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Miss Fortune Build Guide by BLHAIR



Updated on September 20, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BLHAIR Build Guide By BLHAIR 5,507 Views 1 Comments
5,507 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BLHAIR Miss Fortune Build Guide By BLHAIR Updated on September 20, 2017
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Hi everyone! My name is Luke and as I am writing this I am 19 years old. My history with League actually goes back to the beta of the game. I started playing during open beta because I saw my brother playing it and I wanted to give it a go. I fell in love with the game so now I'm bringing all of the knowledge I can to the champions I had been playing for so long. if anyone wants proof, I mean I was playing under a different name then so it's not likely even with the proof y'all would believe me. tho on my facebook there's a post of me playing league from 6 years ago (don't go watch it. I was GOD AWFUL back then.) Though some old school people might remember a kid being super butt hurt about the Eve Rework back in season 3 when there were rumors about it in season 1... that was me. you can probably still find the forum post on League's forums if you search hard enough. I was Luke1998 back then but since changed my summoner name to BLHAIR. so go find it if you really want. As soon as Miss Sarah Fortune was released at first I was like "She will be my main." I didn't get her for a while and I was pretty bad at her at first but I finally got great with her.
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I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. MF's abilites are insane... E is pretty useless half the time but we don't talk about her ;)

Passive Love TapDear god this **** is broken when you get used to switching targets and throwing Q at the closest enemy. I've easily won 3v1's with her passive and Q

I like to call her passive "***** betta have my money" because MF is the pimp ADC and every enemy is going to be your ***** if you play it right.

Miss Fortune deals bonus physical damage to EVERY new targetthis means that if you are switching back and forth between targets... well... they dead. Love Tap also makes it really easy to farm with MF. Just wait until the minion is low enough and auto it. FREE GOLD!

Q Double UpThis is the ability EVERYONE hates from her because it can deal up to half of the enemy laner's health in damage. It's just that great.

Miss Fortune fires a bullet the deals damage to a target and a target behind themPositioning and timing are key for getting the most out of her Q. But like... just Q a low health minion and the enemy is likely to be behind the minion. this way the hit to them is a crit if you kill the minion. Look this ability is literally the reason MF is such a ***** to fight. it deals extra damage to the second target and if you kill the first target it's a crit. not to mention it applies love tap to both targets so you can hit the first target with an auto for even more damage. It's broken so abuse that ****. You gotta make your enemies cry and surrender.

W Strutor as my friends call it "How Luke walks IRL"

MF gains passive movement speed when ever her HP is not taking damage.
when you activate the ability MF gains Attack Speed and the Passive movement speed is reset. Additionally Every Love Tap reduces the Cooldown by 2 seconds
This is the reason MF can feel so hard to kill. the movement speed used to be her passive but, I'ma be real. It was a ****ty passive before they reworked her at least by the time they reworked her. Now this is a crazy steroid for her attack speed like you don't really need to buy attack speed because of this spell. the spell can be used with her E to Kite for days and it's dumb it really is. just pop this before you go in for your Q and watch it be back up in 2 seconds because love tap. God Love Tap is great I love it.

E Make It Rain or as I call it "you aren't leaving my ult now pay me for playing this match" but make it rain is easier to say.

MF fires bullets into the sky and they rain down in an AOE slowing and damaging all enemy units withinUnless you are AP MF or want the slow early over the movement speed. DO NOT max this before anything. it's easily her weakest ability but even it has it's uses. Use it to slow enemies or make it harder to escape your ult.

Ultimate BULLET TIME! MF fires her guns rapidly in a cone melting the health of any enemy Miss-Fortunate enough to be inside. THIS ABILITY! DEAR LORD! THIS **** MELT EVERYTHING THAT IS ALL I CAN SAY.
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Pros and Cons

High Movement speed
Complete Lane Bully
Not Complete Glass Cannon

No escape besides strut and/or E
With no protection you can be killed easily
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Supports I love to have

MF is great she can be great with almost any support.

Janna? watch her shield make your damage even dumber

Soraka? You will be a one woman army as long as Soraka is able to out heal the focused damage.

Sona? she's the go to pair up for MF.

But my absolute favorite thing to do is play MF with my friend Justin playing Nautalus.
They aren't leaving your Ult my friend... they are not leaving alive. and they will cry about it in all chat.
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Weak against and Strong against

Look you are still an ADC and thus you are going to but squishy a decent amount of the time. If you fall behind you can be killed easy as hell. you are going to be weak against assassins and hard CC.

You are going to be dealing a metric ton of damage so you are going to obliterate anyone you is squishy. if you get ahead you are going to snowball extremely hard. main combo is W Q auto and spam Q and Autos they will usually die before the second Q
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Ending off

I hope this helps this is my first guide for anyone so I hope I did MF justice. Add Me on NA if you want I'm BLHAIR
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BLHAIR
BLHAIR Miss Fortune Guide
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