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Gragas is a very engage based support, Which means that morgana can counter that by using her blackshield on the AD Carry. Also, when you do manage to get onto the AD Carry, she can simply bind you and turn the fight around. Huge counter
Gragas is very strong against Leona for a couple of reasons, First of all, Gragas can easily just counter her engages by using Gragas's body slam or ultimate and then just use a Barrel Roll and walk away. However Leona does have stronger cc because she has 2 stuns and a binding E. Gragas should definitely be able to win this matchup but should still be very carefull of her early engages.
Nami is one very squishy fish, Which makes her pretty easy to lane against as long as you dont get caught by her bubbles. However, late game she will be very annoying as she can cancel your engages really hard in teamfights using her Tidal wave / Bubble.
Early levels, You will most likely be able to just jump in and win most of the trades together with your AD Carry, However if she manages to get enough items to be effective, She might actually become a huge threat for your AD Carry because of her huge damage, However you will be able to tank those hits quite easily so just peel for your AD Carry as much as you can and it'll be fine!
Gragas is a very engage based support, Which means braum will not be giving him a nice time. When you try to jump on their AD Carry, Braum will just be able to get his passive on you and stun you while your AD Carry is pointlessly attacking Braum's wall.
Karma will be a huge treat in lane because of her insane amounts of poke, However you will be able to win most trades. However, the reason why karma is a huge threat is because she is really good at kiting you away by simply using her shield that gives her movement speed while using her Q and W. Also karma's Ultimate E can be very annoying in teamfights as it makes you able to just run away out of fights.
Bard isn't much of a threat, simply because of the fact that when you engage, All he can really do is stun/slow you. His ultimate is not gonna do much either because you will basicly regain cooldowns while you are being ulted. Also Gragas simply has alot more pressure in lane then bard, Basicly just alot stronger pick.
Thresh is a really good pick against Gragas, because he can just hook/flay you if you want to engage on their carry. Also, if you want to make a play using your Ultimate, Thresh can just lantern the enemy out of there.
Gragas outlanes Blitzcrank pretty hard in early levels, Gragas can win trades and basicly has alot more pressure on the enemy carry. Just make sure you won't get pulled into the tower, Because then you are pretty screwed.
Gragas basicly wins pretty much all trades against a Soraka, however, She can heal her AD Carry a huge lot. It might not be a bad idea to focus Soraka in the early laning phase until she gets tankier. Also, Gragas has alot more CC then Soraka, she has a slow, a silence, and a snare that almost never snares you.
If Gragas tries to engage onto alistar, He can basicly just Q, W you into their tower, And you are screwed.
Sona is a very aggressive early game support. Which means she will most likely try her best to poke you and your carry as much as she can. Time to engage on her. You should outtrade her, But you should be as aggressive as you can in trades, Because she will heal up after that.
Oh, you want to engage? Let me just stun you, Run away, and then heal up again. That's how early game goes. However late game, you should be able to outscale Taric very hard and own him in teamfights.
Janna is a very passive support, She is able to cancel your engages, And even if you do manage to get on the carry, Janna can just shield the carry and then they will most likely win the trade.
I am a gold 3 support/jungle main and i have been playing alot of Gragas for a couple months now and recently started maining him. Enjoy this guide on how to play Gragas Support!
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
Pros: -Extremely Tanky -Great Engages -Great Damage, even when tank -Awesome at trading -Very mobile, even for a fatman -Awesome laner -Alot of fun to play -He can 1v1 the AD Carry when ahead
Cons: -No Sustain for your AD Carry (only selfheal) -3 Skillshots -a little bit reliant on items
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