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Lee Sin Build Guide by ClawsMAC

Jungle ClawsMAC's guide to Lee Sin JUNGLE [8.15]

Jungle ClawsMAC's guide to Lee Sin JUNGLE [8.15]

Updated on August 12, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ClawsMAC Build Guide By ClawsMAC 4,617 Views 0 Comments
4,617 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ClawsMAC Lee Sin Build Guide By ClawsMAC Updated on August 12, 2018
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Sudden Impact
Ghost Poro
Ultimate Hunter

Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi guys! I am ClawsMAC, have played Lee sin for a long time now and just wanted to share my Lee sin Knowledge with you.If you like this guide or it has helped you improve at Lee Sin, please vote or leave a comment so I can know what to improve :)
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Domination is normal on Lee sin, Sudden Impact is good because you can q from the bush ( that's why you use Ghost Poro ) and get a burst of Lethality that can help you nuke squishy targets.Ghost Poro has good synergy with Sudden impact + the fact that you are going to wait into the brush for ganks will give you extra damage.Ultimate Hunter is good for Lee sin because it helps you make good plays with Lee sin's R ( ex. Knocking the ADC into your team ) more frequently.
Precision. Triumph is good because your build helps you tower dive even in early so going under tower and killing anyone in their team and then getting some hp back so you don't die is very helpful on Lee . Coup de Grace is good because you are a jungler, you can find recalling enemies and q them and you get extra damage on them if they are low, it synergizes well with Triumph + the fact that you are going to make plays with your ult on the Adc's, carries etc. so that will help you kill them faster and win the teamfights.
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Skill Sequence

Normally, start with q for the damage.You can also start with W for the shield and life steal, but that is more useful if the one who's giving you the leash is also tanking because you won't lose almost any hp because of your shield + life steal.Max q first because it's your power source, the second max will be w because that allows you to start tower diving because of your shield being upgraded.You can also max E second if you want to oneshot Adc-s but that works better if you are fed.
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Pros / Cons

+a good duelist, has a shield , life steal, slow, and high damage potential
+very good playmaker, lee sin can turn the fight around if he knocks a carry to his team and quickly run away
+high mobility , his w can ward hop over walls and his q can help him escape a chase .
+his q just got buffed so his damage's high.
+ Ultimate doesn't require energy.
+ Hard to master.
-If perma cc/stunned he can't really do anything as his build path doesn't include Mercurial Scimitar, if he buys Quicksilver Sash though it will be a waste of gold
-If kited he's pretty useless especially if his q gets dodged
-He uses energy so he cant use all abilities too fast because if his energy drops it will be pretty hard for him to do anything in teamfights
-If behind enemy jungler he is pretty much useless.
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Creeping / Jungling

I usually start Red Buff, then go do the Chickens near mid-lane, then Blue buff, Scuttle Crab and then Gromp, then I do the rest of the jungle camps, after reaching level 3 look for ganking opportunities as ur e slows enemies and can secure a kill due to Lee sin 's high mobility.
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Team Work

Lee sin works very well with Yasuo because his R allows Yasuo's R so you have a very good synergy with Yasuo.
Lee sin works good with champs that have stuns ex.Anivia because if he knocks the carry into your team and for example, Anivia stuns him it's guaranteed a free kill on the enemy carry.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ClawsMAC
ClawsMAC Lee Sin Guide
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ClawsMAC's guide to Lee Sin JUNGLE [8.15]

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