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Anivia Build Guide by sidromest

Middle EGGSplosion

Middle EGGSplosion

Updated on March 30, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sidromest Build Guide By sidromest 6,780 Views 3 Comments
6,780 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sidromest Anivia Build Guide By sidromest Updated on March 30, 2021
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Runes: most general page

1 2 3
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By sidromest

Most General Rune Page

I take it 95% of the time with minor adjusts

Electrocute you already have an organic 3 hit combo with {Q + E + Auto}, or {Q + W + E} or {Q + E + R} and it does a surprising amount of damage. It Also helps Anivia poke everyone but specially melee enemies in the laning phase with {Auto + "E" + Auto}

Cheap Shot has a per champion cooldown, so in team fights everyone who steps on the ultimate or is hit by Q will take damage from it. The cooldown is really low (4 sec) so it's usual to do around the same amount of damage Electrocute does.
Taste of Blood Can be swapped with cheap shot to give an easier laning phase with more sustain, but at the cost of lots of damage.

Relentless Hunter Makes you faster than enemy champions, so you can run and wall them off. It also helps to run around the map faster.
Can be swapped Ravenous Hunter for some nice healing every wave, ult hits all minions, even if AOE spells have 33% healing applied.

Presence of Mind it helps to stack tear, "E" opponents when they try to farm and get lots of mana back. In team fights it assures you don't go OOM for too long and that you can start team fights without full mana because you assume some mana will be replenished during the fight. It also helps in the laning phase, after getting a kill, to shove the wave with the mana replenished.

Cut Down gives 5% to 15% increased damage to targets with 10% to 100% more hp than us, and it was made to deal a lot of damage to front line champions. While Coup de Grace gives 8% increased when the target is at 40% hp or lower.
Cut Down is always better when it activates. Not only because a 5% dmg increase for 100% of the hp bar is overall better than 8% for 40% of the hp bar, but also because if a spell is used when the target is at 50% hp and puts it at 20%, that spell will not benefit from the bonus damage and now Coup de Grace will only give +8% bonus damage for the remaining 20% of the hp bar.
Because Anivia has a lower health total than most champions to compensate for her passive, she can activate the rune on most champions, it only does not proc on some enchanter supports. With Mejai's health, it stops being so regular.
Coup de Grace is still be used if the user plans on building Mejai's, Everfrost or Cosmic Drive, because the health given makes it not proc on ranged champions, only against champions that build hp.

Attack speed helps control the wave without needing to spend mana. vs melee matchups it helps to auto harder.
Magic Resist can be swapped for Armor depending on the mid lane matchup.

Let's Kite Rune Page

It's only a "must bring" versus Olaf

Manditory against Olaf and can be taken into some champs that need to walk to deal damage like Udyr, Skarner, Trundle, Volibear, etc.
Can be taken into poke matchups where Electrocute will only be used in all ins. Phase rush let us dodge Ziggs and Xerath cc abilities, and proc Frostbite two times.
Can be taken into immobile mages to guarantee double Frostbite proc.
Can be taken into Zed to dodge all his Qs when he ults.
Can be taken into some champs like Orianna and Viktor that go Phase Rush specially vs Anivia. It makes them run on Glacial Storm without getting slowed, and dodge Qs more easily. If they dodge the Q and proc, they can out DPS Anivia, and the movespeed won't let Anivia run. It's a kill depending on the distance to the turret and the wall cooldown. Phase Rush here would be to run from their's.

Reach Backline

It's good into some poke matchups and when the team needs engage

Gives up the better trades from Electrocute and gets an easier all in with Predator. the other runes have the same explanation, there is now the option to go for Ingenious Hunter instead of Relentless Hunter.

Good vs: Seraphine, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Xerath, Ziggs all of them have a long range, some ability that needs to be dodged to close the distance, and once caught they lose the 1vs1. Catching them with wall has a lot of value late game too. ( Ziggs can either jump wall or save W to cancel ult, hold until he panics, vs Veigar bring Cleanse).

Maybe vs: Cassiopeia, Orianna, Viktor, Syndra Give up on lane, predator for roams and ganks, late game Predator + Zhonya's Hourglass on these targets to win teamfights (vs Cassiopeia bring Cleanse).

Another Option

I never take it, might be decent though

Unsealed Spellbook is used by Nasus to win early 1vs1 with the help of exhaust/ignite/barrier and late game give him move speed with Nimbus Cloak + heal/flash/cleanse/exhaust.
Could be an option for lanes where the procs from Electrocute in the laning phase won't help, and what we need is a stronger all in. maybe vs poke, maybe vs Viktor/ Azir. vs melees like Zed means giving up on elect poke in the early levels to get a better all in defense. Maybe vs unkillable laners like Galio to help us late game by having more utility tied to the summoner spells.
Summoner Spells


I take it 95% of the time, it has too many uses to pass on:
- Anivia has a great level 1,2,3, and we can use the teleport to heavy trade early game, recall + teleport and force the other player to recall too. Specially deadly if they try to push on our recall, because then we can freeze the wave.
- Anivia shines best in teamfights, to make sure the game doesn't snowball out of control, Anivia can use her teleport to counter gank or just normal gank a lane.
- Counter gank a roaming champion. Anivia can punish roams by staying in lane and pushing the wave into tower. The other player loses gold, exp and tower health. If the gank doesn't pay off, it's a net loss for the enemy, if the gank seems like it will be impactful, Anivia can choose to teleport and either nullify the gank or counter it.
- It can be used to farm the side lanes and still be able to participate in a teamfight. It might be a good bait for the enemy to start nashor if they see an Anivia bot and don't consider the teleport. Just make sure to ping to the team so they don't 4v5.
- Anivia is a good champ at flanking from behind and pin the enemy team in her ult while kiting + zhonya's.
- Teleport can help defend turrets from split-pushing champions.

Used to snowball winning lanes and to use offense as defense.
Some Anivia mains take ignite almost every game.

Must bring vs Fizz.
Stops burst from ranged champions like Annie, Syndra, Viktor, Orianna, Lux.

Stops burst from melee champions but doesn't work well on Talon and Fizz.

Heals user + partner and gives move-speed.
Great defensive spell but get's countered by Ignite.
[NEEDS TESTING] useful to win scuttle fights in the jungle, useful to all in ranged champions without escapes and dodge their stuns/damage like Xerath and Viktor.
Items - When to Build
This section is all about what you should be building and when. It does not have clear-cut answers, it depends on the game and there could be multiple viable options in a game. The items you build should change depending on the role you are trying to fill in a teamfight
Starting Item
Early Lane
Level 6
Corrupting Potion
Doran's Ring
  • Heavy Trade in Lane
  • Survive Heavy Trade Lane
  • Survive Poke
  • Get Early Recall
  • Get Early Scuttle
  • Level 4+ trades
  • LVL 6 all in
  • Force enemy OOM
  • Pve push lanes
  • Can't perma fight any level
Burst Ranged
Burst Ranged
Luden's Tempest
( / )
Mejai's Hourglass
Seraph's Hourglass
-Speed for Pickoffs and Reach Backline
-Fast Zhonya's
-High Snowball
-Rushing Damage:
-Rushing Zhonyas:
Burst Assassin
Burst Assassin
Luden's Tempest
  • Tankier
  • Can CC chain
  • More Overall Damage outside 1 target
  • Offense as def until
Void Staff
Zhonya's Hourglass
Dmg Def
51 MR-
51 MR+
DPS FrontLine - Luden's Route
DPS FrontLine
Luden's Tempest
Mejai's Void
Void Hourglass
Void Drive
-High Snowball
-Movespeed to Kite
- swap if 51MR-
-If Need Zhonya's
- swap if 51MR-
DPS Frontline - Non Luden's Route
DPS Frontline
Liandry's Anguish
  • Tankier
  • Help Kite/Burst One
  • AOE Multi-Tank Bleed
  • +Anti-Healing Duration
  • Multiple Rotations
  • Anti-MagicRes Stacker
Pick 2/3
( / )
Void Staff
Zhonya's Hourglass
Mejai's/ Drive
Dmg Def
Def by Kite
Same Dmg 42MR-
Items - Theory
The Mythic choice is more about your role in teamfights rather than what will help you in lane

Has the most burst damage out of all the actives but loses out on overall damage because it does not provide any ammount of magic pen.
It's really hard to use on ranged champions because of the cast time + short range.
It helps against Udyr, Skarner, Singed, Darius and other champs that walk to engage because the time CCed is costing duration on their movespeed ability, Also Deadly against Fiora, Riven, as even if they can dodge some stuff, getting CCed can mean Death.
It also allows anivia to double "E" someone and keep enemies in her ult for longer.
It's almost useless on some hard engage champions like Malphite, Zac, Sejuani because most of their job is done after the engage and the extra cc is not as deadly.
Against Assassins it's 50/50, as most of them after the jump can kill someone, building it just means it's harder to kill the 2nd target or flee. Could be nice if there is a fed assassin, it prevents it from killing us, stops their slaughter at 1 kill and gives us the 1 for 1 trade, resulting in some shutdown gold.
Not as strong Against multiple "run at you" frontliners because realistically it only CCs one target and if one frontliner gets to you, the rest soon follows. Also, the focus will be split among frontliners.
The health can be used to survive some burst from Assassins, but probably not enough to charge into the backline and try to root peolple with it.

Has a DOT with no cooldown so it keeps re-applying as fights extend, It gives the most damage over a teamfight out of all the actives but not as much burst.
The Active has a cool interation with the healing reduction from Oblivion Orb because it keeps re-applying it, basicly extending the duration to 4 more sec.
Because Anivia can apply the DOT to a whole team with her ult and even Zhonya's to keep it going, it ammounts to a lot of damage. The base damage is high and the AP scalling super bad, It's a way to still be relevant when behind.
Ability Haste & %MgPen:
The ability haste per item is really underwelming and only becomes noticeable late game.
The percent magic pen is also something only noticeable late game, against tanks. At 3 items Luden's Tempest gives 16 magic pen, while Liandry's only gives that much against 100 mr targets, and only after 2 sec.
It might be worth building it against a team with multiple frontliners even when ahead, because of the ease to scatter the AOE if they are all clumped up plus the damage scales with health. The magic pen stacks additively to Void Staff, which makes it a good pairing, not only because the two items are trying to acheive the same thing without clashing with one another, but also because it means the burn damage can be increased with Void Staff.

Has the worse base damage on the active of the options, and you cannot guarantee it will hit the intended target and not a random minion/ frontliner.
The active is more about the movespeed that can enable Anivia posture agressivly to try and hit the backline and use the movespeed to get out fast and avoid getting punished. Even if the catch fails and spells miss, you can ultimate on top of someone and get the movespeed proc to run away anyways.
Magic Pen:
The magic pen it gives makes it the best option to burst targets, even tanks if you are ahead and just want to blow someone. It gives the user 16 magic pen at 3 items, while Liandry's Torment only gives the same magic penetration to targets with 100 magic resist, and even then, it's only after a 2 sec delay.
Defensive Items

Anivia's Frostbite doesn't have much range and in team fights she needs to stay close to her ult, so it doesn't disappear. Zhonya's let's Anivia ult more aggressively into the back line because it provides defensive stats, and an active that allows Anivia to dodge key CC abilities and damage. It also enables her to flash + wall to start a teamfight and use the active + ult to wait for her team to follow up.

In the backline, Anivia tends to get focused because it's hard to kill any other carry while anivia is alive. Zhonya's makes it so that focusing anivia is not an option either. With Zhonya's she can block an engage onto her and buy time for her team to protect her. The tradoff is that Zhonya' gives the same AP as a Needlessly Large Rod and buying it means delaying Anivia's powerful scalling.

This item should be viewed as a late game DPS increase versus the frontline because of the 40 ability haste, a way to guarantee double procs on "E" after a stun, a defensive option to kite certain champs like Darius, Olaf, Udyr, Skarner not only because of the speed but also because of the lower cooldown on the cc abilities. It's a middle ground between defense and offense. Cosmic Drive movespeed clashes with the ability to run fast at carries and kill them becausee most of it's strength lies in the ability haste.
Damage Items

The most "full damage as 2nd item" option when there's no free magic pen from Luden's Tempest.

Because there only is 1 ap mana item that's not mythic, ap items are in a wierd state where 1 mana item is not enough for some champions like anivia, but 2 is too much. right now do tear every game and eventually sell it to get a last item.
I only buy seraph's if i want the AP it gives, and there are other items that scale better into the late game like void staff and mejai's with it's utility.

Anivia is tied with some champions for the lowest base movespeed, why? because anivia wall has a long range and if she were to be faster than some champions she could force engages all the time. With her undodgeable ultimate that slows targets and with ther Q that stuns them, if she were to move fast aswell, she would become uncatchable by some champs like udyr, volibear, skarner, etc.
Mejai's gives around the same AP as Seraph's at 16 stacks (after taking into account the price difference, assuming we already bought tear). But it also gives the movespeeed anivia needs to be opressive and a bit of health instead of the useless mana. Anivia is a very forgiving champion because of her passive that makes it harder for the enemy to make her lose the stacks.

I don't build this, As a late game item get's outshined by Cosmic Drive, Void Staff and Rabadon's Deathcap. As a 2nd item get's out-shined by seraph's embrace that deals around the same damage, but does not have as many requirements to work.

A very powerful item on Anivia to make use of her powerful AP scallings, but it's only worth the price after a few AP items, Anivia has to find a way to buy early game items until rabadon's becomes worth buying.
Rating code
5-Red: almost unplayable
4-Orange: hard
3-Yellow: medium
2-Green: our advantage
1-Light Blue: unplayable for them
Mid Lane
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Aurelion Sol
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How we should play:

What they do:
-Strong level 3, and level 6
-Strong Roaming and scuttle fight
-If you get near a dagger she can E + Passive and run away super fast dodging Q, even if it hits she might "W/Q"+ some Es + Ult + Ignite

How we should play:
-Bring double magic resist, start Corrupting Potion
-She will perma roam when she get's bored, be ready to spam ping
-When she all ins, don't try to dodge both daggers, conced and get hit by one
-Predict when she will ult and wall as soon as it goes off
-Abuse her at 1 and 2, make the wave push to you at her level 3
-level 3-6 pressure her if she is low, if she is not, concede and try to play near turret.
-level 6+ make the wave near turret and zone + poke her
if wave is not near turret:poke her with "E". If she jumps to you, Q her face, run, and save W for her ult.
if wave is near turret: Poke her with Ult+Wall+E, when there are no minions behind her and no daggers to collect, chase her and if she jumps with "E" and doesn't get reset, Q + "E" her location.

What they do:
She uses "W" to get speedy and dodge Q
She uses "E" and "Q" to poke and farm
If she dodges a Q she all ins and goes for damage
How we should play:
-Start Corrupting Potion
-Be Ready to Corrupting Potion + Teleport combo to win lane
-Level 1 and 2 push, and make the wave bounce into a freeze
-Punish her with Q and E when she farms, don't be afraid to stay in front of minions and prevent her "E" from connecting, you have a ton of HP with pot and she will get OOM by spamming that, You both will teleport back but she will not have any gold to spend.
-After 6, freeze and Ult + "W" + "E" when she tries to last hit

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What they do:
How we should play:

What they do:
-Her Ult wins teamfights by itself
-Outranges Anivia and tries to farm + scale
-After 6 Easly gankable + divable in lane
-She can survive all ins if she lands her ult
How we should play:
-Bring Predator or Phase Rush to all in, buy Doran's Ring
-Push the wave and contest her CS, make her spend mana to farm, after 6 freeze the wave and threat all in.
-Don't fight early levels, conserve HP or her Q will hurt.
-Rush mana and boots to get early kills.
What could work:
bring Ignite instead of Teleport for easier 100-0 with predator

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What they do:
How we should play:

What they do:
-Incredible all in at level 2, specially vs Anivia's HP.
-Impossible to all in because of Ult and W.
-Strong early scuttle fight
-In Teamfights she can play like an assassin with Galeforce and Ult to cancel our stun or Ult.
How we should play:
-Start Doran's let her push and try to freeze at turret. When she tries to farm, poke her. Bring teleport but don't tp if it's going to give Trist plates.
-Good Trists fake roaming and camp bushes, but can help their jungler invade too, care.

Twisted Fate
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How we should play:

What they do:
-Can make us go OOM if we fight early
-Can all in at lvl 6 if uses "W" to dodge Q. Be prepared to wall him off
-Weak scuttle fight if wave is pushed
How we should play:
-Bring double magic resist and buy Doran's Ring.
-Push lane, contest when he tries to farm, and get him low. After he gets low you can finally let the wave push and zone him off CS
-It's also fine to play it slow and scale, save the pushes to when you want to teleport gank or impact the map
What could work:
-Phase rush + magic shield rune to more survivability
-Predator to push and roam

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Jungle - Notable Matchups
Pinks are your friends

What they do:
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What they do:
How we should play:

What they do:
How we should play:

What they do:
High ganking jungler, likes to camp Anivia
Cant start off with "E" and Ult to dodge wall or dodge Q.
Can CC you to death.
How we should play:
Zhonya's Hourglass 2nd item
Predict when he will ult and W + Ult + Zhonya's Hourglass when he Ults. The ideal case is separating him from his team

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Top Lane - Role Swap, When to Consider
Get pinks to spot tower dives with jungler
Easily gankable when pushed, care.

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If he W, you wall. If he proxies, you chill and scale. Bring Predator to get early kills with jungler when he proxies.

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How we should play:

ADCarry - Hard Matchups

It's not easy to focus them if they get fed. Long auto range + abilities to create more distance and punish getting close. Prefer to focus frontline unless completly necessary to focus them.

If they get fed they might all in you and kill you. It's not suficient to play front to back because they might will jump to back unless pressured. They need to be forced to jump at the begining of the fight with a wall behind or team needs to pressure them. Never throw Q before their dodge is used, unless chain cced.

If she gets fed, she can 1 shot with some autos and Q + W with a very long range. If going to the backline it's important to focus her, if going front to back it's important to respect her and stay at max range from her, don't chase kills past backline if she is alive. Late Late game might need to Wall + Ult + Zhonya's because u can't survive the burst.
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