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Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
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Btw for the best effect go solo bot. Yes i know solo bot what? Don't you mean solo top?
No Solo bot lane in 3v3. The reason 2 go bot and not top is because you get better ganking potentional and you can easier get acces 2 the jungle for farm when you have pushed 2 far into the lane. Try 2 allways stay in lane and farm when the mineons gets past the middle of the map then stop and go farm in the jungle until the mineons are nearby your turret then you go farm on lane again.
Focus on doing like that and you will get alot of gold and outlevel your enemy. Never try 2 gank the top lane if you wanna gank then counter them when they are going through the jungle. You don't wanna go to top lane and lose alot of Exp and gold it's just a waste of time, exp and gold.
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