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Gangplank Build Guide by U R A PIRATE

Support How to Pirate: Gangplank Support

Support How to Pirate: Gangplank Support

Updated on May 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author U R A PIRATE Build Guide By U R A PIRATE 2,056 Views 0 Comments
2,056 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author U R A PIRATE Gangplank Build Guide By U R A PIRATE Updated on May 8, 2015
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The Ult

I feel that Gangplank support is extremely underrated. Gangplank support is extremely gold efficient and his ult at certain points in the game can help increase his gold efficiency. There are four primary reasons to use Gangplanks ult - 1. To use in team fights, 2. as a slow to catch an enemy champion, 3. to get vision of an area and, 4. to push minion waves. The first use is rather simple, if there is a team fight that is fought in a small area you can use your ult for a constant stream of AoE Damage. This can be extremely effective as if the enemy stays in your ult for the full duration the damage is actually quite large. The second and third uses are, again straightforward uses if you need vision on baron or dragon or in a bush while you are fighting you can use your ult - it is kind of like the blue trinket. The last use of Gangplank's ult is a use i rarely see used, but can be extremely useful in certain situations. This use is to push waves of minions. There are many reasons why this use of the ult is, in certain situations, better. First the ult has global range so it takes no time to push a wave. if the enemy is applying pressure in multiple lanes you can ult one lane and engage in another without having to worry about losing a turret. Also by pushing minion waves with your ult, you can get quite a bit of cs, and as a result gold. Although supports generally do not take cs, this is done in the spirit of pushing the minion wave in a lane so that your teammates do not have to waste their time. However you ARE the support meaning that your teammates take priority over you in getting the farm so if your teammates have time to push the waves themselves, let them do it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author U R A PIRATE
U R A PIRATE Gangplank Guide
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How to Pirate: Gangplank Support

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