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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes for Health Melter Camille
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Standard spells (obvs)
Ability Order
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Intro and general stuff
My names MonsterCrackers, I've been playing LOL for about 2-3 years now and its one of the best games I've ever played and one champion that stands out to me is Camille now I've been playing her pretty frequently over the past 2 years and shes the most fun to play.
I'll keep this short as i'm not good with this stuff, I made this build myself,
I haven't seen any other person use this build personally, so if you do use this or know someone who does good on you cause its the best one I've ever used and its impressive even by my standards. With the right build (as listed above) this will literally melt the opposition health and make you a beast worthy to be frightened of.
I don't run into many problems with rune setup and build unless the player is a lot better than i am, i'm still new to the game so i'm still a bit of a noob.
if there is any recommendations for how to make this better please leave some sort of message, this is my first build so sorry if this is a bit lacklustre in info but either way have fun.
I'll keep this short as i'm not good with this stuff, I made this build myself,
I haven't seen any other person use this build personally, so if you do use this or know someone who does good on you cause its the best one I've ever used and its impressive even by my standards. With the right build (as listed above) this will literally melt the opposition health and make you a beast worthy to be frightened of.
I don't run into many problems with rune setup and build unless the player is a lot better than i am, i'm still new to the game so i'm still a bit of a noob.
if there is any recommendations for how to make this better please leave some sort of message, this is my first build so sorry if this is a bit lacklustre in info but either way have fun.
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