre 6 if you know how space him. at 6 you need to be away of the range of his Q R combo but normally if you are max range the shark is really slow and you can just move out the way. If he kills you early glhf your toast for the rest of game :3
I go back and forth with this match up. You can play for kills actually really easily. He just pushes and farms. Just make sure your not in range of his E and you should never be at risk. You can go either FS or comet up to you
Just make sure you are not in range of your range minions when he is mele form. Most jayce think they are clever and try to slow you off your casters. You can kill him very easily in laning. Go comet page
THIS CHAMP IS MISERABLE :3 I go comet not for the farm jsut because every irelia is a crazy nutcase. They will do the most aggresive trading. Just try to save your e for when she tries to clear your casters. Play really far away from your minions and let her push you in. Dont die every irelia ints mid game.
Kass you need to play super aggresive and get early lead. If you play to scale you will lose. Just spam poke and you will have a good chance of killing not that bad. Mid game just try to play off other people stuns on him and cc lock him down. go comet
Go first strike and farm he just pushes
He is scary with at level 6 but is really squishy you should go comet and platy for kills aginst him
With kat she is really easy in laning phase she is super squishy and you can abuse early. Save stun for her ulti. Scary part about kat if she gets 1 kill from you or another laner she just snowballs out of control and farms you on repeat. You should be easily able to pressure in lane with comet
Ez match go comet and play for kills
Go Fs and play to survive and farm. This is your hardest matchup
Go comet and do aggresive tradign you should win this. Its annoying but just make sure you trade with your cds and dont walk up without them
She hard wins early game with her damage but after 1 item you can farm her with ulti. I recommend Comet but you can fs
Not that bad just make sure to bully her pre 6 and stay away from walls after 6. level 6 its jsut postioning and poking her down. Go comet
Just go Fs and farm its boring match up
If rummble is good very hard to trade with him. You have to go comet and poke him when he is pushing and run away when his Q is up. His ulti cd makes him really hard mid game to deal with and position well against
So boring just take FS and farm nothing else you can do.
Go comet and just make sure you dont stand in your wave. He should never be in range to trade with you if you play well. You hard out poke with comet
Annoying match up with her fear but you can kill her early if played well. Go comet. Make sure you dodge ulti mid game and dont be by yourself
Dont get hit by chains and you win. Get hit by chains and you lose. Sadly that simple. go comet page
Pretty even match up you do have slight avantage in early game damage department go comet tree. He outscales you in 1v1 but you do way better in mid game wiht your ulti
Yas is a hard matchup with his dashes and early shield. biggest tip is stun him when he tries to dash toward you in your minions. They are fairly predicable with this. dont try to throw to many w q if he is in your mininon wave becuase he will dodge it with e. poke them when otuside the wave let him push in. Go comet
Yone is super easy early. You can easily out poke him early just watch out for his double q charge. You dodge that and its easiest match up. If you dont gl. Go comet
Go first strike and farm its really hard match up
go fs and farm they just farm also its boring
go comet and farm him. Dont let him scale
Go comet and do lots of auto trading. You hard win early just have to play it smart. If you go even in this match up you do lose.
Hi my name is Chris and I am a 1000lp Xerath mid main. I stream over at Everyday besides Wednesday at 230-8 pm est. I used to play xerath support and peaked 800lp but rigth now I only play mid. If you have any question ask away and I will try my best to address them.
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