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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Fizz's Introduction
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Hello everyone! This is my third guide here on Mobafire, this time featuring the coolest fish ever, Fizz:The Tidal Trickster. Fizz is my main mid/ap carry champion in the League, he has an incredible burst damage and awesome gameplay!
In this guide ill show you 2 different ways to play Fizz, although my favourite build is the assassin one.
LORE:'"Fizz makes even the saltiest sailors of Bilgewater look like drunken landlubbers in a fight. Good thing he’s on our side.” – Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter.
Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures he grew to be a powerful fighter with a sharp cleverness that let him skirt danger with ease. One day Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted seastone trident from the ruins and set out alone.
Fizz wandered the ocean in search of his people for years, using the skills he’d learned during his adventures as young boy to survive. Finally, Fizz discovered the port of Bilgewater. He was fascinated with the existence of life above the water and could not resist exploring the island. In his endless curiosity, Fizz inadvertently meddled in the affairs of the humans who lived there, and his presence did not go unnoticed. His mischief angered many residents who eventually sought to capture or kill him. Fizz found himself cornered, and he prepared to return to the sea despite the fondness he’d come to hold for Bilgewater. As he stood at the docks, a massive dragon-shark attacked the port. Fizz defeated the beast, using his resourcefulness and knowledge of the creature’s weaknesses to his advantage. Having earned the gratitude and respect of the humans, Fizz decided to stay in Bilgewater. To further serve his new home, he joined the League of Legends.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Fizz was launched on 11th November, 2011, and here's his Champion Spotlight video, which resumes a bit of Fizz's gameplay, abilities and recommended builds.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Before going depth into Fizz's items, skill sequence and such, I'll list some of Fizz's pain the *** enemies, ill try to give some information on how to play against them, but noticed that these are Fizz's counter, so it'll be hard still.
Well Ryze is Fizz's numeber one counter, and why is that?
Ryze is mage/ap carry like Fizz, but theres a big difference between them, Ryze is naturally tanky, he builds item with tons of HP and Mana, to stack up with his abilities, and he has something that Fizz doesn't have, which is crowd control, and Fizz's main weakness. Fizz is squishy, he's an assassin, deals great damage, but like other assassins, he's squishy, so when playing against Ryze try to keep your distance from him, since he's ranged, and attack only with your full arsenal: all abilities available, ignite, flash, ulti.
Even with all skills ready, it will be hard to take him down since he's tanky.
Try not to get caught by his Rune Prison or he'll deal you some great damage that'll have you going back to base, losing your lane.
So, this is really hard for Fizz, so my advice is, try to farm the best you can (hard as well since Fizz is meele and Ryze is ranged), ready up your abilities and wait for a gank to take him down!
Diana is another champion that can cause some trouble to Fizz's game.
She's a mix of tanky/assassin ap carry, and she was some crowd control as well. Although its easier to avoid Diana, until she gets lvl 6 and have that Lunar Rush she isn't that dangerous, but be careful once she hits lvl 6.
Until then, your game is pretty even with hers, she's meele as well, although she has that Crescent Strike that is a ranged burst ability. Her crowd control ability is Moonfall which pulls you into her area of effect and will slow you for some seconds, but since Fizz has some nice mobility and ignores unit collision, you shouldn't have trouble avoiding her Moonfall. Her item list and her Pale Cascade skill, which gives a shield, make her more tanky and harder to kill.
So here's what you should do to play well against Diana is avoiding that Crescent Strike so she cant use her combo ( Crescent Strike+ Lunar Rush without cooldown on ulti), so if she wants to dash over you she'll use her Lunar Rush but she'll have cooldown on her ability, avoid her crowd control Moonfall.
Well Mordekaiser is pretty hard to play against, if played will, since he has that Iron Man shield, which gives him a huge defense against spells.
He has some good damage, but that's not the main problem, the real problem against him its his shield. If he manages to have his shield full, you wont deal decent damage on him, you will have to take down his shield, so you can use your abilities to nuke him.
So an advice when playing vs Mordekaiser, keep your distance, try to farm the best as possible, notice that he doesnt use mana so he'll spam abilities, and wait for gank. Time your abilities for when he has his shield off so you can attack him with your full arsenal.
Akali is pretty hard for Fizz's cause of her burst damage and combinations. She's meele as well, but she'll spam her Mark of the Assassin and she'll try to hit you next, so she deals bonus magic damage. The real problem is when Akali hits lvl 6, she'll have that Shadow Dance, that can trigger Mark of the Assassin, so she'll mark you, dash onto you and will use her Crescent Slash. Akali's combo is pretty painful, she can nuke you easy, and if she gets trouble she'll hide using her Twilight Shroud.
So I have some advices when playing against Akali:
- At level 6, buy a vision ward on put it right in the center of the mid lane, so you can spot her when she uses Twilight Shroud;
- Once she gets her ultimate Shadow Dance, once she dashes onto you just jump and avoid the rest of the combo, run into your tower;
- If you want to kill her, I suggest you still have that ward on the center, engage with Fizz's ultimate Chum the Waters, it will slow and knock her buying you some time, trigger your Seastone Trident, dash over her using Urchin Strike and Ignite her (if you have it). Notice that this combo will be even more powerful once you have Sheen.
These are, basically, Fizz's biggest problems when mid lanning. Any other champion that was not on this list, I consider not being dangerous for Fizz, althought any ap carry mastered can be really dangerous, so do not underestimate any opponent.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
The good thing about playing Fizz is that he counters many many usual ap carries, due to his W skill Seastone Trident that work a bit alike Ignite, and cause of his great mobility and burst damage.
So here I'll show a list of champions that are fish food, some champions you can deal with really really easily.
Here's a Vladimir, well its absolutely painful for a Vladimir playing against Fizz. Vlads game consist on spamming abilities like Tides of Blood or Sanguine Pool using his own health and getting it back, healing himself, spamming Transfusion. So no one is better than Fizz to counter this guy, your Seastone Trident, once you trigger it, will deal base health damge + some flat ammount of damage and will reduce all incoming healing on your target, so Vladimir's heals will be weak, and since Vladimir is pretty slow and has a really hard early game, if you manage to use well your Seastone Trident and your burst Urchin Strike + Ignite you can easily take down Vladimir and get a huge advantage over him early and mid game.
Oh here's another champion which is fish food! Brand is pretty slow and doesn't a good escaping mechanism, he can just hit you with Conflagration and isnta stun you with Sear buying him some time to run away from your attacks. But since Brand's mobility isn't that good, and Fizz ignores unite collision with his passive Nimble Fighter its easy for you to chase Brand and nuke him with your burst damage. Brand is very squishy, i advice avoiding his nuke ability Pillar of Flame, its a delayed aoe ability, you should be able to avoid it pretty easily.
A wild Cassiopeia appears! No problem for Fizz, here's another squishy ap carry, this will make your life a bit hard but not a problem, manage to dodge her Q ability Noxious Blast, its pretty similar to Karthus's Lay Waste, a delayed ability which will poison you and damage over. Try not to get caught by Cassiopeia's poison abilities Noxious Blast and Miasma or she'll spam hit you with her burst damage ability Twin Fang. Cassiopeia is pretty slow and her unique mechanism (except Flash) is her ultimate Petrifying Gaze which can stun or slow you buying her some time to run away.
But once you hit her with your burst Urchin Strike, since she's pretty squishy, you trigger your Seastone Trident to reduce healing incoming and deal damage over time, and you can finish her with your Chum of Waters or just jump on her with Playful / Trickster and using Ignite. Pretty easy opponent for Fizz.
Another pretty easy opponent for Fizz is Swain. Boring champion with some awesome sustain, but slow as well. You should avoid his Nevermove, if you do that, he wont be able to nuke you. He might just spam his Q Decrepify and his E Torment on you to low your health. What makes Swain hard to counter sometimes its his ultimate Ravenous Flock which deals some aoe damage to neraby targets (prioritizing Champions]] and heals him for 50% of the damage dealt, which you can easily counter with your Seastone Trident, again you can greatly reduce Swain's healing income and his ultimate becomes 'useless', just deals damage. So avoid his Nevermove, get some good position, engage with your Chum the Waters for some slow (precious time), then nuke him with Urchin Strike+ Seastone Trident on. Use Playful / Trickster to run away if you're too close from a turret or in a dangerous situation.
Well these are the champions I consider to be the easiest to play against when using Fizz, of course there are other squishy or slow champions with same limitations as these ones listed, but I believe these are the ones that shouldn't give you any hard time.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Good escape mechanism;
Pretty easy to play with;
You can easily dive using Fizz;
Has a SHARK!!
Easily countered if your opponent has lots of crowd control;
Usually focused if fed;
No one knows what Fizz is, some say he's a fish but... who knows?! :D
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Here i'll describe Fizz's abilities and explain them.
Nimble Fighter (Passive)
Fizz's dexterity allows him to perpetually ignore unit collision and take 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 (at level 18) reduced physical damage from autoattacks.Explanation:
Fizz's passive is pretty good cause it reduces the damage you take from auto attacks and most important, it makes you ignore unit collision, this means, if you have minions or obstacles on the way you don't have to go around them, Fizz's just passes through them, which makes it really easy to chase enemies while there are minions around or even running away from dangerous situations.Urchin Strike (Q)
ACTIVE: Fizz dashes a fixed distance in the direction of his target, dealing his total attack damage as physical damage plus additional magic damage to it. The ability will also apply on-hit effects.Explanation:
This is Fizz's basic damage ability, has some good range and will make you dash onto your opponent, applying on-hit effects (e.g: Rylai's Crystal Scepter slowing effect or even your Seastone Trident effect).Magic Damage from this ability:
Deals 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+ 60% AP); (e.g: if you have 100 AP, this ability will deal the base damage plus 60% of your 100 AP = 60 extra magic damage)Mana Cost:
Costs 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 Mana (from ability rank 1 to rank 5)Cooldown:
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds;Range:
550;Seastone Trident (W)
PASSIVE: Fizz's autoattacks rend his target, dealing magic damage over 3 seconds that strengthens if the opponent is low on life. Multiple autoattacks will only refresh the duration. The total damage caps at 300 against minions and monsters.ACTIVE: Fizz's autoattacks are empowered for the next 5 seconds, dealing additional magic damage on-hit and causing Grievous Wounds (50% healing reduction).
Well this is Fizz most powerful weapon. Even passively this ability will deal extra magic damage once you hit your opponent, and this damage increases if your opponent's health is down, so the more wounded your opponent is the more powerful Seastone Trident's passive effect will become, and the more bonus damage will be dealt.When triggering Seastone Trident Fizz's basic attacks or Urchin Strike become empowered (check the total damage section below) for 5 seconds and apply Grievous Wound effect on the target which will reduce for 50% all the incoming healing on that target (works like Ignite).
Total Magic Damage from this ability:
Deals 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 35% AP) (+ 4% / 5% / 6% / 7% / 8% of target's missing health)Mana Cost:
Costs 40 Mana at all ranks.Cooldown:
10 seconds at all ranks;Playful / Trickster (E)
Playful (E)
ACTIVE: Fizz hops onto his trident in a nearby location, becoming untargetable for 0.75 seconds and gaining the ability to use Trickster before the effect ends.If Fizz does not use it, he will slam the ground below him, dealing magic damage and slowing nearby enemies for 2 seconds;
Magic Damage from this ability:
Deals 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 75% AP);Slow:
Slows by 40% / 45% / 50% / 55% / 60%;Area Of Effect Diameter
400;Trickster (E)
ACTIVE: Fizz hops off from his trident to a nearby location, dealing magic damage nearby enemies in a smaller area than Playful. Trickster does not apply the slow.Magic Damage from this ability:
Deals 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 75% AP);Area Of Effect Diameter
300;Global Mana Cost:
Costs 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 Mana;Global Cooldown:
16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds;Explanation:
Well this is a 2 step ability. Once you click your E button Fizz will use Playful / Trickster and will hop onto his trident becoming untargetable for 0.75 seconds. From this point, inside that time (0.75 seconds) you reclick your E button, and Fizz will use Playful / Trickster and will hop off his trident and jump towards your cursor location (with a 400 range limit) damaging all enemies around him (300 diameter aoe). If you choose to not reclick your E button while Fizz is on his trident, he will automatically hop off it and land on his location, damaging all enemies around him (500 diameter aoe) and slowing them for 2 seconds. This skill is very useful when chasing and opponent since it is a gap closing skill or when you're trying to runaway from a dangerous situation.Chum the Waters (R - Ultimate)
ACTIVE: Fizz throws a fish in a line that will bind itself onto the first enemy champion it hits. If it doesn't hit an enemy champion it will stay on an area, and it will stick to the first enemy champion that walks into the area. The champion that has the fish attached will be slowed. Regardless of position, after 1.5 seconds, a Shark will emerge from the earth to eat the fish, dealing magic damage, knocking up the target for 1 second, knocking back all other enemies within the area from the center and slowing all enemies in the area for 1.5 seconds afterwards.Explanation:
Fizz's ultimate its a perfect ability to use when you're willing to take down your opponent without failing. Fizz will throw a small fish in certain direction and range (skillshot ability), if the fish encounters a champion, it'll bind to the enemy champion, if not it'll stay in the area it was thrown to. Depending on either it hit the enemy or enemy, 1.5 seconds later a big shark will erupt from the earth knocking up in the air enemies inside the area of effect and slowing them for 1.5 seconds.Magic Damage from this ability:
Deals 200 / 325 / 450 (+ 100% AP);Slow:
Slows by 50% / 60% / 70%;Area Of Effect Diameter
1275;Mana Cost:
Costs 100 Mana at all ranks;Cooldown:
100 / 85 / 70 seconds;Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Here I'll show the skill sequence I belive to be the best one when playing Fizz. Regardless the way you want to play Fizz, either tanky or assassin, or even another style you want, the skill sequence should be same, so here it is:
Ability Sequence Explanation
- At level 1, start with Seastone Trident which is Fizz's main weapon, cause of its passive and flat AP damage + health based damage when triggered. So take a point at level 1 and max it first;
- At level 2, get your Playful / Trickster which will help you farming, cause of its area of effect, but most important, will help you running away from dangerous situations or close gap any enemy. Playful / Trickster deals some considerable damage as well, so take a point at level 2 and max it second, once you're done with Seastone Trident.
- Get Urchin Strike at level 3 and max it last. Since it applies on-hit effects, you will only need it to dash onto your opponent, then your Seastone Trident skill will do the magic. So take a point at level 3 and max it last, by level 18.
- Fizz's ultimate Chum the Waters, like any other ultimate in the game, should have a rank up at level 6 and be maxed as soon as possible, at lvl 11 and 16.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Well here, the runes setup will depend on how you are willing to play Fizz. If you want to go for Assassin setup you should have some rune list, different from the one you have for Tanky Fizz.
Assassin Fizz
I Believe this rune setup is the best for an assassin built Fizz. This setup will give you some initial flat ability power (approx: +31 starting AP) and some good initial magic penetration (approx: +9). This is a clearly nuke rune setup, you just work on flat ability power values and magic penetration.
This setup here isn't much different from the previous one, the only visible difference are the seals, that will be no longer ability power ones, but defensive seals, so you can resist against some more damage. So this setup will give you some nice initial extra armor (approx: +13) or magic resist (approx: +7) and reduce your initial Ability Power (-5 comparing with the previous rune setup).
- Greater Seal of Ability Power x9 = 5.31 AP
- Greater Glyph of Ability Power x9 = 10.8 AP
- Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x3 = 14.85 AP
- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x3 = 8.55 Magic Penetration
- Total AP from runes: 30,96 ~ 31 AP;
Tanky Fizz
This setup here isn't much different from the previous one, the only visible difference are the seals, that will be no longer ability power ones, but defensive seals, so you can resist against some more damage. So this setup will give you some nice initial extra armor (approx: +13) or magic resist (approx: +7) and reduce your initial Ability Power (-5 comparing with the previous rune setup).
- Greater Seal of Armor x9 = 12.69 Armor
OR - Greater Seal of Magic Resist x9 = 6.66 Magic Resist
- Greater Glyph of Ability Power x9 = 10.8 AP
- Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x3 = 14.85 AP
- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x3 = 8.55 Magic Penetration
- Total AP from runes: 25,65 ~ 26 AP;
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Fizz's masteries tree is pretty much the same, regardless of the way you're playing him, there's only a small change that I'll talk about below.
Assassin Fizz
Tanky Fizz
- 1/1 - Take a point in Summoner's Wrath to increase you AP by 5 while in cooldown and increase Exhaust effects;
- Mental 4/4 - Take 4 points in Mental Force so you start with 4 extra AP;
- Sorcery=50 4/4 - Take 4 points in Sorcery so you can have 4% cooldown reduction when starting the game;
- Arcane 1/1 - Get a point in this mastery so you can have extra 10% magic penetrarion;
- Blast=50 4/4 - Take 4 points in Blast in order to have 1 extra AP per level (+18 at level 18);
- Havoc=50 3/3 - Put 3 points in Havoc so you can deal extra 1.5% damage;
- Archmage=50 4/4 - Take all 4 points in Archmage . It will boost your AP by 5%;
- Resistance=50 3/3 - Take all points in Resistance in order to start with 6 extra points in Magic Resist;
- Resistance=50 3/3 - Again take all points in Hardiness in order to start with 6 extra Armor;
- Durability=50 3/4 - Put 3 of max 4 points in Durability so you can have extra 4.5 points of HP per level (+81 HP at level 18);
These 2 mastery pages are almost exaclty the same, except for Tanky Fizz build you remove that 1 point from Offense Summoner's Wrath and put the last point in Defense Durability in order to increase your bonus health per level by 6 (+108 at level 18).Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
If you control well your Playful / Trickster skill, your positioning is good and feel confident on running away from ganks or dangerous situations with just Playful / Trickster here's my suggestion for the ideal summoner's spells:
Useful when your laning phase is pretty even with yout opponent, a right timed Exhaust can help you secure and easy kill over your opponent. It slows and reduces all target's capacities, so you can strike with all your arsenal.AND
Works great to secure a close kill. And since you have that Seastone Trident similar effect, if you apply Ignite on your opponent he won't be able to survive. Really helpful spell in early game to secure some kills.OTHER USEFUL SUMMONER'S SPELLS
There are some alternatives to the other 2 spells, I believe those are the ones that will benefit more your game when playing Fizz, although there are some other possibilities:
It's a very useful spell, almost every summoner uses this spell, but when playing Fizz once you master your Playful / Trickster you won't really need Flash, even in the worst situations. So if you want to take Flash I suggest replacing it by Exhaust.Ghost:
This here can be useful if you have a very mobile and quick opponent, this will boost your movement speed and will allow you to chase any running foe. I suggest you replace Exhaust if you want to use this spell, Ghost.Heal:
Well, pretty popular spell as well, can save you from dangerous and risky situations, although I don't think Heal is useful when playing Fizz, thanks to The Tidal Trickster's high mobility you can easily escape from those hard situations. So consider well if you're going to use Heal when playing Fizz, if you do, then use it instead of Ignite.Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Well, since Fizz is a meele/mage assassin champion, if you find yourself facing a ranged AP carry, you may have some troubles farming, due to enemy's range poke. So I advice keeping your distance and farming safely. Fizz has low base attack damage which makes last hit minions no easy, so here's where Seastone Trident comes, this skill deals some extra magic damage over time depending on enemies (minions or champions) health, this makes your farming easier, so here's a reason why I advice maxing Seastone Trident as soon as possible. Playful / Trickster is a good skill to farm as well, since it deals AOE damage.
So, basically, you should keep your distance if your opponent is ranged and harasses you too much, if he's squishy you should dash on them and nuke. It's not easy to farm when playing Fizz.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
In this section I'll discusse and tell everything about the builds I adopt when playing Fizz, both tanky build and assassin build. I'll suggest some alternative items as well, and at last I'll post the builds I believe to be the best ones for Fizz.
Assassin Fizz
Early Game
I suggest starting with Boots and 3 Health Potion since it will will give you some adittional movement speed, that'll work good with your Nimble Fighter. Buy those 3 Health Potion so you can have some early sustain. |
Well, if things are going well for you and you got some nice cs and even some kills, the first time you recall (around 10mins) you should buy Sheen, this is a core item on Fizz's build, because it will give you some mana sustain, and some extra 25 ability power. If you're having an hard time and you're cs isnt enough to buy Sheen at once, I suggest you buy Amplifying Tome and a couple Mana Potions. |
Once you're done with Sheen, catch up with some more cs and some kills (you can easily gank with Fizz), you need to gather some more 1610 golds in order to finish your early game build. So once you go it, go finish your boots, upgraded them to Sorcerer's Shoes and you're abilities will hurt your foes even more, due to those extra 20 magic penetration. You should be able to get a Blasting Wand as well. Now you're done with your Early Game build (note that some of this items will be used in later mid/end game items). |
Mid Game(Core Items)
Well Fizz's first core item is Lich Bane, due to the flat ammount of Ability Power it gives (+80), a boost in magic resist (+30), some mana sustain (+350), and it'll even boost your movement speed by 8%. But the best thing here is, it keeps Sheen's effect that will still work with your abilites, specially with your Seastone Trident and Urchin Strike. So finish this item as soon as possible. |
This is the 2nd core item in Fizz's builds, because it'll boost your powers dramatically, you'll have some more extra 140 AP and 30% more AP. Since this is a very expensive item, you wont probably build it at once, so start with a early Needlessly Large Rod, then go for Blasting Wand, get some more cs and kills and you'll need more 1140 golds to finish your Rabadon's Deathcap |
End Game(Complete Build)
This Item here will give Fizz some important +500 health, which is good cause Fizz is very squishy. The second good thing about this item is those +80 ability power, which will turn you even more powerful. Then you have Rylai's Crystal Scepter's passive which will slow your enemies everytime you hit them with any of your abilities. Since its another expensive item (3105 golds) build it separatly, start with Giant's Belt, go for Blasting Wand and finally Rylai's Crystal Scepter. |
Since Fizz is an assassin and we're building it to act like on, you'll need some good magic penetration, and nothing better than Void Staff. By now (with all you previous items) you should have around 350/400 AP, so now you can go for some more good extra 70 ability and most important, +40% magic penetration, so I suggest you buy Void Staff once you're done with all the previous items. This will turn your Fizz even more lethal. |
Athene's Unholy Grail can be a very good item for Fizz since it boost some stats, such as magic resist (+40), some extra ability power (+90) and most important, it gives you some awesome mana sustain with +15 mana regen and has two awesome passive effects. The first one gives you 15% cooldown reduction, which will let you spam your abilities. The second one is about mana regen. You restore 12% of your maximum mana everytime you get a kill or an assist, and it'll increase your mana regeneration by 1% per 1% of mana missing. (e.g: if you miss 90% of your mana, your mana regeneration will increase by 90%.) |
Alternative Items
Zhonya's Hourglass can be an alternative item, it gives you some good flat ammount of AP (+100), increases your armor, making you more tankier and resistent to ad based champions, and has a very useful passive which allows you to dive or even initiate team fights, just use it wisely. If you want to take Zhonya's Hourglass, I suggest you trade it for Athene's Unholy Grail. |
This can another alternative item for Fizz. It's a pretty good item, duo to its effects. It'll give you some extra 50 ability power and it has an awesome aura which will give you and nearby allied champions (including you) extra 30 Ability Power and extra 20% spell vamp, which works great on Fizz becuse, due to the low cooldowns on your abilities, you can spam them, deal damage, and heal yourself. If you want this, I suggest once again, you replace Athene's Unholy Grail. |
Well this was a very used item on AP assassins like Fizz. This item is used to assassinate enemy ap carries, it gives you an awesome ammount of 100 Ability Power, and when you active this item's effect, you will deal health based damage to your enemy. This increases with the ammount of ability power you build on your champion. I suggest replacing Athene's Unholy Grail once again. |
Well this new season 3 item is fantastic! Iceborn Gauntlet is a very complete item, so I'll start by suggesting you replace Lich Bane for this item. This item has that awesome Sheen passive, and since it has Glacial Shroud as primary item, it will boost your mana by 500, will give a boost of armor (+60) and ability power (+40). You'll have a cooldown reduction of 15% as well, but what's interesting here is the passive. As I said before, it keeps the Sheen's effect but increasing the damage from 100% to 125% on the next physical attack to all enemies around you and will slow them by 35%, has a 2 seconds cooldown. |
Here's another great season 3 item. An upgrade of our well known Haunting Guise. This item keeps Haunting Guise's porpose, which is giving you magic penetration. Those extra 200 health were kept, ability power was increased to 70, and now instead of 1, it has 2 passives. 1st one will grant you +15 magic penetration. The 2nd one is the big deal here, everytime you use an ability on your opponents you will cause them to burn for 5% of their current HP or 10% if their movement is impaired (slow, stun, snare, etc...) for 3 seconds. This passive has no cooldown, so just SPAM YOUR ABILITIES on your foes! |
Tanky Fizz
Well in this section I'll show you a different way to build Fizz, a not very coomon way, cause you don't actually see Fizz's full potential, but some sort of 'utility Fizz'.
Early Game
Well the start is a bit different from the assassin build, you start with Null-Magic Mantle and 2 Health Potions, this will grant you an high magic resistance against your enemuy ap carry. And those 2 potions will give you the early sustain you need to keep yourself in the lane until you get some good gold ammount to buy your next item. |
Catalyst the Protector
Once you reach, at least, 1200 gold, recall and get a very important item on your tanky build, Catalyst The Protector. It's a very complete item for anyone who wants to build a tanky ap carry, this will give a flat a ammount of HP (+290) as well a flat ammount of mana (+325). And this item's passive will help you througout the game since everytime you level up you recover 250 HP and 200 Mana over 8 seconds. This will give you even more sustain. |
Well this is your last early game core item. Your porpose when building Tanky Fizz is not to really kill but neutralize your enemy's ap carry and be some sort of utility ap carry for your team, so a good way to reduce the magic damage you take on that mid lane is buying Mercury's Treads, this will give you extra 25 magic resist and will reduce all crowd control effects time on you by 35%. So get them once you're done with Catalyst the Protector. |
Mid Game(Core Items)
Rod of Ages is the first core item on Fizz's tanky build. Since you have Catalyst The Protector for now, buy Blasting Wand or just get 1710 golds to finish your Rod of Ages. This item will make you tankier and give you some mana and hp sustain since it boost you mana and hp stats by 450 each. The passive will increase your HP (+18) , mana (+20) and Ability Power (+2) per minute, up to a max of 10 stacks. And each time you level up you will restore 150 HP and 200 Mana over 8 seconds. So get this item as soon as possible, it'll give you a boost in sustain. |
Well this item is used as well, when building a tanky Fizz. So once you're done with Rod of Ages, buy a Blasting Wand for more AP or get a Giant's Belt if you need more HP. Despite the item you choose to buy, the final item is the same, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter. This will boost your HP, making you more tanky, will give a flat ammount of AP (+80) and this items passive will work good with your abilities, specially your ulti when used in a team fight, you'll manage to slow your opponents whenever you hit them with an ability and that'll buy some time for your team mates to engage on the enemies. |
The last mid game core item in Tanky Fizz's build is Abyssal Mask. Since Fizz's is a meele ap carry, you'll find yourself deep in the team fight, right in the middle of your enemies. Nothing better than Abyssal Mask to drain their magic resistance and help you and your team dealing extra magic damage to them. So start with Negatron Cloak for extra 45 magic resistance and finish your Abyssal Mask as soon as possible. Your AP will increase by 70 and your passive aura will reduce 20 magic resist in a 600 radius range. |
End Game(Complete Build)
Get this item once you're done with your mid game (core items) build. This item will boost your armor and make you less vulnerable to the enemy's ad carry. This item will upgrade into a late game item, we'll see it next. |
Here's another primary item that will later upgrade into a final build item. Warden's Mail will boost your armor (+50) and will give you a passive that will work great if you are attacked. It slows your opponents attack speed by 20% everytime you're attacked. |
Well your Chain Vest will now be upgraded to Guardian Angel. This is end game build item. Now you will have a boost of +50 armor and +30 magic resistance, making less vulnerable to both ap and ad carries. But what really matters here is Guardian Angel's passive, which will give you 'another life'. This will be great in team fights, since you can use your ulti to engage and you can probably die. But care, this items cooldown is 5 minutes, so time it wisely. |
Well this is the last item in Thanky Fizz's build. This will come when you upgrade your Warden's Mail. Pretty good item in Fizz's build, it will give you +70 armor boost, extra 500 HP and has an awesome passive and an active effect. First one is almost the same as Warden's Mail but you slow enemy's movement speed as well, for 1.5 seconds. The active effect will allow you to slow all enemies in a 500 radius range by 35% for 2 seconds plus 1 second for each 100 armor and magic resistance combined. So get this item once you're done with Guardian Angel. |
Well since the Tanky Item build is an alternative build to the 'tradicional' ap carry/assassin Fizz build, there are no alternative items for this one. You can change the items you like, but in my opinion this is the best utility/tank Fizz you can build.
Assassin Fizz
15.295 Gold
Tanky Fizz
15.250 Gold
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Well this section is about teamwork. Well lets first talk about the standard ap carry Fizz. Well since you're a carry you can't just rush into a team fight like that. So there a few hints you should know about:
- You can use Chum the Waters to initiate a team fight;
- Since Fizz is all about burst damage and assassinating your enemies, try to focus the enemy team's ad carry, if you managed to do it well, you can easily take it down;
- Make sure you control your Playful / Trickster's cooldowns, because it will decide if you survive in a team fight and noticed that you can avoid abilities like Caitlyn's Ace in the Hole, Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage or even Karthus's Requiem, so time it well and use it wisely;
- If you have someone like Malphite or Leona on your team, let them engage and initiate the team fight, your Chum the Waters skill can be used to catch any fleeing opponent;
- Always focus the enemy team's Ad carry, if you're fed you will be able to 2/3 shot him;
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
When playing ranked games as Fizz try to not get yourself countered in the ban/pick section. Well since Diana is one of the most banned champions nowadays, its a great problem that is solved for you, but there are still other champions that can cause you trouble, so avoid getting countered, because Fizz really has problems if countered. If your game starts well, then you'll snowball and you'll eat your enemies once you're fed, but if you have a bad start, then you'll have trouble catching up.
I suggest, once you hit level 6, you start roaming on the map. Just push your lane, force your enemy ap carry to recall, apply some pressure and go gank other lanes, specially botlane because you can feed your ad carry and give a huge advantage to your team. You can even tower dive your enemies, engage with Chum the Waters and then just nuke them out with your team mates help.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Well this is a section where ill put some funny videos about Fizz, some good plays and funny moments featuring The Tidal Trickster.
Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrights on these videos!
Fizz Jam: By Dunkey
Fizz Pentakill
More funny moments and stuff will be submited soon!
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
Well, first of all, I want to say that this guide is my personal opinion on how to maximize your gaming potential when playing as Fizz. So I hope you guys comment, vote, and maybe suggest some changes I could make to improve this guide. I'll work on it even more, and I'll update the guide frequently.
I hope you guys enjoyed the guide and I wish you have fun playing Fizz, The Tidal Trickster.
Fizz: The Tidal Trickster
22/11/2012 - Started the guide;
23/11/2012 - Finished the first 4 sections of the guide;
25/11/2012 - Finished all the text information background in all sections;
26/11/2012 - Finished the graphical and image edition on every section;
06/12/2012 - Updated masteries and items section due to Season 3 update;
08/12/2012 - Guide finished and published;
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