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Cringe early game ranged bully, go fleet and Dorans Shield. You can grab him when he throws you away. If he gets ahead you are doomed.
He's to fast to catch, spam E+W, E+Q combos if he gets in range. Later if he uses R, throw him away from your team.
You win lvl 1-5 . After six fight only if she misses E. Late try to R her away from your team.
You win lvls 1-5 and. After 6 you perma lose in his R if you are not super ahead. If you fall behind in this lane just hope that he uses R on you insted of your feed teammate.
Im permabanning this creature because its almost impossible to win early.
Let her push, hope your jungler is not brain damaged and gank you for free kill.
Same as other ranged champ matchups but, if your reflexes are good enough you can interupt her dash with your E and run her down afterwards.
You win lvls 1-5, but he outscales you hard, get Grievous Wounds ASAP.
You lose lvl 1 if she starts E, play as close to her as possible (try to stay in her W at all times), watch out for her stupid R2 and R3 dmg.
After changes she is not as powerfull lvl 1-3 but still can outplay you. Try to poke her with E+Q/W comobos. You can all in her when her W is down.
Ranged champion, go shield + fleet, run him down if he gets near.
Same as Gp, but has insane sustain form passive (buy executioners ASAP!), try to hold him on lane long enought so he loses all of his mana and just run him down.
Yes Riot buff her more, u will probably win lane but then she will "outplay" you with her AA and Botrk
His passive combined with heal makes him almoste imposible to kill early, so hold your W till his low enough then execute him with it. After six watch out for his R, if he dodges your W u are most likely dead or at least he hard wins trade.
He has a lot of dmg, point and click CC and can block your W with his E. Try to E+W so he can't block your dmg.
His passive gives armor, E cancles your AA for some reason and he can go invisible. Try to land E+W combo, if you don't **** up you should win lane.
NOTE: If you build gore drinker his clone counts as enemy champion so you heal more.
His passive is stronger when he's low hp, Try to hold your W to execute him but watch out, he can dodge it with his Q hold.
Go Dorans Shield. If he goes in, block his E dmg with your W shield, build Grievous wounds ASAP.
Dr. Mundo
E his spell shield then crush thingy that he drops of it and run him down.
One of my most hated lanes but possible to beat. Her Passive shield won't block your W, E her when she uses W. If she uses E into you try to dodge it/cancel it with E then just run her down.
Her W is very powerfull but you should win till lvl 6. After 6 if she uses R try to hold at least 1 vital to wall so she can't proc it. Build Grievous wounds ASAP.
Wait till he uses his E then you can just run him down and pin him to you with ur E.
He outscales you after 2/3 items but you should win lane, try to cc him in the end of his E duration and instad W to deal guaranteed W damage, keep in mind that he can also dodge your W with his Q.
She is weak lvls 1-5, but after six she will run you down after you waste your E OR W.
Lee Sin
Creature of a champion in early, just don't fight him lvl 1 and after lvl 2 you should win if you hit your W sweat spot. If you are not comfortable playing this matchup just rush bramble + Steel caps and you should win easily.
Sett outscales Renekton but this is hard match up early game, E him if he tries to E away, if he goes in with his E try to E+W him. Build Grievous Wounds ASAP!
You win lvls 1-5, you can W/E her last Q so she either won't deal dmg/won't deal dmg + cc you, use E+W combo to get that sweet true dmg on her.
Weak early game, spam Q+E and run him down.
Don't fight him, if he starts proxing you wait for him to get low and kill him or just spam ping your jungler to help you kill him.
He has as powerfull levels 1-2 as Sett. Use your W+E combo if he uses W, if he looks for R try to interupt it or hard shove so he will lose as much as possible.
Cringe lane but not as hard as other ranged lanes, go in only when you are sure that you can stick to him, use E+W combo if he blinds you.
NOTE: If he plays phase rush you can't realy do much.
Don't let him poke you with his Q, if he uses his W, wait till it ends and just run him down.
"Skill" matchup but realy sett is just better darius. Let him engage into you, E/R his Q, also you can block his R dmg with your W shield.
If you want to flip game lvl 1 you can try fighting him with W unlocked.
Don't use any abilites till you dismount him, then just blow this yorlde to pieces.
Go Conc and Dorans Shield, if he tries to cs then run him down. If he pokes you with Q wait till his mana is gone and then run him down. If he gets ahead and goes tank you are doomed.
Either you freez for first 20 minuets and if he walks up you punch him to death or try to slow push and dive him with your jungler 24/7.
He can't kill you but you also can't kill him. Try freezing and punish him for trying to cs.
Ward your bushes, if he goes into you just punch him to death.
NOTE: If he has ignite he wins lvl 1.
Tahm Kench
He can eat you while you use W but it will stil deal damage. Wait till he's low enough to kill him with E+W combo.
You should win lvl 1 if his RNG isn't godly, if he tries to escape with his E just interupt it with your E. After lvl 6 hold your E and R till he ults and just CC him for duration of his R.
If he gets ahead don't even dare to walk up to him.
Levels 1-5 you win as long as you are not blocked in his W, after 6 kill Maiden and run him down.
His R deals true dmg but its not an execute so you can block it with your W shield (Expirienced cho players will Q/W you before using R), try to walk up to him when his Q is on cd.
Same thing as Cho'Gath.
Low dmg, if he tries to cs punch him to death.
NOTE he can doge your W with his root.
If you catch him you should be able to just run him down.
If he walks up to cs punch him to death. Interupt his Q with your E, hold Q for second one.
His stronger than yasuo but still not stronger than you. If he uses E to fight you just fight him close to it so he can't run afterwards.
hahahaha me dash on your minions and get to your AA range so you can punch me to death. Be ready for 0/10 power spikes.
Enchanter giving speed boost and shield to immobile high dmg champ.
Scaling clean up champ, just go stridebreaker build and peel for him.
Her follow up to your engages is just insane.
Morgana + Sett = Olaf but has cc and deals more damage.
Her E is broken, her W is broken, her R is broken. By far the best enchanter to play with as Sett.
Miss Fortune
You can set up enemies for her R really easy.
Strong but not as strong as other enchanter supports.
CC and movment speed bonuses are good but not as good as other enchanters.
Enchanter giving speed boost and shield to immobile high dmg champ.
Scaling clean up champ, just go stridebreaker build and peel for him.
Her follow up to your engages is just insane.
Morgana + Sett = Olaf but has cc and deals more damage.
Her E is broken, her W is broken, her R is broken. By far the best enchanter to play with as Sett.
Miss Fortune
You can set up enemies for her R really easy.
Strong but not as strong as other enchanter supports.
CC and movment speed bonuses are good but not as good as other enchanters.
Revitalize - IMO the worst rune choice in last row of Resolve, heal and shield gain is inferior to health or W shield that you would cast if you were able to move or had more hp so you would survive more/deal more dmg.
Unflinching - Take it when you need a lot of tenacity.
Blade of the Ruined King - I don't really like this item, it gives you just pure damage and life steal but its still good item. Build it when you need to split push so you can fight enemies when they come to contest you. Also its very good item vs Mordekaiser.
Hullbreaker - Stats of this item are the best stats for Sett so if you need to split push/fight 1v1 then go for it.
Anathema's Chains - Also great item for split pushing and 1v1 but also very powerful vs feed carries. Go for it if you want to make enemy carry cry :D
Sterak's Gage - Health, Damage and shield scaling from max hp and champions hitting you. Ideal item for burst deny, team fighting and damage.
Gargoyle Stoneplate - Your other items will give you a lot of HP so Gargoyle Stoneplate active will give you a lot, in addition Armor, and MR will make you even tankier.
Randuin's Omen - Build it vs team with 2+ Critical hit users or vs heavy AA reliant teams.
Abyssal Mask - Good item if you need to peel for your team and if you need a lot of HP with MR.
Warmog's Armor - Build it when you have a lot of resits to make them more gold efficient. It has also very good synergy with Titanic Hydra.
Titanic Hydra - One of most broken items for bruiser at the moment. Titanic Hydra gives you HP and AD for all your bonus HP.
Ravenous Hydra - Cleave passive applies itself on your AA, W, E and R. Because of that you will deal more damage and sustain in fights.
Knight's Vow - If you have a lot of defensive stats and your carry is getting bursted in team fights build Knight's Vow to save your carries from dying.
Pit Grit - Sett alternates bettwen left and right punch wich is faster and stronger. Use his right punch to trade, for example last hit a minion with left punch then if your laner is in range hit him with right punch. In addition Sett gains 0.2-2 health regeneration per 5% missing health. This make Sett realy hard to poke down from lane but its still possible. Use it to your advantage by trading hard vs champions that don't have a lot of sustain, this will make you ahead in health wich is very important stat early game. Also if you get Ignited you can use Health Potion and your absurd health regen from Pit Grit to outheal yourself from it.
Knuckle Down - You can use it to chase down enemies and most importantly use it as AA reset.
Haymaker - This is iconic ability of Sett. Use it when your Grit bar is full to gain as much shield and deal as much damage as possible.
Facebreaker - I still see that some players don't understand how this ability works. If you have enemies (Champions, Minions, Monsters) behind you and in front of you using Facebreaker you won't just grab them, you will also stun them for 1 second. Using this stun mechanic you can guarantee your true damage from Haymaker.
The Show Stopper - Use this ability to either engage into enemy team or to suppress high priority targets. Remember that this ability deals more damage if you grab enemy with more BONUS HP + It has hidden scaling from your bonus AD (120%).
Build Explanation
Runes and builds you see above are good because they accomplish this things:
1. Generally good
2. Enables Sett to carry games (not solo carry!).
3. Enables you do a lot even when you are behind.
As of builds I really can't say that one is better than the others because there will be scenarios when you need something else than big chunky Sett dealing 3k true dmg but 200 magic resit/armor big boy front laning for his team. Best advice I can give you all is to think what do you need to win? Is it 1v9 big shlong toplaner that can't get near that 3 marksman champions with galeforce or more tanky boy that can get near with his chemtech to help his team kill them or perhaps you have 4 donkeys sitting mid for no reason and you need to split push? Remember that league of legends is not solo game but team game and YES you can solo carry games by 1v9 BUT not all games are winnable by 1v9 or generally winnable at all. Focus on your mental and try to play with your team.
Tips and combos
CS'ing tips:
In laning phase remeber to CS, its the most important thing in the game. 3 waves of minions are worth more than one kill so if you get a kill but your enemy is 30 cs ahead in reality you didn't gain much. If you max W+E you can clear waves in a blink of an eye making it easy for newer Sett players.
Most basic combos:
Let's start with some basic things. If you AA twice and use Knuckle Down as soon as you see that your second AA dealt DMG you can use Knuckle Down to reset animation between sets of AA so you will avoid Sett delay between second and first AA animation.
Next lets talk about more advanced combos: Facebreaker + Haymaker combos is one if not the best combo for trading as Sett. This combo GUARANTEES that you will hit your Haymaker true damage spot making first Haymaker max Sett very good especialy since his buffs in patch 11.9.
Haymaker + Flash. Basicly you Flash at the end of Haymaker to move it or "Extend" it. I also see that still a lot of people don't know that Sett can Flash while casting Haymaker, so use this combo especialy in lower ELOs to abuse lack of knowledge from your enemies.
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