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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Draven will win any trade early and late if just exchanging autos. Play this one safe, poking and relying on ganks, or a good engage from your support before you all in. When you have iceborn he is easy to kite and poke down since he has no way of repositioning other than flash. If you can't kill him in lane, atleast avoid giving him any kills until laning phase is over.
Intro/General info about this guide
now with all of these strong engage/assassin comps being in the meta. Iceborn Ezreal fits into any team comp and Ezreal has a very strong laning phase in this preseason. This build focuses on poking relentlessly and maxing CDR to have your ultimate off cooldown more often, making you very strong at stopping an enemy from advancing, stopping an enemy from retreating, and having lots of wave clear/poke damage. It is also the strongest build to have if your team has fallen behind, and helps to get them back ahead while stalling.
The champion matchup section indicates more about the laning phase than any time after you get iceborn gauntlet. Once you get iceborn, you are strong against any of these champions since you can poke them down while they have no way of returning damage (besides varus Qs or Corki rockets - which aren't as fast, reliable, and mana efficient as your mystic shot.)
In general, Ezreal is a strong poke champion that can keep people permaslowed with iceborn gauntlet activating on his Q which also makes him a very safe champion. And, he is also good at cleaning up a fight against low health targets that he has poked. He is not strong at close quarter skirmishes against champions that build crit, nor is he a good all-in champ against a full health target. You can win skirmishes, especially with a blade of the ruined king, but, in general, will lose skirmishes to champions like Vayne/Draven if you have not poked them down first before getting close to them to finish them off.
Your Q and E scale nicely
with AD and you will have much stronger trades or all ins with +13 ad. Gaining one stack of your passive means you will have 17% extra attack speed and +13 ad immediately.
Armor seals are always good against ad, especially now that fervor is becoming more popular.
5 Magic resist glyphs will generally be helpful in any match,
especially if someone has thunderlords or deathfire touch.
Fervor is much stronger since the buff and synergizes well with ezreals passive that gives him attack speed.
Sorcery increases the damage of all of your abilities, and since you will be poking a lot with your Q it is much more valuable for Ezreal than the 4% attack speed from Fury.
Oppressor is more consistent and gives you 2.5% additional damage at the beginning of the match if the target is CCed, so it can be seen as stronger for the early game. I prefer Bounty hunter because it's not unlikely to get kills on multiple people as the carry, especially if you manage to snipe someone across the map with your ultimate. In general, you may want to take bounty hunter if you have a strong kill lane (zyra or thresh support). But take bounty hunter if you are against a very safe lane and dont have a lot of kill pressure (champions like soraka or janna).
The items also end up being much cheaper than an Essence Reaver/Triforce rush and allows you to gain the powerful synergy of these two items earlier and be a total nuisance to the enemy team.
AD assassins like talon or zed have become more popular and having the extra armor of iceborn (and the slow to kite them) may very well keep you alive.
During the mid game, if you notice that the enemy team is building armor then I would recommend picking up a last whisper just to have the 30% Arp, but I don't recommend getting this before manamune and Iceborn.
Blade of the ruined king is still a strong item and has %health damage that is relevant throughout the entire game. It makes you able to more easily kill champions that stack health, and kite better with it's active if you get in a tough spot. It also gives lifesteal, attack speed, and flat ad which are all good for any AD carry build. Your mystic shot applies the on-hit passive of Blade of the ruined king, so you will be very strong at poking tanky champs who like to stand in the front.
Build a sash after manamune and iceborn, if you feel like it's necessary, to deal with any hard CC.
- Excellent poke damage
- Great laning phase
- Very safe with good escape tool
- Makes better use of iceborn gauntlet than any other champion in the game + permaslow
- Massive burst damage potential if skill shots land
- Global ultimate to secure kills from far away
- attack speed steroid
- Skill shot reliant
- Vulnerable in close encounter skirmishes against champions like vayne or draven
- Item dependent/heavy scaling
Trick #2: If you are in the middle of casting your ultimate, you can use flash during this time to get to safer positioning and avoid skillshots.
Waiting for hard CC before casting your ultimate can guarantee that it lands. Casting your ultimate while out of vision of the enemy is also effective since they won't be able to preemptively dodge it.
Your ultimate damage is reduced for each unit it hits, so you will make the most of your ultimate by using it when a champion is the first target it will most likely connect with.
Activate muramana while you are actively fighting enemy champions, but remember that it is mana consuming so it is better to keep it toggled off any time you are not fighting champions.
Mystic shot will also apply the on hit damage of an active muramana and of blade of the ruined king's passive at the same time. This means that you will do 6% of their current health + the damage of muramana (based on mana consumed), every time you land a mystic shot.
Sterak's Gage will increase your base attack damage, which affects the amount of damage done by spellblade procs on Iceborn Gauntlet or Trinity force. This makes it a preferred
defensive option for Ezreal.
In all ins, using heal sooner, especially before you go below 40% health, will make it so that the enemy champion attacking you does not get the Merciless mastery activated. This will prevent them from doing an additional 5% extra damage to you. And, if they decide to wait to use heal when they are lower, they will be taking 5% extra damage from you while you are not taking 5% extra damage from them.
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