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he beats you in extended trades extremely hard because of his passive. only take short trades and avoid his q by dashing. don't walk up to him when you don't have minions, he will literally just run you down the lane and kill you. this means avoid pushing the lane if possible, but if you do end up pushing, you need to poke him on cs and try to go in lvl 2 since you'll have a minion lead. avoid dying to jungle ganks by warding deep
i actually just perma ban this champion because you don't win in lane or later on if the jax knows what he's doing. you have to try to fight him and get a good chunk in early when his e is down. get lvl 2 first and go in for a trade then. you pretty much lose after lvl 2
this is probably the worst matchup in the entire game for yasuo, next to darius. play to scale and avoid taking trades when his abilities are up, he can literally one shot you. rush tabis first item always, and let the wave come to you so you can farm safely. freezing against him isnt a bad option either, he becomes an easy gank target at that point, but just be sure you are healthy enough to fight him with your jungler or this could quickly backfire
starting dorans shield is viable here, and rushing tabis isnt too bad either. basically survive until 6 and then you just auto win because your ultimate actually helps in an all in. just dont die pre 6 to him and you should begin to outscale really hard
he can run you down the lane really easily, similar to darius. avoid taking trades when all of his abilities are up and don't push the lane, his gank setup is actually insane if he lands just one axe. just play to scale and stay healthy to prevent a dive
his trades are just actually absurd. luckily he is rarely played anymore, but if you do find yourself in this matchup, you win through poke. poke him on every last hit if you can, and go for short trades only. disengage when he ults you. let the wave push to you and freeze on him, this is one of the best ways to deal with this lane as he has absolutely no waveclear to break it
pretty hard lane, but its not completely doomed. as long as you position around her vitals and her parry, you can win this lane. she does win at 6 though, so avoid picking an extended fight with her at that point unless youre ahead
really annoying matchup, riven has always had the dominant position in this lane, but especially right now because of how overtuned she is. her base stats are just better, and her all in is better especially at level 6. if she misuses her abilities you can punish her hard, but dont walk up to her if there is no minions around, otherwise she can just run you down and kill you if the riven is good
a good jayce will just zone you off of the wave level 1 completely. give up last hits to avoid taking free damage. stay as healthy as possible and outscale, let the wave push to you and setup ganks against him
this is probably yasuo's worst matchup for mid lane, because of her insane burst and gank setup potential. she outranges you, so letting the lane push to you is a viable option here, then looking for extended trades if she walks up too far. you could theoretically push level 1 since you have better waveclear, but this could backfire if the leblanc thins the wave properly and freezes on you. but in lower elo, this strategy can work as well.
this champion is extremely irritating to lane into as any melee, and yasuo is no exception. rushing merc boots is really strong into this guy because his level 6 all in is absurd and he has strong cc. same as the leblanc lane, i recommend letting the lane push to you without taking too much damage, but if the kennen doesnt properly thin the wave if you push to him, there is little risk of him freezing on you so this option could also work
he just simply does more damage than you early on. ive asked foggedftw, a challenger tryndamere about how to win this lane as yasuo, and according to him the best way to win it is to poke tryndamere on last hits early on and push the lane. you have a waveclear advantage and slight range advantage, so pushing into him is smart because then you will have creeps around you to fight with you should he try to engage on you
i listed lissandra as a major threat because of her gank setup, thats pretty much the only reason. you need to take cleanse in this lane or the enemy jungler will sit in your lane all game long and you will turbo int
similar to other bruisers, you lose this lane because yasuo has very low base stats in comparison to other top laners. avoid standing by walls to prevent her from e engaging onto you. let the wave come to you, or you can hard push the first wave so that you can get an early lane bounce and be safe at lvl 2 or lvl 3. either one works. you lose this matchup at 6, but you outscale
if she lands a single e on you, you lose just about any trade. she has poor gank setup, so i recommend pushing this lane so she cant land her e on you, and look for trades with a level advantage. take out her tentacles when they spawn, and run out of range if she grabs you with her e. disengage when she ults unless you are confident you can beat her in an all in
let him push you in, theres really no other option. avoid taking trades when his q is up, and try to bait out his w shield by dashing in and then back out. rushing wits end is viable in this lane, but i would only advise this if they have another ap threat to worry about
Yasuo has strong early game into most mid lane matchups, but weak early game into most top lane matchups. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think Yasuo is a very hard champion mechanically. A lot of it comes down to decision making and knowing your limits as a champion. Thats what I aim to help people learn in this guide, is decision making, not mechanics. Mechanics are something that is more difficult to teach, and in general must be learned by repeated exposure to the champion.
Mid game Yasuo should be treated the same as most top laners or mid lane assassins. Your primary focus should be catching side waves to keep your farm and experience as high as possible. Sometimes, you don't always have this option available to you however. For example, your adc might be hogging side waves sometimes, or your team is forcing a lot of fights that you need to be there for. A lot of lower elo players take this information and look at it in a complete black or white fashion. While side laning is very important on Yasuo, that doesn't mean that it should be the only thing you're doing every game. This is in general, but every game is different and your gameplan should change accordingly.
In the late game, a lot of the focus should be based around teamfighting if you have a knockup of some sort, or a really good engage such as Kennen, even if it isn't a knockup. If your team has poor engage or no knockups, then splitpushing is generally the way to go, assuming you can fight the person they send to hold you. If you're playing into a split pusher that you can't handle as Yasuo, then you should either force a 4v5 fight, send someone else from your team to deal with them, or a last ditch effort would be to just 2 or 3 man them to stop their split.
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