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Lissandra Build Guide by ineptpineapple

Ice age has come (perma slow fun build) :) s9

Ice age has come (perma slow fun build) :) s9

Updated on November 3, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ineptpineapple Build Guide By ineptpineapple 8 0 14,635 Views 0 Comments
8 0 14,635 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ineptpineapple Lissandra Build Guide By ineptpineapple Updated on November 3, 2019
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Glacial Augment
Perfect Timing
Minion Dematerializer
Approach Velocity


+8 Ability Haste
+10 Adaptive (6 AD or 10 AP)
+5 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

Ice age has come (perma slow fun build) :) s9

By ineptpineapple
New Phone who dis?
Im just a bronzie sorry, in season 7 i was silver having only won 2 placement games and this year i got bronze for winning 7 because logic! If you are looking for a super in depth guide then leave haha. Lissandra was maybe my 3rd person i bought on league and i refunded her because i played one game and lost so bad. Recently i realized that was just because i was more awful at the time and now im getting her to mastery 7 :D. She is one of the only people along with quinn that i can say i am actually good at and if i had found her before i may not be in such a bad place in ranked rn XD.
What? What a stupid build...
You may think this build is stupid but at the end of the day league is for having fun! This build is just some fun that i thought up, feel free to disagree or discuss it with me in the comments or even make suggestions. I've only played this build a few times so don't judge it too harshly, and it is only a fun build do not expect to win every time with it or anything.
Why isn't there a section on champions??? (Counters and synergies)
As i'm only making this build as a fun build i'm sorry it won't have a very in depth part to do with champions, but if you would like some in depth review on who lissandra combo's well with and who she is countered by, see my more popular build "Agro Lissandra top lane S9". The only additional thing i will say about this build is that obviously people with tenacity will have a pretty decent time against it, so Sejuani and Garen will have it easier than most.
She is cc QWEN and seems to beat most matchups even if she seems to be countered by them she can outplay people for days. If you take ignite you essentially can guarantee a kill when you level 6 as long as you have been poking them down to half health.
She gets countered by people who can dash very quickly and unpredictably, this is because she wont be able to root them and kite back which is her usual tactic. Anyone that stuns or cc's is trouble too because they can stop you from ulting or Eing away. As long as you play safe its fairly easy to win lane against most of these "counters".
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ineptpineapple
ineptpineapple Lissandra Guide
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Ice age has come (perma slow fun build) :) s9

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