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Ahri is the most difficult matchup for Ezreal. Her ult can dodge all of your abilities while keeping in range of you, and her passive lets her outsustain you in lane. Farm until 6, and play extremely safe after 6. Keep an eye on her, and follow her roams. Bait her in to a bush if you can, that will be the only kill pressure you have on her. Ahri players vary greatly in skill, but always assume they're better than you. It keeps you humble and smart. Cleanse or TP are recommended summoners, but ignite is not unheard of.
Ezreal can hit Akali in her shroud with all of his abilities, including his Arcane Shift, however this doesn't mean there is kill pressure in lane. Akali can outsustain Ezreal in lane, and can destroy Ezreal after level 6 in proper conditions. Keep your distance after 6, and upgrade your warding totem to a greater vision totem, so that you can place pink wards on her shrouds so your team can focus her easily. Barrier or TP recommended summoners.
There are two ways to play this lane. You can play safe and farm, not killing eachother, or you can play hyper aggressive at early levels to try and pop her passive and get a kill. Anivia has extremely low base health, and is very weak defensively, so if you can land Mystic Shots on her, you can probably secure a kill. Ignite if you want to force a kill, TP if you want to roam.
Annie has a point click stun, but this is a lane that Ezreal can win if played right. Once she has stun, bait her in to walking towards you, walk away and W Q as she steps out of the guard of her minions. Repeat as necessary, then REWQ to finish her off. Ignite is necessary in this lane if you want to kill her, otherwise if you miss a skillshot you're dead. If you want to play the lane safe, TP, Barrier, or Cleanse can be used.
Azir shoves wave hard, but can't really nuke you like you can nuke him. Play safe and know that if you E towards him, he can E towards you and get a shield, so never underestimate that. Azir has higher DPS than you in team fights, so you should try and pick him off so he can't shred your team; don't over commit to the pick though. Ignite is recommended to finish kills on him, because there is kill pressure.
Brand is easy. Don't take too much W poke, if he gets aggressive just WQ him in the face and walk away. Don't let him get close unless you can dodge his Q. If you think you can kill him, which isn't hard, take ignite. If not, take TP and out-roam him.
Cass isn't a hard lane, she has little if any kill pressure. Stay at high range and poke if she tries to pressure you out of CS. Ult her in lane whenever it's up to prevent her of gaining control. Take TP to roam, as she will win most attempts to kill her in lane.
If Cho hits a silence, you should be worried. Don't let him get that close, and you should be okay. He stacks health, so shred him down in fights with Essence Fluxs and Mystic Shots and then ult or E for the kill. Be cautious when shifting in with low health, he can eat you. Personal preference summoner.
Diana isn't very scary because her Q is fairly short range. If she lands a Q, be very afraid and try to E out of her ult range to prevent her engage. Poke a lot with Q once you get Lichbane until she's low enough not to engage, then roam. Personal preference summoner.
If he E's to you, E away. You out-range him by quite a bit, but if he can land his damage, it's devastating. Don't ever let him proc his passive. Ignite is worth taking to reduce his ult's healing, but if you want to play aggressive, be smart about it, and NEVER get hit by his W.
Fizz is scary. You can bully him a lot early game with autos, so Doran's Blade is worth taking. Try and E away from his ult, because if he lands his ult, you're as good as dead. This is one of the few instances where taking hourglass is extremely beneficial. Summoner is down to personal preference, though TP or Barrier are HIGHLY recommended.
Take TP and out-roam him. He will shove to your tower and you have 0 kill pressure on him. When he ults in fights, ult him in the face and nuke him because he's stationary. Ignite or TP are recommended, to out-roam him or stop his healing from his shield.
Gragas has always been a rough lane, and is also terrifying as a jungler. He is always tanky, and is just a wall that eats your skillshots like they're nothing. His bodyslam/flash combo is devastating, as he can combo it in to an explosive cask that knocks you in to his team. He has tough to dodge poke and can shove lane a lot faster than you. Best thing to do is to ignore him and take TP to feed off his team. If you don't die to him, you won the lane.
Heimer is easy. Q his towers to death, sidestep his rockets, and keep distance. The #1 mistake you can make is trying to kill him, so take TP and murder his bot lane while he sits mid lane and farms. Don't sit near his towers, and always keep distance.
Irelia is less about the champions and more about the knowledge. If there is a low health minion near you, she WILL Q E you and probably stun, doing a large chunk of your health. Keep distance from your own minions if they're low, and auto attack her whenever you can. She's very harassable, but only at certain times. If she gets ahead, she can probably 1shot your caster minions, so don't ever go near them and just try to farm with Q. Take TP and feed off her bot lane, it's easier to kill them than her.
Jarvan IV
You either take his Q E to the face and E out of his ult, or E away from his Q E and sit in his ult. You either burn flash or die. Keep a high distance at all times and never underestimate him, roam bot to snowball.
Pretty easy lane. Don't get hit by his Q's, and farm up. If you want kills, take TP and go bot, but don't underestimate your CS. You can farm very well in this lane, which can get you just as fed.
Extremely easy lane. Play dodgeball with him, and see who can dodge more. If he gets close, W Q him for half his health and E away. If he ults you, pop Seraph's shield to block it almost entirely. Ignite is worth taking, there's a lot of kill pressure on him.
Kassadin is the staple Doran's Blade hybrid pen marks opponent. Auto attack him to death and take ignite, you can get a kill before 6 almost always. Either that or he gets no CS. Play very aggressive but ward well. After 6, don't underestimate him, but don't underestimate yourself.
Keep at range and poke her down. She's very mobile, and if she gets resets, there's not much you can do. If you try and auto attack her she'll just Q you and win the trade, so be careful there too. Ult lane and take TP.
Kayle shoves lane, out farms you, and doesn't die. Match her farm, but don't get in range of her Q, or she'll chunk you pretty hard. Take TP.
Kennen can get a reliable stun and kill you pretty easily if he can get in range. Kill pressure is there, but it's for both sides, and he usually wins trades with Q W. Play safe and take TP.
Kog'Maw isn't too scary. Dodge his R like Karthus Q's, and get some hits on him. Don't underestimate his trade with E Q, and never go too aggressive, because he'll usually take barrier or heal.
Leblanc isn't too bad, but it takes a lot of skill. #1 way to play against her is to take E at level 2 like usual, and trade with her immediately. Leblancs love to Q W at level 2 to chunk you, so when you see her use Q, immediately E to the side and shoot a Q at her W's return pad. Her W will miss, leaving her with way less mana and only a Q's worth of damage. Trade autos with her, but keep track of her Q cooldown, it's pretty low.
Lissandra is a nightmare. She'll clear the wave extremely quick, and if you're within a mile she'll E R and her team will murder you. Stay very far away, dodge Q's early, and try to get good hits on her. Ward EXTREMELY well, because if a jungler comes to gank, Lissandra can lock you up without a doubt and you're donezo. Take cleanse if you're scared, or TP if you're cocky.
You can't kill Lulu. She'll save everybody on her time, so never E towards anybody ever. Focus on farming up, and take TP to kill her bot lane.
Lux isn't too bad, it's a farm lane. Farm up mid, and get fed off of her bot lane or at dragon fights. Take cleanse if you're worried, or TP if not.
Malzahar will instakill you if you're in range. Stay out of range, use Seraph's shield well, and if you're getting dumpstered or are worried about it, get a QSS after Archangel's.
Morg's Q is hard to dodge, and if you try to dodge with E it'll probably still hit you. She has a lot of reliable CC and is very sticky, while also being able to save teammates from your burst. Play safe, take cleanse or TP.
If Nid lands a spear, E away as she leaps to you and turn around for a return WQ. She'll take a lot of damage, and you won't take too much. Auto attack a lot when she's in cougar. Ignite or TP.
Farm up in lane, she'll win most trades with her passive and E. Take TP to roam a lot, and ward well to avoid getting ganked.
E away from her 3rd Q, turn around and W Q. She won't have too much followup, and will take a decent amount of damage. When E is on cooldown, don't leave tower.
Swain will destroy you at every point in the game with anything. You can't burst him, so just poke him down with lichbane Q's. Take ignite to shut him down in fights, but shut yourself down early. Take TP to roam early, and hope your support took ignite to shut down his healing.
Syndra isn't too scary. Dodge her Q E and you have a lot of kill pressure. Take ignite if you're confident, or TP if you just want to farm and roam.
Take barrier, because he will destroy you if he gets in range. Stay very far away, and expect him to flash E you at any moment. If he kills you, he will snowball harder than anybody else. Hourglass is worth buying.
Twisted Fate
Take TP, Cleanse, or Ignite. The lane isn't too bad, while he focuses on clearing the wave, focus on damaging him. If you can get him low enough to kill, engage right after he cards a minion, so that he doesn't cold card you. If he ults, follow him with TP or ult if you can.
Farm lane. Dodge his Q's, which he'll probably be using on minions, and constantly auto attack minions to keep up. Take TP, he has bad roam.
If you go in, he will 1shot you. Farm up in lane, and be careful when you harass, his Q hurts a lot. Try and wait for him to burn something on your team, then assassinate him if you can. If not, hit him with an ult to chunk him out of the fight. Most Veigars take TP, so you should too, to make sure he can't snowball too hard off of it.
If you E in, expect him to land his E W Q, and expect to die. Vel'Koz has ridiculous burst if he can land it, so an early pair of boots can save your life. Take TP, he has bad roam.
Viktor will shove the wave with one ability, and if you try to do anything he'll chunk half your health instantly. Take barrier or TP, and play very safe. Ask for ganks, because he is vulnerable to them.
Xerath shoves wave extremely hard, and if you try to do anything about it he destroy you. Take TP and snowball harder than him, otherwise he will shut you down hard.
Play extremely safe levels 1-3, because your damage is terrible and his is impeccable. Be careful of your own minions, and play around his windwall well. Pop his passive often with auto attacks to try and bait his windwall, and engage when it's down. Dodge his EQ Knockup with your E. Summoner spell is personal preference.
Zed is not too scary. If he ults, E away slightly to the side so his Q misses, and with it his damage. Seraph's should be enough to survive his burst, but if you really don't like Zed, it's worth taking Hourglass and/or Barrier. Don't underestimate him, but also don't overestimate him. Play around his cooldowns, you have a chance to kill him in this lane. Summoner spell is personal preference.
Ziggs is a farm lane. If you can land good W's on him in lane, there is decent kill pressure. Ping if he's missing, his ult is high range. Ignite or TP.
AP Ezreal has a very unique play style that I haven't really come across before. AP Ezreal has high range poke and global presence, but also has a bit of an assassin in him. He's an extremely fun champion that I've never gotten tired of, and is also a flex pick. If you're good at AP Ezreal, you're at least decent with AD Ezreal.
About Me
About Me
My summoner name is AnxiousMonkey, I've been playing League since early season 1. I was garbage tier elo in season 1 and 2, (~600 elo. Yeah). I got to Silver V at the end of season 3, and then climbed to Platinum III in Season 4. I am now Diamond V, having gotten to Diamond IV twice. I have been playing Ezreal for a long time, but really got in to him around the time Pulsefire came out. The skin was a large incentive for me to play the champion, but I have since stopped using it because I really like the standard particles for his Q and autos. Ezreal got me to where I am, playing AP Ezreal to gold, and playing him in every game of my promos to diamond as well as several games before and after. I have played him AP mid, AD mid, and AD bot. I'm a mid player, and have always liked somewhat off-meta mids, such as pre-rework Viktor and Xerath. This season I have only 39 games of Ezreal played so far, with a 62% winrate and 4.64 : 1 KDA. Overall, I likely have over 500 or 600 games of Ezreal played, at a minimum.
Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons
Late game hypercarry
Strong mid game fighting
Very snowbally
Very fun
Good poke
Has an escape
Rarely played
Skillshot reliant
Terrible waveclear
Bad tank busting
Weak early game
Summoner Spells
Summoner Spells
Flash is a must. It helps secure kills, it helps get away, it helps outplay people. The most common use for flash is either escaping, or flash E'ing on to somebody to scure the engage and damage from E to secure the kill. Always take flash.
Ignite is for very high early kill potential lanes, such as Kassadin. Use it to snowball off of your own lane, and carry that lead in to fights at dragon or in the jungle to increase it. You have to play really aggressive, otherwise this summoner becomes a waste.
Barrier is for lanes where you're afraid you'll get instagibbed. Lanes such as Fizz and sometimes LeBlanc. Once you get more comfortable with more matchups, this summoner is hardly ever used, but if you're new and learning then Barrier can help a lot.
Cleanse is good against teams that have scary CC, such as Elise, Thresh, Lissandra. If you ever think you'll die to a hard CC ability on their team, don't hesitate to take Cleanse.
Teleport is extremely strong for snowballing. If you can't kill your lane opponent, why not kill their bot lane? It gives constant map pressure, and if you die early it lessens the pain because you can just TP back to lane. If you ever don't need to take any other summoner, take TP, and look to make plays on their bot lane.
Heal is not a good summoner for mid lane. Most of your opponents will take ignite, and ignite counters heal pretty bad. Barrier shields more, and is on a lower cooldown, and since most mid laners are burst related, it's not hard to use effectively.
Passive - Rising Spell Force
On AP Ezreal, the passive is primarily used to help push lane. It helps once you get your Nashor's Tooth, and a little bit in finishing off kills. Be conscious about it, especially when taking towers and trying not to get shoved in to tower, but don't stress yourself over it.
Q - Mystic Shot
This is Ezreal's bread and butter. AD or AP, this ability is a huge portion of his damage. This ability applies on hit effects, most notably Lich Bane's spell blade, Nashor's Tooth's magic damage on hit, and the mastery Arcane Blade . Use this ability as much as you can, as it reduces your cooldowns and does a lot of damage. Clear waves with it, poke with it, kill with it. Don't underestimate it's damage, just because you're AP doesn't mean it does less damage, it just means it relies on items more.
W - Essence Flux
Essence Flux is a very simple ability with a very simple purpose. Use it to do damage. It goes through minions, so it's extremely easy to hit harass in lane, and it scales well off of AP. Once you get your Tear of the Goddess or a blue buff, spam it in lane to poke them down. Get early points in this ability because that's when you need it most, but after level 6, Mystic Shot becomes more important to level up.
E - Arcane Shift
This ability gives Ezreal free positioning. If you're ever out of position, just Arcane Shift away and spam Mystic Shot until it's off cooldown. This ability is primarily used defensively, but can also be used offensively. It hits the nearest target, so it can hit minions, so make sure you have proper positioning to hit your opponent, otherwise it will go to waste and you'll be without an escape.
R - Trueshot Barrage
Trueshot Barrage is extremely strong as an ability, being able to either clear waves from across the map, snipe kills, or ravage teamfights. Try not to use this ability in melee range, as it becomes extremely easy to dodge, and is very desperate. You can use it in lane to clear the wave and keep your opponent's health low. Spam Mystic Shot to reduce the cooldown as much as you can, and try to have it up for fights.
Important Items
Important Items
Tear of the Goddess I have not always built on Ezreal, however since the AP item overhaul, Archangel's Staff has become my favorite item. It gives an infinite mana pool, and an ungodly amount of AP, typically around 140-160. Get Tear of the Goddess early to get a good mana pool in lane and start stacking it up, and finish the Archangel's Staff after Lich Bane.
Lich Bane
Lich Bane's spell blade passive applies on Ezreal's Mystic Shot. The item is a massive powerspike, helping not online his poke and burst, but also his wave clear. This item is 100% mandatory as quickly as possible.
Abyssal Mask is good against AP teams, such as if they have a Vladimir top and a LeBlanc mid. I typically don't buy this item, because it sacrifices a little bit of damage compared to an item like Void Staff or Nashor's Tooth. I like to survive off of my positioning, not my stats, but that's just me.
It helps with cooldown reduction, DPS, and gives a decent amount of AP. My favorite last item on Ezreal, it adds even more damage to Mystic Shot, and helps pick up low health kills that don't instantly die from your main combo. It also helps a LOT with tank busting, because the magic damage on auto attacks adds up quickly.
A good pick up if you need the movement speed, but not really in any other situations. The passive doesn't pop on Mystic Shot, so it doesn't improve poke drastically, and even then Nashor's Tooth's magic damage on auto attack does about half as much damage except on Mystic Shot and every single auto attack, while giving 20% cooldown reduction. Only purchase this item against champions like Karthus, Fizz, Elise, or other skillshot reliant champions who you really want to dodge. You can also sell your boots for Luden's Tempest, however the cooldown reduction and Enchantment: Furor might not be worth it. Comes down to personal preference.
If you need general tankiness, Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a way to get it without sacrificing damage. With 100 AP and 400 health, it will bring your total health up to a good 2,400. The slow doesn't apply on your Mystic Shot, however a 40% slow on your Trueshot Barrage and Essence Flux are very strong in teamfights. For a more utilitarian build, Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a good last item.
I really am not a fan of Morellonomicon on Ezreal, because it takes away from the Lich Bane and Archangel's Staff powerspikes. Even if they have a Swain or a Dr. Mundo, this item is not worth it, and I don't enjoy seeing people buying it over more important items.
Ability Combos
Ability Combos
Main Combo
This is the main combo. If there is an opening in the laning phase where there are no minions, if you land everything, this will do half of their health and basically win you the lane. Be careful about using this though, as when you do your Arcane Shift will go on cooldown, and you won't have an escape. This is also the primary assassin build, if somebody is caught out, you can typically take them down extremely low if not kill them with this combo. Always use Essence Flux before Mystic Shot, because it has lower range.
Bushcamp Combo
This combo will instantly kill any squishy at basically any point in the game after 1 item. If you have ignite, it's a free kill. Ways to use this are act like you're roaming bot, and when your lane opponent goes to follow, pop out of the bush and nuke them. Later in the game, Trueshot Barrage likely won't even be needed on squishier targets.
Mobility Combo
Shoot Q first at decent range, then immediately E. The cooldown reduction from the Q will hit just as E goes, reducing the cooldown of your Arcane Shift. This is useful when running away or just rotating around the map, or closing the distance on a target you can safely catch.
Early Game
Early Game
Ezreal has a weak early game, but it's not as abusable as some other early games like Kassadin. Ezreal has a very safe early game, his Arcane Shift is basically a free flash. So long as you auto attack minions a lot to keep the wave from pushing towards you, and aren't afraid to use Mystic Shot, you shouldn't lose lane that bad. Know how to farm under tower; 2 tower shots on melee minions and last hit, 1 auto and 1 tower shot on caster minions and last hit. You can also use Mystic Shot on caster minions instead of having to prep them with an auto. Try and poke around with your enemy, keep the laning phase fun. Poke depends on the matchup, but typically you'll want to bait them in to getting hit by Mystic Shot, or just throwing Essence Flux through their minions at them. Early points in Essence Flux cause it to do a lot of damage, so use it often, but not often enough to run out of mana. Use your Stealth Ward near enemy raptors to look for ganks, and hug that side of the lane because you have vision of it. DO NOT use your Arcane Shift aggressively unless you have good wards or know where their jungler is. Farm is more important than harass.
Mid Game
Mid Game
This is where Ezreal really picks up speed. You should at least have Tear of the Goddess and Sheen by now, so that Sheen's spellblade effect applies to your Mystic Shot. Ezreal has safe, high range damage, on low cooldowns. In fights, always throw out Mystic Shot as much as you can. If a fight breaks out, line up your Trueshot Barrage to hit multiple targets, along with your Essence Flux. Once somebody is low enough, and only if you know for sure that it's safe, use Arcane Shift in to your main combo to pick up kills. If you have Teleport, use it a lot on bot lane. Tell your bot lane to place deep wards behind their lane opponents so you can get good placement, but make sure not to go too far behind them to a point where they can turn on you. Once you have Lich Bane, push that power spike, because it's a big power spike. Every completed item for Ezreal is a powerspike, but the first three, Lich Bane, Archangel's Staff and Rabadon's Deathcap are the most important. Also, if you ever have 250+ gold left over, a Greater Stealth Totem is mandatory. Place wards extremely frequently, because Ezreal is one of the best champions at taking advantage of vision.
Ezreal basically has free positioning with his Arcane Shift, so use it well. Throw out Mystic Shot and Essence Flux as much as you can on their front line, and if you can get to their back line, that's even better. If you can get behind them, play the role of an assassin with your main combo and kill their squishies. At late game teamfights, this is where Nashor's Tooth comes in to play, because if the enemy ADC has something like a Bloodthirster shield to protect them, your main combo might not be enough to kill them. Nashor's Tooth not only helps your cooldowns so you can use Mystic Shot more, but it also makes your auto attack do a lot of damage to help pick up those low health kills. Try and kite the enemy front line around, because Ezreal is extremely strong at kiting, especially with Enchantment: Furor.
Lane Matchups
Lane Matchups
I have notes for all matchups and their difficulty on the scale if you didn't see them; click each different section of the bar to see tips for each opponent. Any lane is survivable, some obviously more than others. I have most trouble with Ahri, she's impossible to hit, and a good Ahri will play with your mind so that she can land her damage reliably. The matchup scale assumes good players are playing on both champions, of relatively equal skill and knowledge of the matchup. Any lane is winnable, you just have to know how.
General Tips
General Tips
Never look up the enemy's rank. Always assume they're better than you substantially. It keeps you humble in play, and makes you play carefully and smart. At the same time, play with confidence, and know how much damage you do and how to use it.
Focus on yourself. If you get mad at your jungler for failing a gank or not ganking, you focus more on that than you do on the mistakes you made. You can't improve their play, you can only improve your own play.
Have fun with the game. Whether it be through listening to music, or playing off meta picks like mid lane Lee Sin or Wukong mid. There are tons of players out there who just play champs that are good that patch, as opposed to something they genuinely love.
Everything is viable, I've played with 4 smite teams in solo queue and I've played with ADC Twisted Fates in solo queue. Everything works, you just have to make it work.
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