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Why is this build so good?
1. Armor Penetration has been reduced yet again in the game and Taric can add substantial amounts of armor to his team with even more from masteries like tenacious with these current changes.
2. Enemies who want to max their damage will have to compromise even more survivability making spike damage better than it was in season 3.
3. The current game changes have had emphasis on making supports even more effective.
Trinkets take a big load off of the support's back. This comes mainly in the form of warding totem and it's upgrades.
Stealth Ward is probably the best of the trinkets and everyone on your team should get it so your team has free map vision. If anyone needs to de-ward or see stealth, using vision ward is mostly better than using Sweeping Lens and its upgrades because the investment provides lasting vision.
into face of the mountain
Relic Shield is the best item for any duo lane currently. Both players create gold and heal each other that adds up quickly. Players can get more than 1000 extra gold before 20 minutes.
The item is so effective it doesn't even really need to be upgraded except that it can heal faster that way.
The active portion of face of the mountain works perfectly with this build because thornmails make taric undesirable as a target so he has no fear of using 20% of his health to create a shield that explodes for his allies. 20% is allot...
Locket of the Iron Solari
This item has been made much more accessible with these recent changes and even though it's effectiveness has been reduced that's no problem for taric, it still works nice with Taric's aura to increase the resistance of his allies, it has been changed to give only magic resist but that is no problem for taric at all.
The shield active works great with face of the mountain's shield active. That much shield with so much aura bestowed resistance...
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