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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability
Seals: For added armor late game because this build isnt like a Tankplank and you are slightly vulnerable in the armor and MR areas
Glyphs: added MR because of lack of defense with Gankplank
Quints: for the added 4.5% move speed Gankplank will be extremely quick plus Raise Morale and very hard to get away from especially with Trinity Force and the Grog Soaked Blade slow effect
Offense: Only 4 into offense because hes already very very hard hitting throughout the game and will be very easy to kill enemy champions with so dont really need Offense masteries
Defense: Gankplank is slightly vulnerable in the defensive area and so most points go into defense to try and support that a little bit
Utility: 3 into utility just for the move speed bonus Gankplank will be a very quick champion
Defense: Gankplank is slightly vulnerable in the defensive area and so most points go into defense to try and support that a little bit
Utility: 3 into utility just for the move speed bonus Gankplank will be a very quick champion
Elder Lizard for good early damage for quick jungle clear and good gank damage
Boots of Swiftness for high mobility
Ravenous Hydra fast jungle/lane clear time due to aoe damage
Frozen Mallet high source of health to be a bit tankier and an added slow for minimal enemy escape and added attack damage
Statikk Shiv for the chain dmg plus Ravenous Hydra insane clear time with good damage to champions and move speed boost for added mobility
Trinity Force good all around stat booster and added mobility
Spirit Visage increases Remove Scurvey heal and give some MR plus added lifesteal to go with Ravenous Hydra
Boots of Swiftness for high mobility
Ravenous Hydra fast jungle/lane clear time due to aoe damage
Frozen Mallet high source of health to be a bit tankier and an added slow for minimal enemy escape and added attack damage
Statikk Shiv for the chain dmg plus Ravenous Hydra insane clear time with good damage to champions and move speed boost for added mobility
Trinity Force good all around stat booster and added mobility
Spirit Visage increases Remove Scurvey heal and give some MR plus added lifesteal to go with Ravenous Hydra
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