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Play for roam, and only grab her if you're sure you are going to kill her.
Can nullify your kit with a button.
In lane try to rush to your target with W rather than trying to land a grab. This will force her to use her black shield and then you can do what was said in caps-lock
If you grab him, you're helping him to combo you or your carry.
Be sure to roam in this matchup, as he is your hardest counter.
She might save someone from your grab with her Ult and Polimorph, but be sure you Ignite your target and use your Ult when she shields it.
Due to the fact that she is a fragile support, you can easily get a kill on her if you have a good aim.
If you can be aggressive with Blitz, this is a very easy matchup for you
You are basically killing two birds with one stone if you can land your Q.
Just be careful with her lane poke and be sure to use your ignite when grabbing her and her carry.
She doesn't have mobility and is really fragile
Just remember to use Ignite if you grab her carry
Just dodge her R-Q and play aggressively
Be sure to ult the target as soon as it gets her shield
If you grab him, he may ult your carry to start a fight, but at the same time you can nullify his shield with your ultimate.
He can soak a lot of damage with his E, so only grab him when you're getting a gank or your carry is relatively fed. Other than that, try to only grab his carry.
If you grab his carry, be sure to put a ward/pink on his lantern.
Be careful when grabbing him because he can cc you a lot and get his carry a kill.
Try to kill him quickly after your combo, or he'll just E his way out
Try to grab him from the right side of the bot lane.
His E cancel your Q , so try to bait it before you try to grab him
Her E cancel your Q, so try to bait it using W and then hitting S to stop suddenly.
That way you pretend you're going for your hook
Only go for the kill after she uses her shield.
Very immobile Sup/Adc. If you can land your Q, you're good to go.
Dodge her bubble when rushing into her and land your Q
Easy matchup overall
Although he is a very fragile champion, he can nullify your engage with his ult.
Try to put a lot of pressure before level 6.
Cait's trap and range really make this comp really strong.
Try to grab your target into an existing trap or tell her to save some for your Q-E-R Combo
Although you can't provide an ideal peel for her, she can use Flame Chompers after you Q-E-R your target to secure the kill
Blitz can really help Draven to get his bonus gold due to this comp being really aggressive.
Personally, I think i'ts better to pick a support that can protect her more than blitz (e.g. Lulu, Nami, etc)
His early game is rather weak, so it will be somewhat difficult to get a kill early on.
Lucian can keep up with Blitzcrank's playstyle since he's a very mobile adc and has a good early game
She can really keep up with you when mid game starts and can help you with her Ult.
Miss Fortune
I only recommend this comp if you make sure your ADC uses it's E-R right after you combo your target.
Cait's trap and range really make this comp really strong.
Try to grab your target into an existing trap or tell her to save some for your Q-E-R Combo
Although you can't provide an ideal peel for her, she can use Flame Chompers after you Q-E-R your target to secure the kill
Blitz can really help Draven to get his bonus gold due to this comp being really aggressive.
Personally, I think i'ts better to pick a support that can protect her more than blitz (e.g. Lulu, Nami, etc)
His early game is rather weak, so it will be somewhat difficult to get a kill early on.
Lucian can keep up with Blitzcrank's playstyle since he's a very mobile adc and has a good early game
She can really keep up with you when mid game starts and can help you with her Ult.
Miss Fortune
I only recommend this comp if you make sure your ADC uses it's E-R right after you combo your target.
Presence of Mind really helps Blitz's mana issues to a point that lane phase becomes a lot easier. This happens because you'll have more space to throw more Rocket Grabs due to the increase of mana after successful kills or assists
-Remember to buy Control Wards throughout the game
-Always try to help your midlane or even your toplane by ganking them (that's why you need to rush Mobility Boots)
-Avoid Grabbing tanks (specially mid-late game)
-Remember: your ultimate BREAKS shields
-Have fun!
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