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Ability Order
Serpentine Grace (PASSIVE)
Cassiopeia Passive Ability
Hello, I am Tyler "ecco" Spesick and I am the former mid player for the former LCS teams "Team MRN" and "Team Velocity eSports."
Cassiopeia has always been a champion that has received a lot of attention from me ever since her release because of how unique she is and how high her skill-cap is mechanically. She is arguably the most difficult champion to play on a mechanical level due to how fickle her positioning is and how messing up your combo will dramatically impact your dps. She's one of my favorite champions because of these things but because of how popular dive champions/junglers (Vi, Nocturne) are right now it can be difficult to play her at times.
- Giant bully in lane.
- Arguably the best objective (
Baron) dps in the game.
- Large, AoE ult that can stun.
- Overall amazing dps/burst.
- Is
Katarina's sister.
- Very high mechanical skill-cap (hard to play to maximum efficiency)
- No built-in escape so very punishing if caught out of position.
- Super Fragile/Squishy
Because Cassiopeia is such a fragile champion, she pretty much only works in two team compositions.
The first team composition that she excels in is a heavy engage/dive comp. An example composition would be
Jarvan IV,
Sona, and
Jinx. Jinx can set up the engage with her
Zap! and lead into a heavy engage by Jarvan with a giant AoE wombo-combo following it all up. This works so well with Cassiopeia because if your whole team is going in at once and pretty much chain-ccing the enemy team then it doesn't matter how fragile you are because your team's focus it to burst them down as quickly as possible which Cassiopeia excels at.
The second team composition Cassiopeia excels at it is a kite/peel comp. An example composition for this would be
Jarvan IV,
Varus. If you haven't noticed Jarvan is just really good with almost anything. The reason he is so good here because his has an AoE knock-up in a line as well as a he puts a giant circle into the ground which can be used very well for peeling for his team's back-line as well as zoning out the enemy team's back-line. To summarize, there is a lot he can do to create time. The rest compliment well because they are all super strong at kiting as well as re-engaging/catching. This is a very strong comp to have with Cassiopeia because she is so fragile that if your team isn't hard-engaging, they all need to be holding her hand.
The first team composition that she excels in is a heavy engage/dive comp. An example composition would be

The second team composition Cassiopeia excels at it is a kite/peel comp. An example composition for this would be

The second option you have for summoners is a more defensive approach by taking

9x 9x 9x 3x |
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These are the standard, aggressive runes that I typically run on long-range mages that won't be doing a lot of hard-trading but more-so poking until it is time to all-in. These runes are fairly greedy as you are not taking any magic resist but they also allow you to scale into the mid and late-game while doing the most damage you possibly can. If I was against an AP champion that I was scared of dying to (

This is the standard page I've been running on almost all of my AP mids right now. Overall it gives you everything you need for the entire game. The 21 points in offense allow you to scale as hard as you can into the late game while the 9 points in offense give you added regeneration for laning as well as reduced cool-down on your summoner spells.
The skill sequence that I run on Cassiopeia is very focused on dueling and maximizing dps from the earliest stages in the game. Something to keep in mind and also what completely convinced me to level

The only time that I do change my skill sequence would to get a point in

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Deadly Cadence (Passive)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Noxious Blast![]() ![]() The more overlooked aspect about this ability is that it actually gives you a pretty considerable speed boost. Remember when either chasing or running from an opponent to hit them with this ability! It is also crucial in team-fights to be landing this so you can be moving as quickly as possible so you can re-position yourself as efficiently as you can. Being just slightly out of position can spell certain death for such a fragile champion like Cassiopeia. |
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Miasma![]() |
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Twin FangAhhhh, ![]() Whenever the target is poisoned and hit by ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Petrifying Gaze![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A Doran's Ring as well as a couple of health pots has become extremely standard for mid-lane recently. It gives you pretty much everything you need and the only thing it loses to is an all consumables start (

On your very first back you should look to picking up a second

Next I will stack a lot of early magic-penetration. Stacking early magic-pen causes a champion's early to mid-game to be as strong as it possibly can be so that will be your focus! Pick up

To wrap up your core items you're going to build an

Closing out the game you are pretty much only stacking on as much damage as you possibly can with a pinch of survivability. Next you build a

Cassiopeia has a lot of strong match-ups due to her incredibly strong damage and bullying potential but there are a few match-ups where she has some trouble. Mostly, these match-ups are those that deflect her from being very aggressive due to them having extremely strong laning/defensive abilities or because they can burst her. I'll go over the major ones below.
Orianna: Orianna is just a pain in the ***. Her shield makes it difficult to harass her, her auto-attacks hurt dearly, her wave clear is as good as yours, and she can duel you extremely well because you have no real way of dodging her ball consistently.
Gragas: Gragas is just ugh. You beat him fairly hard prior to level 4 but then the match-up just becomes very difficult. You have to be very careful to never mis-position and let him get a body slam on you or he can crush you. Then once he hits 6 he can burst you and with the damage reduction from
Drunken Rage it makes it difficult to burst him back.
Ahri: Even after the recent nerfs she still has the potential to one-shot you if she lands a charm. You can bully her pretty hard pre-6 as long as you don't get charmed or get hit by many double
Orb of Deceptions but you /really/ have to be careful once she has her ult.

As I've said before in this guide, Cassiopeia's laning is one of the best in the game. She is an insanely strong bully with great pushing power from early on as well as some of the best trading and burst. She is pretty much the complete package of damage with her only weakness is getting cc'ed and bursted.
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Starting from level 1, starting poking with your ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mid Game
Once the mid-game arrives, your team should be forcing stuff as 5. Cassiopeia is best at straight-up team-fights due to her large AoE ult as well as her insanely high-dps. Her low mobility makes it very risky for her to be in small skirmishes without her team there to hold her hand.
When sieging towers, make sure to always be spamming your spells. You can use

Late Game
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