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Rengar Build Guide by SeiSHIN

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Updated on July 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SeiSHIN Build Guide By SeiSHIN 1,400 Views 0 Comments
1,400 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SeiSHIN Rengar Build Guide By SeiSHIN Updated on July 27, 2013
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Top Laning Tips.

Basically, camp the bush. The leap is the scariest **** ever because nobody knows when you will do it and it makes a terrifying sound when it happens, I **** my pants whenever i get jumped at. Also for a easy first blood or flash burned, try to make it to lvl 2 first. Use savagery on creeps 3 times so you have enough ferocity to trigger a bola and 2 Savagery attacks once the other top laner is there. You must absolutely use the bush for this all in. Burn that guy with ignite and keep chasing him, if he flashes he might die to the ignite or get away scared ****less and with no hp.
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Using thrill of the free kill properly.

Thrill of the hunt is a very good ult but utilizing it is the most important thing you could ever possibly do. As it indicates, the ult generates 5 ferocity over a duration. Note that using this allows you to pull off a triple savagery attack within a very short period. Start thrill of the free kill/escape when you have 3 ferocity stacks. Once it reaches 5 use savagery, since it does not count as being used until you attack somebody, do not worry about canceling the ultimate. Once you jump on your designated target, toss your bola shout at them in the face and use your 5 ferocity savagery again and another time after that.
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Ganking is very simple. Try to get 4 stacks on ferocity if your ult is down. Run in with ghost toss that bola and toss it again. It should help your fellow laner/jungler out enough to pull a bunch of summoners/ults or kill them. Ghost is not required if they overextend pass the river at the beginning, but if they begin to get away put on a white blanket and chase that loser.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SeiSHIN
SeiSHIN Rengar Guide
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