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Yasuo Build Guide by WeAreTheCloockwood



Updated on February 20, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WeAreTheCloockwood Build Guide By WeAreTheCloockwood 13,244 Views 2 Comments
13,244 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WeAreTheCloockwood Yasuo Build Guide By WeAreTheCloockwood Updated on February 20, 2018
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NOTE: This is my first guide and English is my second language so please excuse my errors. This is not fully my idea, I only expanded this guide the original idea will be linked in reference. Without further redo, let's get into the guide!

Hello, my name is Alex and today I will be sharing a very fun and easy way to play Yasuo! *You can easily get full build before 30 min.* The entire guide is based around: Farming HARD, getting gold, ignoring team and finally CARRYING. WARNING: This will not work in Silver 4+. Your style is to just farm top while getting a ton of gold, when you get your 2 main items (PD and IE) you go and mess up everyone around the map.
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Pros / Cons

-Very good mid game
-Very easy to carry
-Not much skill needed
-FULL BUILD BEFORE 30 MIN! (most of the time around 14/15 games!)

-Very weak early
-Easy to harass early
-You're gonna be called a troller
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For laning your job is very simple, FARM, FARM, FARM and the most import part is FARM. While you are FARMING whenever Bandit (mastery) comes up try to AA or Q or E Q the enemy laner, same with Spellthief's Edge. If there is nothing to do in lane at the current moment just farm Skuddle or Gromp or Krugs. If your team is doing Rift Herald, IGNORE. If your team is doing Dragon IGNORE. If your team is teamfighting IGNORE. Finally when you get PD (Phantom Dancer) and IE (Infinity Edge) and some boots most of the time people on enemy team will just be finishing up first item and 3-4 levels behind. So now you can go and split push all you wan't in top, someone comes? KILL THEM! Don't use TP to come back to lane cause now after you get core you can finally help team when your team is teamfighting TP! But else just splitpush top, if team is really losing teamfights, go help them out. Now when you get full build go up and destroy everyone, at this point an average person will have 3 items + boots and they will be lvl 12-14 when you are 18. SO JUST GO AND KILL EVERYONE!!! Done, free win! If you ever wan't to get some IP really fast just go into normals play this build and get free 25-35 min wins.
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DO NOT GO IN EARLY, Only do small trades by E in E out or E Q or just Q literally everyone EVERYONE unless they have a very weak early will counter you. But don't worry 5-8 min into game you will get your first item and then you can try and go in, but I don't recommend it because you can just as easily farm and poke until second item and DATADA! you can now 1v1 anyone in the game unless they have 7+ kills and 2- deaths.
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There isn't much to the guide but I have pretty much covered everything, if you have more questions leave them in the discussion I will try my best to answer them. So my final words are, FARM! and FARM! but seriously until you get PD and IE don't try to kill them (unless it's a really really free kill.)

Thanks for reading this guide until the end.

Hope you succeed.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author WeAreTheCloockwood
WeAreTheCloockwood Yasuo Guide
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