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Lissandra Build Guide by mistahjellison

Jungle Full Tank Lissandra Jungle [Keep enemies FROZEN]

Jungle Full Tank Lissandra Jungle [Keep enemies FROZEN]

Updated on June 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mistahjellison Build Guide By mistahjellison 33,782 Views 1 Comments
33,782 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mistahjellison Lissandra Build Guide By mistahjellison Updated on June 13, 2015
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Some Slang I May Use

    * CC = Crowd Control (Slows, Roots, Stuns, ect.)
    * your root/snare = W ability
    * rg = Righteous Glory
    * cd / cdr = Cooldown / " " reduction
    * 1.5(s) = seconds
    * AP = Ability Power
    * Ult = R Ability
    * AoE = Area of Effect (Abilities that hit more than one target)
    * Blue = Blue Golem Buff
    * Red = Red Lizard Buff
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Hey guys c:

Everyone wants to play an unpopular pick and look absolutely stunning while doing it, right? This is the build to go. Your team will adore your lock up capabilities and appreciate all the free kills in their lane :D

1.5s roots on less than a 5s cooldown. SPAM THAT ****!

This Guide is the spam build of the century with perma CC for days!
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Your glyphs are a gamble. Take what you think you like most or will need most that game.
(I prefer Scaling MR or Scaling AP, flat ap will only help with early clears slightly)

Glyphs: 9 Glyphs of Scaling Ability Power / 9 Flat AP / 9 Scaling MR (your choice)

Or, if you don't like picking up lucidity boots, you can change your glyphs to flat CDR, and pick up Mobility Boots or Merc Treads. With this I would recommend swapping a banshees out for spirit visage though !
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Pros / Cons

    Amazing lock up on single targets with ult

    Great ganks with gap closer + root + ult

    Great late game engage + disengage

    Amazing reactions ;)

    Astonishing AoE CC

    Great Escapes

    DEM JUKES DOE (with e)

    Bad early clears

    Mana Hungry Early game (may need a few blues)

    Not too terribly much damage without mpen

    Will sometimes be called a troll ;c

    Cant invade well, cant duel against invades.
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Jungling Route

Jungle Route: I Always try to start where I can get a two person leash + me. Emphasize this to your team in the start that you need a good leash.

Blue Side:

Start at Red Buff < raptors < << Blue Buff < go for gank top or mid if healthy and kited well |||

Red Side:

Start at Gromp << Blue Buff << red buff < go for gank top or mid if healthy.|||

Some Jungle Things:

Raptors are VERY easy to clear with Lissandras AoE, So farm these as much as humanly possible to keep up sustain.
Clear Time gets dramatically better once you get Cinderhulk, no worries. Hang in there. Extra assist gold will help you ! :D
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Your job on the team is to be a hulky beast. You wont be doing too much damage on your own, unless correctly using cinderhulks passive, so don't try to 1v1 often. Always give kills away as much as possible, as your raw cc is what you need, not damage. You are probably the main engage on your team, and should focus the carries on the other team. If one has a Quick Silver Sash, try to get them to waste it with your W root first. If they don't, you may want to ult a different carry. Your root is on a VERY SHORT cd late game with 40% cdr as well as your Q for slow. Spam these as much as possible. Combo these with your randiuns/rg/ult, you can keep people frozen in one area for AGES. You almost never went to self cast your ult.

At level 16, your ult will be at a 48s cooldown. Enjoy! :D ahaha
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mistahjellison
mistahjellison Lissandra Guide
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Full Tank Lissandra Jungle [Keep enemies FROZEN]

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