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Fizz Build Guide by DixMalone

Top Foo Fighter Fizz (AD fighter Fizz Toplane) 8.24

Top Foo Fighter Fizz (AD fighter Fizz Toplane) 8.24

Updated on December 14, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixMalone Build Guide By DixMalone 21 0 12,917 Views 0 Comments
21 0 12,917 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DixMalone Fizz Build Guide By DixMalone Updated on December 14, 2018
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Grasp of the Undying


+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

Foo Fighter Fizz (AD fighter Fizz Toplane) 8.24

By DixMalone
Why Fizz?
Fizz has been a main of mine ever since he was absolutely broken in season 5+6. It's been a rough journey. Before he got nerfed, he could BURST. They changed his ult and his W for a bit, and I kind of liked the mark thing they had going on but that didn't last long either. Now in preseason 9, I've just felt that Fizz is not *** chunk-all as he used to be. Max AP with potion AND selling boots for Spellblade will barely get you to 900. That's just not enough sometimes, and when you can't one-shot an ADC you're gonna get FLAMED. That's why I decided to try something new, and make this AD, more health, DPS smack all end all Fizz guide. Enjoy!
Build Notes
Check out the little "notes" tab on each section of the build. There I have written comprehensive guides for each section of the runes, items and spells.
DISCLAIMER: Fizz toplaning can be ROUGH. I'm lucky enough to duo with a jungler most of the time, so I can kind of count on him to help me out if I'm behind. Laning can be tough, especially since your starting items are just like that of a normal AP Fizz. Trust me, though, when you finish Trinity Force you will FEEL the POWER. The DPS feels so good for farming and AAing with your W activiated. The CDR, Mana, literally everything about Tri Force will juice your fruits in lane, so don't give up if you feel like your second back Sheen Phage feels weak AF. The thing about Toplane is that you're most likely gonna get poked a lot less than in Midlane, so you can really farm up using your W or just AA. With Grasp, you can probably hold your ground in most trades, and if you find out you're wrong, just E the frick out of there. And don't forget, wards save lives! Topside ganks are ezpz for junglers, just watch out for tribush ganks and you'll be dandy.
Yes, a toplaner that roams. Fizz at 6 gets less of a power spike in this build, but your ult is obviously still a great tool. With this build, you can also be a bit more risky with where you are in fights. You won't get deleted in 2 seconds, more like 5 or so. Make do with those extra 3 seconds. Roam mid if you want, throw in an ult, maybe even peel a little for your midlaner and get that easy kill. If you're feeling like a pro, find their jungler and slay them where they stand in their own friggin jungle. Yeah that's right. Ruin his day.
You're not a Fizz anymore. You're like a sexy fish version of a champ if Yi and Lee Sin had a baby. Not my best analogy but whatever. You still want to focus the squishies if you can, but remember, you can kind of sort of frontline if need be. You'll do more damage than their frontline, so use that. Close gaps with your Q, kill with W and AA, and get the heck out of there with your E. You're still assasinating people, but now you're doing it WITH STYLE.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixMalone
DixMalone Fizz Guide
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Foo Fighter Fizz (AD fighter Fizz Toplane) 8.24

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