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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Hi, my name is H4xDefender.

I'm not known for pretty guides. I'm known for readable and effective guides that advertise information that is tried and true through rigorous testing at my elo, higher elo through teammates and friends, as well as tournament play and lane tests. If you don't like "ugly" guides, go find another one now. If you want to get better, read on.
This guide will assume you have basic knowledge of jungling and will use terminology such as "ganks," "pressuring lanes," "farming," "counterganking," and "holding."
Jarvan is a champion that can completely turn a game around. His ultimate,

Not only does he have an exceptional teamfight, his early pressure is ridiculous with his


Greater Mark of Armor Penetration X 7
This combination gives you enough armor penetration to ensure a good clear time as well as doing outrageous damage for a champion who builds no damage items. I take one crit rune because the chance to score a kill you wouldn't get otherwise without a crit is a good investment.

inb4 ***germeister downvotes because of my runes h4h4.
Breakdown of each mastery I take:


Always try to proc this on as many targets as you can in teamfights. Remember it does physical damage and it is off the target's current health, NOT his max health like zed's

If you are walking behind someone in a gank and they are not close to tower, walk up and smack them to apply red buff (if you have it) and then use this to slow them so it is harder for them to juke your E-Q. In teamfights its fine to use this to just catch one guy if your team is behind you, otherwise use this either after you E-Q in, or after you E-Q and then ult in. This ability can easily add an extra 1000 hp to your health in fights if used properly.

Ever since the armor aura was removed, there really isn't a reason to max this second, and there never was a reason to max it first. The bonus attack speed to your team is barely relevant till late game, and even then it isn't that huge of a boon. The bonus clear time it gives you is very negligible, not to mention your kill potential plummets. Do not max e until last.

Oh man, this ability is one of the best in the game, but depending on how you use it, it can lose you a fight easily as well. Remember it is a strong nuke against targets with little to no armor early/mid game, especially if they are affected by

Refer to the video section of the guide for more detailed info on it.

Zeke's Herald: Buy this if you are decently fed and your ad carry/top/mid benefit from the stats it gives. A good example would be if your ad carry went a build like


Once you have achieved this you can go looking for a gank in any lanes, but generally not bottom since you will be on the top side of the map. If the lanes have warded or are too pushed, just keep farming your jungle. As soon as the opposing jungler makes a move you will want to countergank or go steal a camp they are not close to if you are not in a position to countergank. i.e. if they gank top on blue side go steal wraiths, and if they gank top as purple steal their wolves.
If lanes cannot be ganked feasibly, powerfarm and play reactively until level 6, where you can

NOTE: If you are against a jungler who can invade your blue or red buff after they take their first buff, i.e.

By this time of the game you should have

Refer to the video section on how to zone and ult effectively.

Once again, refer to the video section of the guide on how to ult effectively in fights.


You have to be very careful against a

Be wary that even full tank

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