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Darius Build Guide by Shaoqian Zhou

Top Darius --Safe lane play, tanky, and carry

Top Darius --Safe lane play, tanky, and carry

Updated on December 7, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shaoqian Zhou Build Guide By Shaoqian Zhou 1,617 Views 0 Comments
1,617 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shaoqian Zhou Darius Build Guide By Shaoqian Zhou Updated on December 7, 2019
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Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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Champion Build Guide

Darius --Safe lane play, tanky, and carry

By Shaoqian Zhou
Safe early == carry later
I started to play Darius since it was fixed several years ago. However my opinion to this champion has changed lately as I began to use it to play solo/duo rank.

The fact turns out that this champion doesn't need that much AD. What it needs is:
1. Durability (healing + regeneration)
2. Movement and resistance to movement impair
3. Attack speed

Detail has been interpreted in previous sections, I won't mention again here. The point is, Darius needs to keep moving and stick around a target till/until Hemorrhage is activated. Hemorrhage is everything that Darius' damage is come from. AD bonus + constant bleeding will devastate your opponents. In order to achieve 5 layers of hemorrhage, the quickest way is obviously to use ult to make a kill. Hence in the beginning of a team fight, open your eye and quickly loot a head with your ult (even it's really looting your mates). As hemorrhage is activated, your damage is greatly improved. All you need you to is keep Q, E and W, then R. Noticing that you still have to look after your blood line so that you won't be executed even if your opponents burst on you.

###Try to keep chasing one specific target and keep attacking him during your Ghost, it will grant you the highest possibility to execute them and hemorrhage is more likely to be activated.

###Practice your Q technique if possible, make sure you hit as many targets as possible with the outer layer of Q during team fight, healing from Q is really importance for Darius. especially when you are the one to eat damage.

###Don't hesitate to loot a head if you have to. Killing with ult immdiatelly grants Darius 5 layers of hemorrhage such that he will be able to deal great damage later on.

###Try to maintain your hemorrhage status for as long as possible during a team fight. And try to finish this fight before your hemorrhage ends.

###Remember, Darius is stronger in late game, and during team fight. You don't have to sacrifice your farming for pressuring your counterpart in most cases. Try to play safe if you can, especially when you are not warded.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shaoqian Zhou
Shaoqian Zhou Darius Guide
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