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Runes: TP Tank Ziggs
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
LeBlanc has a really nasty kit that invalidates pretty much any and all skill shots. Considering how Zigg's kit is ALL skill shots, there's literally nothing you can do to a fed LeBlanc. Take Banshee's Veil and run.
Champion Build Guide
I've been playing Ziggs for a total of 0 games, and my gosh do I have a lot to share!
Ziggs support is quite possibly one of the most underrated picks ever -- provided the opponent isn't playing Yasuo in any lane. And that Morgana isn't the Support, and that Yi isn't Jungle, and that Jhin isn't the ADC on your tail, and that the enemy up Top isn't Nasus or someone with so much food it can run down mid 1v5 and --
you get the point.
Since this is my first guide, let's keep this quick: no pictures. Boo; hoo.
Sorcery: Mana, AP damage, CDR, more AP. All things you need.
Resolve: HP, tower crashing. All things you need.
Arcane comet is likely the best choice to go, as it will deal a bit more poke damage early game when you have literally 0 AP.
Manaflow band is mandatory because without it, early game will force you to recall more than once to stock up on mana.
Transcendence versus Absolute Focus: Now this is a hard pick because with CDR you get more memes but with Absolute Focus you get more damage. Take the CDR if you want to deal with towers and be able to get away with less punishment, but AP if you plan on face tanking and reverse-ganking the enemy.
Scorch versus Gathering Storm: For pure pressure, go Scorch. It's great for early game pressure and doesn't scale off of AP. For late game shenanigans, take Gathering Storm. Typical LoL mentality.
Demolish versus Font of Life: Don't take Font of Life please. It makes your Bulwark literally useless, as well as your Rod of the Ages, your Morellonomicon and also your Rylai's if you bought one. Taking FoL is basically going Wingdings on your MLA/APA report.
Overgrowth versus Bone Plating, Second Wind, Conditioning.
Expect 10 HP per minute with Overgrowth. That's 27 free gold per minute.
Now think Second Wind, Bone Plating, Conditioning - champion specific, one time, falls off late game. See a problem? I don't.
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