Patch 13.1 updated - Aatrox got a nerf. I don't think this will change matchup to much! >>> This is a very hard lane, try to only trade when he used his passive auto on a minion. Aatrox is quite weak until level 4-5, so if he wastes all his Qs that is a good time to trade. Make sure not to get hit by his Q crit zones. Walk close on Q1 and Q2 and try and walk away for his Q3.
It is also wise to save your Q to run out of Aatrox W to not get crit comboed.
This matchup isn't that hard, the hard part is actually killing her and snowballing. Don't let her auto you for free, push her in because she has a hard time to last hit under tower and need to use alot of mana. Do not get hit by returning part of Q since that does true damage. W her Charm (E) to highly reduce CC time. After 6 she is kindof impossible to kill without jungle help since she gets 3 dashes with her R, and it's lower cooldown than your R.
Her Q will slow you. When she damages you her passive gives her movement speed if she backs away from you, this will make her next auto attack to be longer range and deal bonus damage.
It's a hard matchup and she can kill you after level 6 if she hits her full combo so be careful.
You can hit her with your E even when she is invisible in her shroud. But don't use your E if she has her E up since she will just E you and get away, and E back onto you after your spins runs out. Building early HP and a null-magic mantle is good vs her. If you dodge her E and she still is close to you then you can try to allin her.
He is very annoying early, watch out if he cheese you in bush level 1. To be able to kill him you need to flash into him when he uses his E (the swing) so you interupt it, in melee range you kill him easy after level 6 if you havent lost to hard before that.
When Akshan uses his R on you stand behind your minions, jungle camps or active towers so it will it those instead of you. If you stand behind tier 2 tower while tier 1 tower is still up it wont be attacked.
Brand is quite okay matchup as long as you don't get hit by all his spells, because then he will do alot of damage.
This is just a terrible matchup. She is super safe with her E, heals with her W and her Q is just insane damage.
if you trade you can try to do a quick Q+E after she has done her Q1, as long as she doesnt have her passive up. It's 20 seconds CD early game. Do not let her hit her Q2 against you, especially not after she has purchased Sheen.
Early game this matchup isn't that bad. She has very long range and if she hits her Q she gets bonus movement speed for 3 seconds, here she will try and kite you and spam her E on you.
You want to save Q to remove her W slow when engaging. It's possible to kill her level 6. Make sure to turn your back to her when she uses R, that negates her 2 second stun. If you dodge that it's easy kill.
Quite easy early, his Q knockup has a very short cooldown, so I always rushes tier 2 boots to easier dodge that. His W is a silence and his E empowers his next 3 auto attacks to hit in aoe behind enemy hit (also minions), this does % max hp damage. His R does alot of true damage that scales with AP and bonus HP. You can easily kill him early game after he misses some abilities, AA+E+AA+Q and ignite. After level 6, try to fight him after he uses it on minion in lane. he can stack on minions 6 times.
Chogath will be very annoying mid/lategame because all of the free HP he gets from stacking R.
Corki is quite a weak champion early game, his powerspike is at level 6 and then very big around 2-3 items.
So try to punish him hard early when he wastes his spells on the minions.
A good Darius is hard to kill. Watch out for him cheesing you in bush and running you down with autos and W slows. Save Q to cleanse slow. Let him push you into tower early, try to keep wave outside tower.
Kill window is if he wastes Q or E, preferrably both.
You can trade into him if he starts with Q, just Q into him melee range, press W for his E hook, auto him and spin away.
Darius has no sustain so if you trade and passive regen back up you can set up easy kills after level 6.
Dr. Mundo
Patch 13.1 updated - Dr. Mundo got a nerf. I don't think this will change matchup to much! >>> This lane is quite easy. Make sure to dodge his Qs since they hurt quite alot. Also be aware of him poking you with low minions using his E, this will knock them back and deal damage. They will mostly play very safe so this is kindof a farmfest without any kills. You do have kill pressure with ignite and R on him.
Very hard matchup. If she hits vitals on you they do true damage and heals her. If she hits her Q it will get 50% reduced cooldown.
If you have a bad vital you can walk away from her to reset it, they will always alternate between Left/Bottom and Right/Top, so if you have a vital on your left, next one will be either Right or Top.
Try to bait out her W Riposte by running at her with Q, but dont attack her and dodge her W, then Silence her and use E to trade.
When she ults you, never let her hit all 4 vitals, either run away from her if possible or stand close to a wall so she can't hit the 4th.
This matchup is hard, he has alot of poke with his grasp and Q, and also his barrels. But if he takes First strike, then this matchup is ALOT easier. He can W (orange) to cleanse your silence. His barrels will give him move speed and slow you down, so it's a mini game of stepping into range and quickly out to make him hit them but not get hit. With Stridebreaker and Berserkers it's possible to kill. TP is good in this lane since it's hard to find good back timings vs him.
A good Gnar player will be super hard to play against, he will poke you in lane and whenever you engage he just jumps away.
This lane is just super boring. You can get a kill before his first back if played well. But this champion is just so safe with his kegs and his E to knock you up and walk away. Using his passive to regen back up. And when he backs with mana and CDR he can just bully you. Try to CS as well as possible. I tend to go teleport in this matchup.
Very annoying lane especially after he gets his Eclipse. He will just perma push you in and poke you getting those constant shields.
You can avoid his auto attacks by kiting around you minions, he cannot auto through anything. Same with scuttle, jungle camps etc.
Make sure to dodge his 2nd Q.
He gets ALOT of free armor from his passive on his dash, this can stack up to 8 stacks.
Very hard matchup, she will win hard first few levels. You have to dodge the center part of her 4 stack Q, which does true damage. When Gwen uses W she gets bonus resistances, so do not use burst against her inside that ring. When she ults, make sure to dodge her 3 ult stacks because they hurt like hell.
After she has riftmaker she will heal alot so killing her is harder, but before that you should be able to secure a kill or two if played well.
Troll pick vs Garen top, if he has full Q stacks he can hurt quite a bit. But as long as you play around his cooldowns you will win this lane.
This is an annoying lane. He will push you in so a quick Ironspike whip to waveclear under tower. Try early to kill his towers and dodge his spells, especially his stun will deal massive damage if 3 towers attacks you. He gets move speed walking close to his turrets, so can be hard to catch. If you get onto him and have dodged his spells, he is just dead after level 6.
This is all about Illaoi E, if you dodge that, you can win trades, if you get hit by it you will lose trades. So every 12 seconds you have to dodge her E and trade after that.
She heals alot from her tentacles so Ignite/Anti heal is needed. When Illaoi uses R, you can NOT fight her, you will die! Just walk away. Her R cooldown is very short tho. She is a master to win 1v2 fights when getting ganked.
Irelia is quite hard, watch out for her starting Q, stacking her passive on 1st 3 minions and then Q onto you, you will lose that HARD. Never fight her in your minion wave because she can Q around and heal on your minions. Do not fight when her passive is full stacks or she can easy get it.
She will not lane top, after level 3 she will roam everywhere and get other lanes ahead, so make sure to communicate with team that they should respect her roams. (They rarely do though)
13.1 patch >>> The NEW updated Jax might heavily change this lane, we will see how lane is after I have played it some more! >>>
This matchup starts as an easy lane, you start E and spin on him, he has no sustain, and when he is about to activate his counterstrike on you just press W to reduce damage and stun duration. Do NOT use Q into his counterstrike, save it for after he used it, can use it to try and dodge his E stun.
This will turn into a very hard 1v1 lategame, he will just outscale you. So make sure you win as hard as possible early so you can win game before he become the 1v9 machine.
Jayce is annoying but not very hard. if you manage to engage onto him, so he goes into melee, hits you and knocks you away. You have 6 seconds until he can swap form again, so if he is close to your tower and phase rush is down you can just ghost on him and kill him with Q+AA+E+R combo.
This is not played often, but her early game damage is just insane, farm safely and after Stridebreaker you can kill her.
This is a farm lane where neither of you should be able to kill the other. Her RQ really hurts. When she uses W on you, run away with your Q to not let the chain connect after 2 seconds, this will root you. If it does, use W to get tenacity right before it lands. Her E is a shield and movement speed buff, so you can really never catch up to her.
This matchup starts kindof easy, but if you don't win it hard early it will quickly change into an impossible matchup.
I would do phase rush instead of conqueror because you can't really stack it anyway. Try to kill her early and use wavecontrol to freeze it outside your tower and deny her experience is the best way.
Kennen is an annoying lane, he is very hard to kill with all his mini stuns and speedups and he has quite good poke.
Haven't played this matchup in ages.
Kled is kindof an early game lane bully champ. If he hits his Q, walk away to break the tether. It's a good time to trade when he uses his W on minions (the 4 quick attack).
To win this try to first trade so he is very close to getting knocked off from scarl. After that you can go allin if he wastes his W. If you knock him off scarl and he has W he will remount very easily.
Patch 13.1 updated - K'Sante got a nerf >>> This is quite an easy matchup early. I usually start Q and trade on cooldown (dodging his Qs), also pushing wave for level 2 advantage. Be careful standing close to his tower when his 3rd Q is ready (whirlwind around him), if he hits that you are knocked towards him, and he can dash with his E (shield) and bring you into tower with his W (unstoppable). At level 6 he is quite scary, he can R you through walls, and he will get alot of omnivamp and 65% reduced resists, this is where ignite is great. Ignite and burst him with your R!
His damage and cooldown on Q scales with resists, so he will get very tanky, but as long as you crush him early he should never become a problem.
Lillia top isn't the worst actually. She wants to kite you with her passive movement speed she gets when using spells on enemies. Just make sure to dodge them and she will waste alot of mana and be quite an easy kill. Her Q is kindof same as Darius Q, you want to avoid the outer edge of it.
I go Ignite or Ghost in this matchup.
Lucian is a lane bully early. Do not stand in straight line behind minion because he can Q you.
When he hits W on you and then attacks you he will get bonus speed.
After level 6 you can burst him down if he doesn't play smart. If he wastes spells, especially his E (dash), it's a good time to go allin.
This matchup isn't that hard early, he do have some poke early game with his Q, and if he is smart he will save it and use every time his Manaflow Band is up. So try to punish his Q cooldown. Don't engage with Q, because he will Q you and slow you and get a speed boost. So save Q for after that. He will eventually become to tanky to kill. Try to outfarm and outrotate at that point.
Very easy lane, just trade alot and he will run out of mana before you run out of health. You should win this hard early. Later he will just become to tanky to kill.
Master Yi
Very troll pick top against Garen. He has no sustain except his W, but that now costs so much mana. Just keep poking him with Q and E after, use W on his EQ. Do not engage with Q because he will just Q you. I go Q max in this lane to get higher duration on the Q, then you can Q, let master Yi Q, and hit him with Q+E combo when he comes out. Be sure to W his Q damage right before he appears to shield damage and reduce it.
This is a rough lane but you can win if you outplay him before 6, he needs 3 attacks/abilities to proc his passive AOE, so especially if you dodge both Q and E it's a great spot to go allin. After 6 he steals stats from you when pressing R, here I like Phase Rush to proc it in his ult and kite him. If he has W (his shield), don't use your R unless you Q silence him first. When he backs and gets leeching leer/riftmaker it becomes really annoying because he heals alot.
Do not let him hit Q on you isolated because that deals alot of bonus damage, taking a Q that also hits one of your minions is much less bad.
Hard to put in a cathegory, he is super easy early game, so you have to deny him as much as possible, because he will become a monster if he is allowed to farm his Q stacks and get items. Do not fight him in his E because that will shred your armor and deal magic damage. Try to get him to use R, and when it's down you can kill him.
Really hard matchup. You can get early push if you dodges his axes (Q), be careful if he hits them since cooldown is reset when he picks them up as he slows you and can run you down.
This is a skill matchup early. Ornn deals an absurd amount of damage if you let him hit his spells. I try to get an early magic mantle and whip to get better trading into him. Try to interupt his shopping in lane if possible.
He has very high damage, so be careful fighting him early. Armor and HP is needed to not get killed easy. Do not use your Q+E+R into his shield if you stand infront of him because that negates all damage. So silence with Q before using R to be sure he can't shield it all.
Such an annoying lane. Never stand close to walls because then she can CC you and hit both her Q damage procs and deal alot of damage. She will become to tanky to kill.
Quinn is like a less annoying Vayne, if she doesn't waste her E it's like impossible to kill. Try to farm out the lane if she plays safe and make sure team knows when she can roam (she is super fast with her R so will roam from top and from base, ping it).
This is a very easy lane. Just remember that he can kill you easily especially level 3 with PTA. If his rage is above 50% his next ability is stronger , his W will stun you for longer, and if you let him dash onto you, hit W stun with autos and Q and E away he will probably kill you. His empowered W will also destroy shields so your W shield is useless vs that.
But as long as you bait out his stun, you can kill him.
This is a farm lane, never walk close to bushes in lane, he can jump much further than you think. Get him to push you in and just farm this lane. Some early armor is very good in this matchup. As long as you don't let him snowball it's an easy matchup later.
[Season 13] A good riven can be a pain, but this lane is more of a skill matchup I feel.
Use W when she goes for her allin combo before the stun, you can flash her R.
In Season 13 Riven likes to build Ravenous Hydra 1st item, don't trade to much since her sustain is cracked, but she dies super easy with ignite and R!
Rumbles damage early game is kindof insane I would say.
I can't remember last time i played this matchup tho.
Ryze isn't that hard early game. I always try to push him in early to make him waste alot of mana just to clear waves.
Sett is a really hard matchup, he wins long extended trades if both are full HP so you have to do short trades. The problem is his passive regen is as strong as Garens, but its perma on even if he takes damage.
You can never press R on Sett if he hasn't used his W because that shield will just eat all of your R damage.
For short trades, let Sett pull you in, W the pull for shorter stun time then AA+Q and E away, be sure to avoid center of his W.
When allining if he has W, you can AA+E him, then Q to silence his W and press R on him.
Shen is quite a lane bully early. When he uses Q to drag sword to him he gets 2 empowered autos that do big damage, don't get hit. When he use W he is immune to auto attacks, but your E can still do damage. Make sure to not stand close to his tower so he can taunt you with E and make you take tower aggro. Make sure to ping when he is close to level 6, so your team is aware of his R, but as usual they probably won't listen or care :) If you play around his ability cooldowns it's actually not the worst of lanes, quite killable.
Remember, you can cancel his R with your Q!!!
Singed is an easy matchup, try to walk with your wave from base so he can't proxy on you, he will have trouble farming so try and deny as much as possible. His fling actually deals quite alot of damage. But you can easily kill him if he walks close to you without his passive speedup active. Remember to never chase a Singed! I usually takes Ghost in this matchup.
You have to kill Sion alot early and try to deny. Never walk up to bushes to let him hit a fully charged Q on you. You can abrupt his Q by using Q on him, remember that it will come back from CD very fast after that.
When he uses shield, you can burst his shield fast and it will not explode.
If you let him free farm he will just outscale you with all the free HP he gets.
Very rarely played as a laner, he is quite easy to win against, but be careful after 6 so he don't drag you under his tower without minions so you take tower aggro and dies.
This matchup is a bit of skill matchup. You need to dodge his E pull into Q. If you manage to dodge his skills, you can trade when his Q+E is on cooldown.
When Swain uses R, try to run away from him so it goes on cooldown because otherwise it can be up forever. Ignite is great vs him!
Very easy matchup early. Go Ignite! Don't let Q explode on you and just trade alot and sustain back up, his sustain with W is not that good early game.
Tahm Kench
This lane depends heavily on his runes, I have played vs Lethal tempo and that will just kill you early, a very cheesy setup.
But normally you can fight him alot as long as you aren't close to his tower. He can just eat you if you are on his side in lane and spit you out under his tower.
Do not use R when he has alot of grey health unless you can Q silence him first, because he will just press E and get a huge shield.
Kinda easy, make sure to dodge his W, atleast so it max hits you one way and not way back. Try to position so he cant hit minions and you with it same time.
I rush Ironspike whip and just push him in all the time, denying his roams and stealing enemy jungle camps or roaming bot for easy kills.
Very annoying matchup early. It's not bad going tenacity and unflinching in this matchup since he got his Q blind duration buff. Try and farm healthy to level 6, know when to give up CS and health regen. After 6 you can actually oneshot him unless you use your Q while being blinded. Much easier after Stridebreaker.
Tristana is another lane bully which is kindof safe to play because of her W jump.
If she throws the bomb on you, she wants to attack you 4 times to fully stack it, don't let her do that.
Do NOT fight Trundle level 1, you will die.
[Season 13] One of Garens worst counters. Watch out for him stacking fury on first 3 melee minions, spinning through them and between you and your tower, if he gets lucky with crits you lose flash or die level 1.
This is a matchup I always build [Plated Steelcaps] because its very worth vs him.
Twisted Fate
This isn't so bad matchup, he do have some damage but you need to allin him. Bait out his gold card ability by walking towards him and backing off. When he has used it on minion, you can flash silence him and kill him easy.
Be sure to ping your team that he might R from level 6 as soon as you don't see him.
It's very good to ward lane closer to his tower to see if he walks bot or top!
This is a hard matchup.
His passive is the shotguns on his legs in different directions and these hurts alot. He wants to use his E on you so he flips you towards his tower and you have to walk around him to get to your tower (getting hit by alot of shotguns). You will loose fight if getting hit by this so make sure to bait it and dodge it.
He often uses his Q first to try and slow you for easier E.
His ult is an execute, if you get hit by first part you will get slowed and if you go below 25% max hp.
In teamfights Urgot will try to pull in one of you and flash into your team for an AOE fear/slow effect.
This is a really annoying matchup where you most likely will sit under tower farming and wait for your jungler to gank.
Try to stay healthy, and rush Ironspike whip to waveclear fast. Do not let her stack her W passive, if she does, use your W before she procs the third hit.
Do not stand in a line between her and a wall/tower, because she just condemn you into it. If she takes ghost she will be even harder to kill, if not you might be able to together with your jungler if you have ghost. Try to get as high CS as possible and not let her take to many tower platings before 14 minutes.
If he goes Ghost+Phase Rush it will be very hard to kill him. Ghost is valuable to be able to run him down. He isn't that strong early game, and the meter below him shows you his Q CD, do not let him hit you with Q when meter is full (red).
His W pool is a long cooldown, try to bait that out before your jungler comes.
He scales very well into mid/lategame.
I find this matchup quite hard. make sure to not let him stun you with Q into his E. Do not let him get his 2nd W proc on you, if you see the X, just let it timeout in 5 seconds. His passive electrocute is annoying since it stops your passive healing. His level 6 allin is quite strong. It is possible to kill and get ahead if you first bait out his Q, and then trade hard dodging his E field. Just don't let him hit his 2nd W because that heals alot.
Noone should die in this lane. Do NOT get baited by him being 10% hp because he will just heal so insanly from his Q. And they like to go barrier for the extra bait.
This is a skill matchup. A good wukong that knows his combos can do pretty good trades and it's hard to punish.
This is a skill matchup. Remember you have to proc his passive shield before going in on him with Q+AA+E+R. Do not fight him in your minion wave because he will dance around you with E and stack his Q into tornado.
After he has Shieldbow, remember that when going allin so you do not press R before it has been procced!
[Season 13] Now that Yone is taking Lethal Tempo and getting Botrk first item, I feel it's alot harder to kill him early. And he scales so well too. Ignite very good value.
Skill matchup. Yorick is scary when he has 3 or 4 graves, you will have to dodge his E otherwise he will do alot of damage. Remember when you engage that he can wall you in and then throw his E on you and take out his R for 4 ghouls that jumps on you. You can auto attack wall twice to get it down faster (if he levels W it may need more auto attacks, you see on bottom of wall how many is needed).
He is very annoying with R up since he pushes very fast and takes Rift/Jungle camps very easy. Try to kill his Maiden first, without her he is very weak and it has a very long cooldown.
This is an easy lane if you play around his spells, he will likely E you from fog of war, and if he does it while you are under his tower, he can kill wave and R you so you just take turret aggro and die. Play it smart.
Very nice for you to engage if he hits his Q on enemy, you can just jump to them! Also his E gives you a shield that explodes after 2 seconds dealing damage and slowing enemies close to you.
Her E is very nice to give you a shield and movement speed for great engages!
It feels great as a fed Garen to have a Yuumi on you, giving you attack speed, movement speed, heals and shields.
Great to put a bomb on you and give you move speed for easy engages.
Very nice for you to engage if he hits his Q on enemy, you can just jump to them! Also his E gives you a shield that explodes after 2 seconds dealing damage and slowing enemies close to you.
Her E is very nice to give you a shield and movement speed for great engages!
It feels great as a fed Garen to have a Yuumi on you, giving you attack speed, movement speed, heals and shields.
Great to put a bomb on you and give you move speed for easy engages.
There has been some changes in latest hotfix patch, 13.1b. These will impact Garen in a few ways.
Legend: Tenacity has been nerfed, each stack only gives 1,5% instead of 2,5%. So when it's fully stacked, you get another 15% instead of 25%. This means 20% in total instead of 30% tenacity.
Mortal Reminder doesn't build out of Zeal any more, so it won't give any movement speed or attack speed for your E. It will instead build out of Last Whisper so it will give armor penetration instead.
Executioner's Calling will however get a buff, giving 40% heal reduction instead of 25%.
This means Mortal Reminder is also getting buffed in a way for Garen , it will instantly give 40% heal reduction without the need to auto attack the enemy twice.
Bramble Vest and Thornmail is getting a buff for Garen since it will always give a 40% heal reduction without the need to crowd control the enemy.
Black Cleaver is getting a straight buff, giving 5 extra AD and 50 extra health.
Garen is very easy champion to learn and play and also very safe with his insane passive health regeneration, its good in lane and mid/lategame you can just walk away and regen to full HP in a short while.
He also gets alot of free armor and magic resist from his W passive.
+ Easy + High sustain + High true damage ultimate + Even if its a bad lane, he can waveclear easy after Ironspike Whip and sustain back up with passive and W shield.
- Easy to kite, needs Q or Flash to engage vs alot of champs. - If you fall behind hard you will feel kindof useless. Garen is a champion that have to go in and kill enemy before getting killed.
✦ Garen will get extra health regen after not getting damaged for 8 seconds from epic monsters, turrets or champions.
Decisive Strike
✦ Garen will get a move speed increase, cleanses slows and will do a 1,5 second silence when hit on enemy. ✦ The silence duration doesn't scale but the movement speed increase does. Duration is 1 / 1.65 / 2.3 / 2.95 / 3.6 seconds depending on Q level.
✦ Garen will passively get bonus armor and magic resists, getting 0.2 armor/mr for each enemy killed. (Minion, jungle etc) When reaching 150 stacks Garen will get an extra 10% bonus armor and magic resis. ✦ The active W has two parts, first 0,75 seconds after casting Perseverance Garen will get a shield scaling of bonus health and 60% tenacity, great to counter any CC. ✦ The second part will make you take 30% reduced damage for 2 / 2.75 / 3.5 / 4.25 / 5 seconds.
✦ Garen will spin atleast 7 times (scales with bonus attack speed, not from rune page), dealing damage, if enemy is hit with atleast 6 spins you will reduce their armor with 25% (also counts when your allies attack that enemy). ✦ You can press E again to end it early and get back some of the cooldown. ✦ This ability can CRIT!
Demacian Justice
✦ True damage ultimate that cant be flashed after it's cast ✦ Has base damage but also scales with enemy missing HP%, making it harder to know exactly when to use.
Summoner spells
✦ Good for extra kill potential or vs big heals, i go this vs alot of matchups! ✦ This is mostly a laning summoner spell to get extra pressure, not as good mid/late game.
✦ Good when you need the stick potential, this applies to all enemy team comp. ✦ This summoner spell is better than ignite outside of lane mid/late game.
✦ Good in really hard lanes or lanes which you will not kill anyway. ✦ Good when you know you will splitpush so you can split opposite side of next objective, applying pressure and TP into fights.
✦ This is a very niche summoner spell, i very rarely take it but it can be useful against a Tryndamere or Olaf dive. ✦ Good versus very high burst damage. ✦ Scales well into lategame.
Rune choices
Here you will see a few different rune pages that are good on Garen and below them there will be explanations on why you go certain runes.
Conqueror (Precision)
✦ Conqueror is a great main rune on Garen. You will stack this fully just by using your E on the enemy.
✦ Triumph lets you heal on takedown and also grants you 20 gold, easily best rune on this row.
✦ Legend: Tenacity is the only real choice here since Legend Alacrity attack speed will not count towards Garens E spin count. And shortening time of CC is just too good. This rune just got a nerf in patch 13.1, but I still think 20% of Tenacity (instead of old 30%) is the best for Garen on this row!
✦ Last Stand is giving you more damage when you have low health, which you will be alot of times in teamfights.
Phase Rush (Sorcery)
✦ Phase Rush is great on Garen where you want to kite more in a matchup. You need three attacks or abilities, so early game you can AA+Q+E and walk away safely. After Stridebreaker it's even easier to proc.
✦ Nimbus Cloak is great to get that extra movement speed and ghosting effect through minions when you use Ignite. Can secure kills because they can't run away from you.
✦ Celerity is perfect with Phase Rush and Garens build since it will give 1% move speed and increase all move speed bonus with 7%, so that's phase rush, stridebreaker, DMP, FoN etc...
✦ Gathering Storm is good for scaling, giving you free AD every 10 minutes.
✦ The standard secondary runes is Conditioning & Overgrowth, they are more greedy since they do not help you that much in laning phase. This is also the runepage with most options for Garen since many of them are good in different ways.
✦ Conditioning is activated at 12 minutes and give you 8 armor, 8 magic resist and also increase your armor/magic resist by 3%.
✦ Overgrowth is a forever scaling rune that will give you more max HP for each minion/monster that dies near you, it really pops off after 120 minions/monster, because it will then give you another 3,5% max HP.
✦ Second Wind is great in lanes that you take alot of poke damage, so mainly every ranged matchup you want to go this, also good if you know there will be alot of short trades to help you sustain back your health.
✦ Bone Plating is great vs heavy allin champs that do alot of damage in one spell rotation. For example a Tryndamere that spins in on you and auto attacks you to death. The problem is that it's so easy to just hit you once, wait it out and it now has a 55 second cooldown, that is almost 2 waves of minions with rune inactive.
✦ Demolish is a rune you can take when you know you will splitpush alot or if you know it's a super easy lane so you can get those juicy plates before 14 minutes faster.
✦ Revitalize will increase your healing and shielding, it's good but I never take it.
✦ Unflinching is great to get more tenacity and slow resist vs really cc heavy team comps. Great vs for example Teemo.
✦ The standard shards is to take double Adaptive Force and either Armor or Magic resist depending on lane matchup. ✦ In certain really hard matchups you can go one Adaptive Force and Double Armor/Magic Resist. ✦ You never take attack speed shard since Garens E spin count only increases by items purchased and levelups.
Boot choices
You will mostly go Berserker's Greaves because they synergize so well with Garens E ability.
Berserker's Greaves
✦ Berserker's Greaves is the boots you will purchase in most of your games, they just have so good value on Garen with instantly giving his E one extra spin and a second spin at level 7.
Plated Steelcaps
✦ Plated Steelcaps is great in some specific matchups. If you play vs Tryndamere top for example I always rush these or I will just die to him when he hits level 6.
When purchasing items for a champion you have to think about what stats your champion benefits the most from.
Attack Damage (AD)
Very good
It scales into auto attacks, Q ability and E ability.
Attack Speed (AtkSpd)
It scales into quicker auto attacks and more spins on E ability.
Health (HP)
Makes you generally tankier and scales into your W shield and Sterak's Gage shield.
Ability Haste (CDR)
It will give you faster access to your abilities but it's not the best stat on Garen.
Movement speed
Very good
Garen is a low mobility champion without a dash to get to enemies. Movement speed makes it easier to catch people and scales well with your Q movement speed increase of 35%.
Crit chance
Your auto attacks can crit but especially good since your E also can crit. So even 20% crit chance will get you more than 2 crits with 12 spins on E.
Ability Power (AP)
No AP scaling at all, just troll.
Stridebreaker - Mythic Item
Stridebreaker is the go to Mythic on Garen, it synergizes very well with his kit and this build. Also the components are all very good on Garen.
✦ Ironspike Whip gives you AD and waveclear. ✦ Heartbound Axe gives you AD and an extra spin on E level 5. Also gives move speed when attacking, so attacking a minion can help you get close to enemy. ✦ Kindlegem has Health which scales into W shield and CDR into lower ability cooldowns. ✦ The health also scales into your Sterak's Gage later. ✦ Item has a active that slows in an aoe around you, making it hard for enemies to get away from you.
Trinity Force - Mythic Item
Trinity Force is more of a split push item on Garen, this is good vs enemy teams that are hard to teamfight against (often many hard CC abilities).
✦ You get alot of damage on towers thanks to Sheen effect. ✦ Heartbound Axe gives you AD and an extra spin on E level 5. Also gives move speed when attacking, so attacking a minion can help you get close to enemy. ✦ Kindlegem has Health which scales into W shield and CDR into lower ability cooldowns. ✦ The health also scales into your Sterak's Gage later.
Zeal is a very good and cheap item to purchase when snowballing, you don't even have to upgrade it to full item until later so you can go into some tanky items after this.
✦ 153% gold efficient. ✦ 7% movement speed. ✦ Extra attack speed. ✦ Crit chance for your auto attacks and E. ✦ With Berserkers, Stridebreaker and Zeal you will get 4 extra spins level 11.
✦ Anti healing. ✦ 35 Attack damage. ✦ Compared to just keeping Zeal you will get some extra crit chance (5%) and attack speed (2%), but these are extremely minor improvements.
Dead Man's Plate is a really great item on Garen giving him many good stats but most important all the movement speed it provides.
✦ Health. ✦ Armor. ✦ 5% movement speed. ✦ 40 stacking bonus movement speed from passive. ✦ Extra burst of on-hit damage on fully stacked passive.
Force of Nature
Force of Nature is also great for Garen synergiez and this build.
It also has a passive effect that stacks when taking magic damage or getting CCd, at max stacks you will get another 10% bonus move speed and reduce magic damage by 25%.
This will make it easier to survive those teamfights and manage to get away/get onto targets.
✦ Health. ✦ Magic resist. ✦ 5% movement speed.
Sterak's Gage
Sterak's Gage is a great late game item for Garen since you will get bonus AD based on your base AD. This is ofcourse higher the higher level you are.
The gold value on the item shows in percentages, so you get 100% value at level 13.
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
53 AD
55 AD
58 AD
60 AD
63 AD
66 AD
68 AD
71 AD
When you take damage that reduces your health below 30% you will get a shield that is based on your bonus HP, with the normal build you will get 1080 health shield. (Higher if you go Overgrowth rune!)
✦ Attack damage. ✦ Health. ✦ Shield.
Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver is a situational item on Garen. I do believe it will be even better in Season 13 and perhaps even get into a core build since all the health and armor stacking with the new items. Especially Radiant Virtue and Jak'Sho, The Protean.
Even though you have armor shred on your E, that only applies to your damage.
The reduction of armor with Black Cleaver applies to all your allies damage, so the enemy tanks will recieve more damage from your allies aswell.
Great when enemy team has 2+ tank champions.
It is very easy to get to 6 max stacks fast, since you get 1 stack by dealing physical damage to enemy, so spinning on them with E will quickly get it to max stacks.
Another passive on Black Cleaver is it gives a stack of 3 movement speed per stack of carve, up to max 18.
✦ Attack damage. ✦ Health. ✦ CDR. ✦ Movement speed.
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Gargoyle Stoneplate is a situational item on Garen. It is really good when you need to be the tank for your team, it gives alot of armor and magic resist and also give passive stacks for 5% increased armor and magic resist when taking damage, max 5 stacks if 5 enemies hits you.
It also has an active which you can use to get a big shield based on your bonus health. If you go this last in standard build the shield value will be 955. (Higher if you go Overgrowth rune!)
✦ Armor. ✦ Magic resist. ✦ Shield.
Randuin's Omen
Randuin's Omen is a situational item on Garen that is good if enemy team has alot of crit champions, this will reduce crit damage taken by 20%, it will also reduce every auto attack damage dealt to you.
It also has an active that will slow the enemies around you by 55% for 2 seconds.
✦ Armor. ✦ Health. ✦ Slow.
Death's Dance
Death's Dance is a good vs a AD heavy team. It has a passive that will make you bleed 30% of incoming damage over time, and on takedowns this is cleansed and you are also healed based of your attack damage
✦ Armor. ✦ Health.
Item Set to import in League of Legends client
If you want all these items in your League of Legends client, click the spoiler link below and copy the text shown to import into your client.
Expand this and import to your League of Legends client
{"title":"Garen Mobafire","associatedMaps":[11,12],"associatedChampions":[86],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"1054","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":1},{"id":"2031","count":1},{"id":"2055","count":1}],"type":"E-Q-W Emax Qmax"},{"items":[{"id":"6631","count":1},{"id":"3006","count":1},{"id":"3086","count":1},{"id":"3742","count":1},{"id":"3053","count":1},{"id":"4401","count":1},{"id":"3033","count":1}],"type":"Standard full build"},{"items":[{"id":"3006","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1},{"id":"3047","count":1},{"id":"3009","count":1}],"type":"Boot options"},{"items":[{"id":"3078","count":1},{"id":"3071","count":1},{"id":"3193","count":1},{"id":"6333","count":1},{"id":"3143","count":1},{"id":"3181","count":1}],"type":"Situational items"}]}
Strategies for early laning phase
Level advantage
It is very good to know about when you will get your next level.
You will get level 2 when the 1st minion in wave 2 dies and you will get level 3 when the 1st minion in wave 3 dies. (This is with new preseason exp change for top laners, it used to be more minions on wave 3 for level 3).
If you are able to kill a ward before minions spawning, this will also give you experience, so you will level up 1 minion faster than expected for level 2 and 3! This can be huge because the enemy will not expect your level up!
Taking fights with level advantages are HUGE especially in the early game, level 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 2, means that not only do you have bigger stats like HP, AD, Armor, MR, but you also has one extra ability to use.
Still big with levels above 3, since you have extra stats and extra points in abilities.
And, think about it, if you know you will get level 6 on the next 2 minions and enemy is still level 5, you can use this advantage to take a big allin fight if the enemy doesn't respect it or perhaps is unaware of how close to level 6 you are.
Good CS count
Getting a good CS count is so much more important than getting kills if getting kills means you instead have bad CS.
One wave without cannon is worth 105 gold, so being up 18 CS equals one kill.
Sometimes its worth to give up a minions and cannons to not trade to much health, just make sure to stand inside experience range. Have you ever gone for a cannon early game worth 60 gold and lost half your health? And then you can't walk up and misses so many minions because of that, or even worse, dies and misses both gold and experience.
So imagine going from 5 cs/min to 6, or even higher. That will lead to a huge gold difference for you in first 20 minutes.
This example will not be correct because of different values of minions, cannons and jungle camps, but if one wave is 105 gold for 6 cs, that means 17,5g/cs.
5cs/min * 20min game = 1750gold
7cs/min * 20min game = 2450gold
The difference here is only 2 more minions lasthit per minute and it equals to more than 2 kills worth of gold, and 7cs/min is actually not even hard to get.
Freeze lane
It can be a super effective method to starve enemy from gold and perhaps even experience. Make sure to last hit minions as late as possible or it will start to build into a slow push instead. I write more about this in the Wave management section.
Do not die
This might just sound dumb and obvious, but it is often very bad to take unnessecery risks and die.
Its better for you to be alive and stay on the map to gather experience and gold to get ahead of gold curve.
Ofcourse, if you can dive enemy early with a stacked wave that he misses (doesn't have TP), then its always worth to go 1 for 1.
Safer warding
You can ward from safer spots, if you want to ward river from blue side tower, stand in this space, press space to center camera and click on pointy edge of tree. + Click to enlarge image
If you want to ward tri-bush from a safer place, walk to this spot with centered camera (holding space), and press bottom right of the egg. + Click to enlarge image
Ward enemy jungle
It can be very good if you have extra time to ward enemy jungle a bit deeper, one spot I especially like is when playing red side, then I ward the bush at blue buff entrance with a control ward, this ward is often overlooked by enemy. + Click to enlarge image
Target champion only
Be sure to use the "Target champion only" setting, and enable it as a "Toggle" so you don't have to hold it down.
This setting makes it so you can't autoattack minions, turrets, jungle monsters etc. Especially good when fighting in a minionwave or towerdiving so you don't accidentally autoattack anything else than the enemy champion.
Tracking enemy jungler
It is very important to know where the enemy jungler is or should be and play around this.
At level 1 you want to watch top- and botlaners to see if they arrive late to lane. This is a good indicator to show if they gave their jungler a leesh. Sometimes people "fake leesh", that means they walk to vision in lane late to make it look like they leeshed. Look at enemy mana to see if someone used abilities, this often indicates they actually leeshed and didn't fake it.
Sometimes your team invades and put up wards to find the enemy jungler, this makes it very easy to spot the jungler.
First gank timer
If the enemy jungler started bot, they should be at top jungle around 3:00 to 3:15 so that is a great time to ward. The scuttle crab in river now spawns at 3:30 so if they have the time and you are overextended they might gank you before taking scuttle.
Some junglers want to do early ganks, like a Twitch usually wants to get red buff and then immediately gank a lane close to his red buff. So, if you are playing blue side (bottom part of map), expect to be ganked level 1!
Second gank timer
After the jungler has done their first clear they need to clear it again, and since the camps spawn a fixed time after they have been killed they usually clear the same way again. So if they do a full clear from bottom to top, they usually do their second also from bottom to top. Which will put the in top jungle at 5:30 to 6:00.
Be prepared
Junglers can ofcourse do their own thing, like going buff to buff and then gank. They can also be duo with the toplaner and sit there even if their top jungle is cleared, so you can't really expect them to always play a "standard" jungle clear for their champion.
Honeyfruits spawn in river, one in top side and one in bot side, between 06:00-06:30 they look like this at first and can't be used.
After 60 seconds they become finished fruits that can be taken by a player. + Click to enlarge image
Hitting the honeyfruit will give you 5 fruits that can be taken, they each restore 3,5% max health or 14-116 health (scales with level).
They do slow you when you take them. So they can also be used if you hit them while being chased and they have to run around or become slowed while chasing you. + Click to enlarge image
Playing from behind
Have you ever died 3, 4 or even more times in lane before 14 minutes, letting the enemy laner get all 5 plates and first tower? And then the enemy just snowballed his lead onto other lanes and the game was just over?
This is actually very common, people don't adapt their playstyle depending on if they are ahead, even or behind.
It's okay to die in lane, you can't win each and every laning phase, it can be that you are camped by the enemy jungler or that you are just getting outplayed. This is fine, as long as you don't make the game totally unwinnable by dying over and over again.
When I lose lane i almost always will do it gracefully. When I realize I can't win 1v1, I will play to farm well and not giving the enemy a big lead. This can be very frustrating. But since enemy will most likely push you in all the time, this also sets him up to be ganked easier. And even if your jungler will not come and help out toplane, you can still keep good CS thanks to Garens E and Ironspike whip, even if it means taking bad trades, you can just let your passive regen between each wave.
Just don't be that guy that tilts and makes the game totally uncarriable for your team and your winrate will increase alot.
This can be applied to all champions, but Garen is really good at it.
Wave management
Knowing how to manage the waves is very important and this can get you big leads even without killing the enemy.
There is many ways to manipulate the wave in your favor.
Even minion rule
This is the easy part. On the first wave, both waves meet at the middle of lane at the same time. If noone hits them they will kill eachother and lane will not push anywhere.
If there is same amount of minions but they meet closer to your tower. This will start to push the wave against the enemy tower.
This is because your next minion wave reaches the previous wave first, so they start to attack the enemy minion wave first and kill them faster, this will cause the wave to start pushing away from you.
The closer to your tower the even minion waves are, the harder it will push away from you since your minions will come even faster than the enemies.
If you are not there you will ofcourse lose gold and exp.
This rule is important to know when either backing to shop or roaming.
This is ofcourse a bad time for you if you both leave for a scuttle fight with your junglers, or if you need to back because of low health.
But, if it's the other way around, this can be abused to deny the enemy alot, read more at freezing.
Level 1 push to you
If you know the enemy is leashing for the jungler, you can walk up in lane and start to hold the enemy wave close to his tower and when your wave reaches that part you walk into the bush furthest from your tower, this will make enemy minions all target one of your minions and kill it fast. The next enemy wave will also reach faster and start pushing harder. + Click to enlarge image
This will lead to enemy wave pushing against you, so just last hit the minions as late as possible to make it come to your tower. + Click to enlarge image
Counter early ganks
If you think that enemy jungler will gank you early, you can push first two waves into enemy tower before the cannon wave comes (3rd wave), this will reset the wave and let it start pushing against you.
To achieve this you want to push the first wave, but not to hard so the second wave is under enemy tower.
Start hitting the ranged minions a few times, killing one. When the second wave arrives you want to kill that wave as fast as possible to make your minions enter into enemy turret range before 3rd wave arrives.
This will make the wave reset and start pushing against you, so now you can walk and ward the river and let the enemy push against you.
The downside to this is that the enemy will hit level 3 first and have a level advantage with a bigger wave pushing against you. Here you will have to be careful taking trades because of that, and also that you take alot of damage from a big wave this early.
If possible, try to trim the enemy wave so it doesn't build up and become to big.
Level 3 dive
This can be done solo but it is alot easier if you plan it well with your jungler.
You start to slow push 1st and 2nd wave, making sure that 3rd wave (cannon) comes outside of enemy tower, this wave you will hard push to enemy tower so there is a big wave.
You will have a level advantage, and if you manage to kill enemy (especially if he doesn't have teleport), he will loose so much experience and gold. This is even worth it if you die doing it.
Imagine you have an Elise jungler, she will take turret aggro and CC enemy, you do your burst combo and then after enemy is dead Elise just use Rappel to go invisible and reset turret aggro.
Freezing a wave
This is used to deny the enemy laner gold and experience.
What freezing a wave means is that you know the wave will push to you, so you will not attack minions other than last hitting them. If the place in lane and amount of extra enemy minions is correct, you can keep a freeze forever.
If the enemy wave is bigger, and it's close to your tower, you will need 4 extra enemy minions to keep a freeze.
If the enemy wave is bigger but it's at the middle of lane, it can be enough with only 2 extra enemy minions because the new waves comes at the same time.
This can be used in several ways.
Pros to freezing a wave: ✦ Freezing can deny enemy CS which will give you bigger gold advantage. ✦ The enemy have to overextend in lane to get experience and/or gold, which will make it easier for your jungler to gank him. ✦ You are close to your tower, so it's hard for enemy jungler to gank you. ✦ When you are behind and enemy roams, you can freeze to get back in experience/gold.
Cons to freezing a wave: ✦ The enemy can roam, so you have to really make sure your midlaner/jungler knows so they expect him coming. ✦ If enemy jungler comes and kills you at your tower, you miss alot of minions of exp/gold and allow them to take turret plates quickly.
Freezing a wave - When you are ahead
If you are very ahead of your enemy laner, you can zone that person off from even getting experience by walking between his minions and his turret. So if he walks up close you kill him, and if he doesn't he will loose the experience and gold.
Here will an example of doing that follow.
In the example below I will go from being pretty even exp/cs vise, level 9 vs level 8 and 72cs vs 66cs to level 10 vs level 8 and 96cs vs 66cs. So we get a full extra level and increase CS lead by 24cs.
Make sure that his minions doesn't reach your tower, let them aggro you until your minion wave reaches his. + Click to enlarge image
You might have to drag out the wave a bit from your tower to prevent it from crashing when your minions die. + Click to enlarge image
Make sure to ping your midlaner that the enemy toplaner might roam to make something happen, preferrably have a ward in river like I have on rift here to see it happen. + Click to enlarge image
Do not let the minionwave become to big so it crashes, thin it out and remember you need atleast 4 extra minions on enemy wave when the wave is this close to your tower. + Click to enlarge image
If the enemy walks to close, make sure to trade with him but remember to not do it inside his minionwave so it starts pushing against him. In this instance I saw that my jungler was pathing top so I went full allin on the Jax. + Click to enlarge image
Trading might even lead to a kill, so hard push wave and get tower platings and get even more ahead. + Click to enlarge image
Freezing a wave - When you are against a hard matchup
If you are against a hard matchup, for example Darius as a Garen, you can try to keep his minions just outside of turret range, so he can't hit your ranged minions.
This will make it very hard for him to kill you early and also let you farm safely. If wave is pushed under your tower and it will start to push away, you can bait the Darius to trade onto you with Q while you stand in your minion wave so he does alot of damage to it. This will make it push to you again and you can just let your passive do it's magic while waiting for minions to last hit.
Many times the enemy gets so frustrated so that trade into you under tower and takes towershots for it, making it easy to kill them! + Click to enlarge image
Dragging out waves
If enemy pushes wave on his side/middle of lane and backs to shop, you can reach it before it starts to aggro the turret and instead aggro you. Here you can actually tank the wave and walk away from tower and the wave will follow you, try to drag it close to middle of lane.
This will cause a freeze depending on amount of minions and place in lane (see freezing a wave).
Minions can be even closer to tower, as long as they don't aggro the tower you can drag them out. + Click to enlarge image
Just walk away from tower and minions will follow you, make sure they all get out of turret range[*] . + Click to enlarge image
Push or not after a kill
This is something that alot of people do not think about, they will just automatically try to shove the wave to enemy tower after a kill no matter what. ✦ If your wave is bigger than the enemy wave you kindof always have to get it under enemy tower to make it reset. If you got a kill with your jungler ganking, ping him to help push the wave under enemy tower. ✦ If the waves are even it depends where in lane it is, read "Even minion rule". ✦ It will also depend if enemy has Teleport or not, if he has you have to either push it super fast and back, or just accept that you will loose minions and back to spend gold/regen hp. ✦ Is there a big chance enemy jungler/midlaner will kill you? Did you see them walking top while you faught the enemy? ✦ Look where next wave is, if you have a big wave you need to push and you see that your next wave is close to your tier 3 tower, you know that his wave is close also, so you will need to be able to push that wave also.
Slowpushing means only attacking minions to lasthit them, this will make you have a really big minion wave so it will be hard for the enemy to fight in it without taking alot of damage. It will also give you more time resetting to spend gold or to invade enemy jungle or roam mid.
This is a good example of a slowpush, I will only lasthit minions so I can also collect next wave and get enough gold for my next item purchase. + Click to enlarge image
Many times the enemy will get bored and trade into you while you have that big minionwave. This is really bad in two ways, number 1, you will reset when wave crashes and get full health, the enemy is stuck in lane with low hp and item disadvantage when you return from your back. + Click to enlarge image
Here you can see that Jax is now 50% health instead of full health, there is 1,5 minion waves going under his tower that he will have to stay and clear while you reset and return with more items and full health.
In the worst cases for the enemy, he will be so low that he can be dived with the junglers help. In this case he was so low so I could solo dive him without even dying myself. Making him loose this 1,5 minion wave and also parts of the next one. See below + Click to enlarge image
Slowpush into dive with stacked waves
This is the same as the level 3 dive. You slowpush a huge wave when you know you will kill the enemy. So when it reaches his tower either he will stay and try to survive (and if he dies he loses ALOT), or you can zone him from the tower so he has to back off to his tier 2 tower making him miss all that experience and gold. This is risky since you have to be aware of enemy jungler and enemy midlaner. But great if you are so strong you know you will win a 1v2 fight.
Here is a good example when a slowpush can really punish the enemy because he didn't sit back during slowpush and he traded instead, leading to him dying and missing out of alot of experience and gold from minions and letting the enemy take turret plates. + Click to enlarge image
So as you see in this example, jax misses that 1,5 minion wave and 1 turret plate. Here I decided to only go for that 1 turret plate and the next minionwave, because I had zero vision on where the enemy Evelynn could be.
So I didn't stay for an extra turret plate. This is generally good early game since death timers aren't that long. You do not want to die to enemy jungler or be stuck in lane without spending your gold. + Click to enlarge image
When I watched replay of the game to take screenshots, I saw that my decision to not greed for the extra turret plating was really good since the Evelynn was running from her bot jungle straight to top to get my shutdown.
Evelynn would get alot of experience from killing me since I am higher level than her and also I would have a death timer so I would probably miss 1 wave and give Jax a turret plating.
This wave that I didn't greed for is still there and I will be back in lane to collect it before Jax has time to push it under my tower. + Click to enlarge image
Wave pushing away - Bait enemy to push it back
It is really bad against a hard matchup when your wave is pushing away from you, this makes it very easy for enemy jungler to gank since you have to overextend, and some enemies can just run you down the long lane.
Here is a great example, level 5 Darius with Ghost vs Level 5 Garen with Ignite. He can easily activate ghost, slow you with W and hook you with E if you are close to his tower.
This strategy is very good vs an early lane bully like Darius, they will often get frustrated and try to kill under tower giving you an easy kill :)
I prefer not to fight Darius before level 6 and a few item components since he most likely wins with DBlade vs DShield. His bleed stacks are just nasty. So I don't want to take an extended allin from full health.
So here will a good example follow of me making him push the wave back against my tower so I can farm safely.
My wave is pushing against his tower, so I stand in the middle of my ranged minions and try to bait him into using Q on me (and also my minions to damage them). + Click to enlarge image
The first Q here I didn't manage to dodge, but my minions took alot of damage. + Click to enlarge image
I keep standing within my minions since my wave is still bigger and will continue to push away from me.
Sure enough, Darius wants to kill me and tries to Q me, this one I manage to dodge completely so Darius only hits my minions. + Click to enlarge image
After those two Qs from Darius I see that the wave will push towards me, so I just sit back far from him and waiting, only walking closer to stand in experience range if an enemy minion is about to die. (Learn to give up gold but not experience)
There is absolutely no reason to take any damage since then I can get dove by Darius and his jungler. I just want to farm some gold so I can purchase boots+Whip so I can trade and kill in an allin later. + Click to enlarge image
Minion level and bonuses
Red and Blue minions can have different levels and different strengths. This is caused by towers taken down and avarage level on teams.
If your team has higher avarage level on champs, this will cause your minions to gain more levels and get stronger. Same thing if your team take down more turrets than enemy team.
If your minions gets stronger this means that if 2 minionwaves meet in the middle of lane, normal rules no longer apply, since your minions are stronger they will automatically start pushing the lane.
Strategies for after laning phase
I will expand on this subject soon.
When laning phase is over you want to continue to farm and put pressure on the enemy. This is ofcourse easiest when you are ahead but even from behind you can be useful and apply pressure.
It is very important to keep your CS count up so you don't fall behind in gold/experience. Push your lane before rotating to other lanes/enemy jungle/objectives.
If you are ahead and feel that you can 1v2 enemy top and jungler pressure tier 2 tower and take camps in enemy jungle.
Be sure to keep an eye for rotations from enemy midlaner, jungler or if botlane is missing they might come from base.
As you can see here I did not have vision on anyone but enemy top and mid. So i decided to ward and take enemy top jungle.
Deep ward enemy jungle and help pressure other lanes and objectives.
If Rift Herald is up, it's great to ask your jungler to help secure it and use it mid to open up the map.
In this example I was crushing toplane, but there is no reason to push for tier 2 tower.
My botlane was struggling really hard, enemy ADC Varus was 11/2 and I was 7/0, I saw them overextending botlane so I first pushed out top wave to tier 2 tower, then I backed and ganked botlane getting an easy double kill. Even tho Varus was 11/2 he was only level 12 while I as a toplaner was level 14. + Click to enlarge image
When second dragon was up I was sure we could contest it since i was 9/0 with really strong items, so after pushing out toplane i left Jax alone there and rotated for the objective over 30 seconds before it spawned. This allowed us to setup vision behind the dragon so enemy have to walk in blind.
Instead of hitting the dragon I was behind it zoning the enemy from it if they every tried to walk close to it. This is a good example of using your lead to help team secure more gold/objectives on the map. + Click to enlarge image
Even though this allowed the Jax to breath and safely farm, it is very worth it to give tier 1 tower top for a dragon.
You need to use your lead to not only stay in lane, but help your team win the game.
Combo guide
Yes, you read that correctly. "Combo guide" for Garen do sound crazy since he isn't really a mechanically intense champion at all.
This section is more about what abilities to use and when. Sometimes it is very important to save an ability to counter an ability from the enemy champion.
This depends heavily on your matchup.
Q engage
Against some matchups you can't get close to them unless you use your Q movement speed to engage. After that you use your autoattack and then your E to deal damage and get a good trade.
Q into oneshot
Against a low health target or a squishy target that you know will die in one combo it's great to engage with your Q to silence them. They can't flash away now. Just continue with your AA+E and use Ironspike Whip/ Stridebreaker and finish them with your R.
Saving Q
There is many reasons why you can't use your Q to engage.
Against Nasus you want to save your Q until he uses his Wither so you can cleanse the slow.
Against Jax you never want to engage with Q because he will just use Counter Strike to negate both damage and silence. So you have to walk up to him and start with E, even when he counterstrikes your E will do damage. And when he jumps away you can use your Q to run to him and get some damage in the trade. Try to time your W in this trade to get extra tenacity for his stun and also shield the damage. Hard since he can end it early after 1 second or wait full 2 seconds.
Against Fiora you can run at her with your Q but instead of using it on her you run past her to bait out her Riposte ability. If you Q her and she Riposte it, you will get stunned and heavily lose that trade.
If you dodge the ability, it is a very good time to trade with her. And if she is low enough you can use your R to kill her. Never use your R against Fiora while she has her Riposte up.
Using W or not
Your W is a shield and damage reduction, so you can use it early in trades where you know your enemy will use their complete burst combo into you.
But sometimes you want to save that W to get usage of the tenacity part.
Against Sett you want to use it right before he pulls you in with his Facebreaker to reduce the 1 second stun to 0,5 seconds and then do a trade with AA+Q+E away dodging his true damage part of his W.
E melee trade
If you manage to get close to your enemy you can start the trade with your AA+E, wait to use Ironspike Whip/ Stridebreaker until you have max stacks on your E armor reduction, this will also reduces enemy armor on your upcoming autoattack and Q damage.
You can also press Q but not use it on enemy just to get your movement speed and keep up with them to have your E deal maximum damage and then hit Q after your E is done.
Using R or not
There is many abilities in the game that you have to make sure the enemy uses before you use your R on them.
Here you can see at what levels you will upgrade your spin count depending on items purchased, for example, if you buy a dagger first back you still dont get an extra spin until level 6.
With Berserkers you get 1 extra spin any level, and 2 extra spins level 7.
Here you can see what stats you can get on Garen at level 18 depending on what items you build.
These stats are not taking into account fully stacked W passive for extra armor and magic resist. 30 Armor and 30 magic resist plus 10% extra when fully stacked.
They do not take into account whatever extra health, armor, magic resist you get from runes (Overgrowth, Conditioning).
Overgrowth gives about 1 HP per CS you have, so at 200 cs you will have another 200 bonus health, this scales into your W shield and Steraks shield.
W shield
Item shields
E dmg
Q dmg
Garen R execute range
Demacian Justice (R) Damage
It's not the easiest to know when to use your R on enemy champion. It has a fixed value, but it also scales with the enemies missing health percentage.
The more health the enemy is missing the more damage gets added to the base damage.
I have made a sheet with what maximum current HP threshold you can use your ultimate and still get a kill.
So if the enemy max health is 2500 and you have rank 2 ultimate, the enemy needs to be at or below 807 current health. 808 and above the enemy survives.
With rank 3 ultimate the threshold at 2500 max health goes up from 807 to 981.
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Max health
Current health
Current health
Current health
Pre-season 13 Anti hp stacking/tank builds
I am currently trying to find best build vs new tank items, especially Heartsteel which I feel is VERY overtuned!
Have you had a good experience as Garen with your current build vs Chogath, Dr. Mundo, Sett or other HP stacking abusing champions?
I feel that Divine Sunderer could be a good item vs health stacking champs. And this item also gives some bonus armor penetration, which the health stacking champs also usually builds.
Any tips on this subject is welcome, love to discuss strategies.
+ The passive will make your auto do 6% MAX HP bonus damage. + It will give you some healing. + The mythic passive is giving armor penetration.
- You do not get any attack speed at all for your E spins. - The waveclear is worse without the Ironspike Whip we all love. - Garen is obviously not the best user of a Sheen item. - Garen doesn't have many low cooldown abilities to proc the %MAXHP damage on auto attacks many times in a fight.
Pre-season 13 Tank Garen build?
Is it viable to do a tank Garen build with Season 13 items? This is a 4fun category! :)
I am thinking and trying these two builds to test the new items on Garen, we will see how they work.
+ You will get insanely tanky. + You will get good sustain in fights thanks to Mythic. + Spirit Visage will amplify your healing and shields + You will stay long in fights and activate JakSho passive that will drain enemies around you and together with the Sunfire passive burn this might actually deal some damage.
- You do not get any attack speed at all for your E spins. - The waveclear is worse without the Ironspike Whip we all love.
+ You will slow and cripple main target. + You will get damage from Sunfire.
- You do not get any attack speed at all for your E spins. - The waveclear is worse without the Ironspike Whip we all love. - Garen is obviously not the best user of a Sheen item.
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