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Udyr Build Guide by ThatsTheGodyr

Jungle [Diamond 3]Best Udyr Build Patch 12.12

Jungle [Diamond 3]Best Udyr Build Patch 12.12

Updated on June 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThatsTheGodyr Build Guide By ThatsTheGodyr 4,226 Views 0 Comments
4,226 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThatsTheGodyr Udyr Build Guide By ThatsTheGodyr Updated on June 27, 2022
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Runes: My Preference: Press The Attack

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


This is a must have
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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Champion Build Guide

[Diamond 3]Best Udyr Build Patch 12.12

By ThatsTheGodyr
Introducton of Myself
Hey Guys, ThatsTheGodyr here!
This is my first Guide, so please let me know if something is missing!
I started playing Leauge of Legends around the end of Season 4. I was trying out many Champions and stumbled upon Trick2G who inspired me to play Udyr. And now I'm here to provide you guys with my Guide and POV the correct way to play Udyr in Season 12. Currently I'm in Diamond 3 but still climbing with Udyr (64% Winrate). The last 3 seasons I was happy with climbing to Plat 5 while playing many different champions and roles. This Season I'm focusing on Udyr to hit my Goal: Master. If you are interested in more Udyr content besides this guide then come hang out with me and my community at Twitch! I'm a german streamer but am capable of speaking english. Feel free ask me anything!
Introduction of Udyr


Udyr is more than a man; he is a vessel for the untamed power of four primal animal spirits. When tapping into the spirits' bestial natures, Udyr can harness their unique strengths: The tiger grants him speed and ferocity, the turtle resilience, the bear might, and the phoenix its eternal flame. With their combined power, Udyr can turn back all those who would attempt to harm the natural order.


Passive - Bridge Between
INNATE - FOUR STANCES: Udyr has no ultimate ability and instead has 4 basic abilities. Each ability grants a Stance: a unique passive effect that lasts until casting a different ability. Switching Stances will prevent his previous Stance from triggering any more on-hit effects, and incur a Cooldown icon.png 1.5-second global cooldown on his other abilities.

Starting at level 16, all abilities can gain a 6th rank.

Q - Wilding Claw:
Udyr's basic attacks on-hit generate a stack of Tiger. At 3 stacks, his next basic attack consumes them all to inflict Tiger Strike, and also generates a Tiger stack.

TIGER STRIKE: The target is dealt bonus physical damage every 0.5 seconds over 2 seconds. Leftover damage is dealt instantly upon subsequent infliction.
Total Bonus Physical Damage:
30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 110 / 125 / 140 / 155 / 170 / 185% AD)

ACTIVE: Udyr gains Attack speed icon.png bonus attack speed for 5 seconds, and instantly generates 3 Tiger stacks.
Bonus Attack Speed:
30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%

W - Iron Mantle:
Udyr's basic attacks on-hit generate a stack of Turtle. At 3 stacks, his next basic attack consumes them all to Heal power icon.png heal himself for Health icon.png 2% − 4% (based on missing health) of his maximum health, and also generates a Turtle stack.
ACTIVE: Udyr Hybrid resistances icon.png shields himself for up to 5 seconds, and instantly generates 3 Turtle stacks.
Shield Strength:
60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+ 45% AP)

E - Blazing Stampede:
Udyr's basic attacks have an uncancellable windup and Stun stun the target for 1 second. The target is then marked Mauled for 5 seconds, becoming immune to the stun.
ACTIVE: Udyr gains Movement speed icon.png bonus movement speed and Ghost.png ghosting for the next few seconds. During this time, his basic attacks against enemy Champion icon.png champions become empowered to Bear Stance.png lunge 50 units toward them, unless they are marked Mauled.
Bonus Movement Speed:
15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Buff Duration:
2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 / 3.25s

R - Wingborne Storm
Udyr's basic attacks on-hit generate a stack of Phoenix. At 3 stacks, his next basic attack unleashes fire in a cone in front of him that deals magic damage to enemies hit, and also generates a Phoenix stack.
ACTIVE: Udyr creates an aura of pulsing fire for 4 seconds, dealing magic damage each second to nearby enemies. He also instantly generates 3 Phoenix stacks.
Cone Damage:
60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 80% AP)
Total Magic Damage:
40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 100% AP)
Jungle Pathing
Personally I always start Blue Buff. I recomment you to Stealth Ward your Red Buff, recall and get a Sweeping Lens.

Scenario 1:

The Enemy Team/Jungler is NOT invading you/your Red Buff:
Start with Blue Buff while having Q at the 3rd stack for Tiger Strike. AA once to activate Tiger Strike, then imidiatly Q again for another Tiger Strike and increased Attack Speed. After Blue you hit level 2. Put a point in Phoenix. Head to Gromp. While attacking Gromp keep switching between Q and R. It is important to keep your Passive - Monkey's Agility at 3 Stacks for increased Movement Speed and Attack Speed which overall increases the jungle clear with Udyr. Head over to Murk Wolf after you finished gromp. Keep cycling between Q and R, even if you are just walking from camp to camp.
While doing Wolves: Look at Midlane. Is the enemy Midlaner pushing your Midlaner into the tower? Does your Midlaner have CC (for example Twisted Fate, Zilean, Gragas, Anivia). If so, put 1 point in E - Bear Stance after finishing Wolves and try to gank midlane. You should at least get a Flash. Right after ganking head back to your Redsite Jungle and go for Raptors.

If Midlane is not gankable go for a full clear and put a second point in R - Phoenix Stance at level 3 (Before skill: Check if your Raports are up!). Continue with Raptors. Kite them and try to hit every chicken with the 3rd stack of Phoenix (Fire Cone). Continue with Red Buff and Krugs.
While doing Krugs: Check if Botlane is gankable. If not, try to get the Crab.
If you bumb into the enemy Jungler at Rift Scuttler:
Check if your Lanes have prio!
If yes: Go ahead, beat him up.
If not: Either Kill him before the enemy Team can react (Easy kills are Karthus, Diana, Viego, Lee Sin, Master Yi etc.) or run.

Scenario 2:

The Enemy Team/Jungler did invade your Red Buff/Red Site and you know it from the earlier placed ward:
Clear your Blue Side as usual. Then invade. Skill E - Bear Stance at level 3 to get there faster and be prepared for a fight versus enemies.

Scenario 3:

The Enemy Team/Jungler did invade your Red Buff/Red Site and you didn't know that. Thank god you listened to me and didn't put a second Point in R - Phoenix before checking Raports! Run into his Blue Side and try to fight the enemy jungler. It is risky but you have to try it. Otherwise you are way too behind.

After First Back:
Walk to your spawning Jungle Camps, keep clearing them.
Early Game
Udyr is mostly known as a farming Jungler. BUT at level 4 with 1 Point in Q - Tiger Stance, 1 Point in E - Bear Stance and 2 Points in R - Phoenix Stance you outdamage almost every other Jungler. Watch the Map while farming till level 4. Is one of the Lanes near Red Buff gankable? Go for it. Nobody can outrun you while you have Ghost. If no Lane is gankable try to collabse with the enemy Jungler at Rift Scuttler or his Jungle.

Just don't waste your Time! Rather recall and go back to jungling than sitting in a bush for over 20 seconds. As Udyr you need to get a lead over the enemy Jungler.

It is possible to sneak an early Drake at level 5 with 1 Point in W - Iron Mantle. It depends on the prio of the Lanes. This can be risky but very worth. Udyr's wincondition or rather go to goal is the Drake Soul + 2 Rift Herald. The earlier the better.
Mid Game
At this point you should have finished your Boots and Sunfire Aegis and are going for the next Item ( Frozen Heart or Force of Nature). If the Early Game went well then go for Drakes, Invades, 1v1 fights with enemy Jungler, free ganks if Ghost is up. You can freely do whatever you want. Just don't die! Keep building that advantage over the enemy Jungler. If the Early Game went bad, keep farming, get objectives only after a succesfull gank. Don't go for risky plays. Invade only if possible.
Late Game
Sadly, Udyr's Late Game is not the greatest. Especially if the enemy Team has a lot of peel and you can't reach them. If your Team has to engage try to flank them or run them down with Ghost. If the enemy Team is the one engaging either peel for your AD Carry/Midlaner (Whoever is more important) or go for their backline. Udyr's Damage is still enough to kill most AD Carrys. Or at least you hold him back until your Team finished the enemy Engager. Stun as much enemies as possible in Teamfights. Try to seperate the enemy Team and cause Chaos.
Some Tipps + Tricks + Combos + Hints + Thoughts

Tipps + Tricks:

- If you have less than 18 ability haste you have to cycle between two abilities to keep the passive up. If you have more than 18 ability haste you can use only one ability to keep the passive up.
- While ganking: Try to time your abilities like this: First W (not near enough to hit the enemy) then E to close the gap between you and the enemy Laner + Auto Attack him to Stun -> Q Auto Attack for increased Movement Speed and Tiger Strike Bonus Damage -> R Auto Attacks until you can Stun the enemy again.
- Move to the direction the enemy is moving after every Auto Attack to stick to your enemy. It is important with every champion but essential for Udyr. Here is an example:


- Double Dot: Q (3rd stack), wait for Q to come back up. Auto Attack for Tiger Strike, immediatly Q again and Auto Attack for another Tiger Strike for heavy burst.(Usually used while waiting in a Bush for an enemy)
- Flame Pop: R (3rd stack), wait for R to come back up. Auto Attack for Fire Cone, immediatly R again and Auto Attack for another Fire Cone for heavy burst.(Usually used while waiting in a Bush for an enemy)
- Q (increased Attack Speed) into W while jungling for more sustain and healing.
- Q (increased Attack Speed) into E for fast stunning
- Q (increased Attack Speed) into R for fast double Fire Cone and heavy burst
- Double Heal: W (3rd stack), Auto Attack (everything heals except Turrets, Inhibs, Nexus) W again and Auto Attack again (Usually used while low on health and mana if you used W before to run from an enemy)
- W can proc Shield bash


- Keep your Passive - Bridge Between always up while jungling, fighting and taking Objectives! The only time you don't keep it up is early while coming from base to go back to your jungle (after 1-4th back)
- Most of the time your wincondition are Objectives. So focus on them!
- Udyr should focus on one enemy at a time


- Be selfish! Take Kills! Only you can truly carry yourself and your games! And it is more than possible with Udyr!
- Never surrender! (I know it sounds so stupid and everybody says that BUT especially in low Elo almost every game is winnable!)
In my Opinion Udyr is currently one of the strongest Junglers in the right hands. It takes some time to get used to his playstyle. But with some practice you can easily climb out of Iron/Bronze/Silver and Gold. In this Elo you can easily 1v9. If you mastered Udyr then Platinum is also easy. This Guide is very theoretically. Let me know your thought on that! To Improve even more or to see how everything this Guide has to offer I hihgly recomment you to watch either my Stream, other High Elo Udyr Streamer or Videos of High Elo Udyr Players. Let's see how high I can climb the letter! I'll keep you informed!

- ThatsTheGodyr
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