Hey guys my name is
Senpai Marlon and I am a
high level League of Legends player but most of the time I am just
haveing fun with friends and random people I talk to. I started playing way back in season 2 where I mained
marksman but currently I am maining
support especially
tanks like
Nautilus and
Thresh. I like to be the person who tanks as much damage as he can and prepares kills for his carries along with giving the right calls to win the game.
Guide Collection
EuW - Level 30 - Senpai Marlon - Master I
My goal is to share my knowledge about roles. champions and general things to help you guys as much as I can. Fell free to
pm or
add me in
League if you need help or have any questions. If you are interested in other guides feel free to check out my youtube channel and
subscribe (
click the banner for redirection).
Nautilus is a tank/support champion who can fit in different roles. His set of crowd control abilities
Staggering Blow,
Dredge Line,
Riptide and
Depth Charge) combined with his function as a tank/meatshield makes him not only viable. It makes him to one of the best supports for the patch 5.7. I like to play
Nautilus as a massive tank who's role is to take as much damage as he can in order to protect his carries. Some times all i do is staying in my enemies carries chaining and forcing them to attack me so my carries can clean up. If you like playing
Nautilus try to practise and gain as much knowledge as you can.
Greater Marks of Armor will massively boost your resistance in order to be able to absorb more damage.
Greater Seals of Health give you an extra early tankyness and are scaling very well with your "W" Titan's Wrath. The combination of Armor Marks
and Magic Resist Glyphs
gives you the right mix of tankiness and resistance to peel for your AD Carry.
Most of the supports have at least one source of magical damage which means you will avoid a lot of damage + there are not many runes which are viable or could replace the "good old" Greater Glyph of Magic Resist.
In my opinion Greater Quintessences of Armor are the best choice to complete your runepage. These runes will massively boost your armor to win trades and fights more often along with being able to peel better.
As a support
Nautilus you should always run a mix of defense and utility. In my opinion the best option is 0/9/21 to compansate your lack of movement speed and utility in general along with gaining defensive stats. Your runes are giving you more than enough tanky stats which means you should not run 0/21/9 or any offensive masteries.
Defensive Tree
Enchanted Armor
will boost your total armor by 5% which means that you will get around 2-3 bonus armor.
26 + 21 = 47x 5% = 49,35 Armor
This does not sound that much but but it will scale throughout the game. The same goes for Nautilus health.
Nautilus's health: 576,48
Runes: 72
Masteries: 36 + 3% maximum health
576,48 x 3% = 593,77 + 108 = 701 health
Overall you are gaining significantly more stats through your focus on utility. With this mastery setup you will be able to outsustain and outrotate your enemies along with surviving poke compositions more easily.
Early Items
Your first buy should be a Sightstone to provide continuous vision.
Along with buying a Sightstone you should "buy" a Sweeping Lens to gain the ability to deny vision in order to set up ganks or for the purpose of denying knowlege that vision provides.
Face of the Mountain |
Upgrade your Relic Shield to maximise the amount of stacks and the active defensive ability it provides. The shield you gain can be used to secure allies from death or just as extra health to "make them safer". The low cooldown makes this item a "MUST" for Nautilus.
Core Item
This item maximises your engage and chasing potential. Whenever enemies are in certain range the unique active ability boots your movement speed by 60% along with an shockwave which slows their movement speed by 80%. The shockwave will automaticly trigger after 3 seconds.
Late Game
Banshee's Veil is a "must buy" late game item. It does provide good health and magic resistance stats along with the ability to block an ability every 60 seconds. The fact that you can block an ability makes it possible to engage without interuption.
Randuin's Omen is like Banshee's Veil a "must buy" late game item. It does provide really good health and armor stats along with an usefull passive and active ability for tanks. Getting attacked slow the attacker's attack speed. The active ability slow the movement speed by at least 35% improving with your armor and magic resistance wich makes this item extremely usefull for peeling.
Frozen Heart is only necessary if the enemy team has attack speed oriented champions like Jinx, Twitch, Vayne or Kalista due to the passive aura whcih slows their attack speed by 20%. In combination with Randuin's Omen makes it almost to easy to deal with their Ad Carry.
Thornmail is a really good choice if the enemy team depends on a lot of physical damage. This item provides tons of armor along with the passive ability to reflect 30% of any taken damage as magic damage back to the attacker which makes it extremely usefull if the enemy team has more then two sources of physical damage. Eventhough this item is extremely effective i would not recommend an early rush or building it before a Randuin's Omen.
Locket of the Iron Solari is a really good defensive item eventhough i would only recommend buying it if the enemy team has more than one source of magical damage. One of the few exceptions in playing against a Karthus. The unique passive ability provides an 20 magic resistance auro along with the defensive active ability to shield every ally by 230 (at level 18 - 50+10 per level). Activating Locket of the Iron Solari while being grouped and about to engage provides everyone a good shield to absorb a little bit more damage.
You should not buy
Talisman of Ascension |
Talisman of Ascension is a good item on champions like Thresh, Blitzcrank and sometimes on Janna and Leona. It provides a 40% movement speed buff for your whole team which makes it extremely usefull for engages and disengages. In teamfights where you want to unexpectedly collapse (overrun) on your enemies movement speed and surprise will be the key and Talisman of Ascension can help to be the key.
The fact that Nautilus relies on resistances and health in order to stay in the frontline makes this item inappropriate and Turbo Chemtank the better choice.
Mikael's Blessing is one of the best items for support. It provides an extremely usefull active ability which heals an ally and removes any kind of crowd control. But the fact that it does not provides any health makes it not worth to buy. Its a good choice for supports who will stay in their backline like Janna, Lulu, Morgana (due to Zhonya's Hourglass) or Thresh who has The Box as an escape tool if he engages.
Staggering Blow
Nautilus' basic attacks deal an additional 2 + (6 × level) physical damage and immobilize his target for 0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds. The duration increases every 5 levels. This effect cannot trigger on the same target more than once every 9/8/7/6 seconds.
Staggering Blow makes you snare your target. You can reply it every few seconds on the same target.
Dredge Line
Nautilus throws his anchor forward. If he hits an enemy, he'll drag himself to his target and his target to him dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+75% of ability power). If he hits terrain, he'll drag himself to the terrain and the cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Dredge Line makes you throw your anchor pulling yourself to your target. If you hit any terrain like walls or turrets you will still get pulled but half of the mana costs and colldown will be refunded. This ability is extremly effective for engaging, disengaging and faster traveling.
Titan's Wrath
Nautilus surrounds himself with dark energies shielding himself from the next 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 + (9/11/13/15/17% of his maximum health) damage for up to 10 seconds. While the shield persists, Nautilus' basic attacks apply a damage over time effect to all units around his target. The effect deals 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+40% of ability power) magic damage over 2 seconds.
Titan's Wrath creates a shield from a base amount and a percentage of his max health. His auto attacks than do AoE to close nearby enemies and your auto attacks apply a DoT to the enemies affected by the AoE. When the shield breaks or the ability ends his auto attacks go back to normal.
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Nautilus slams the ground, causing the earth to explode around him. Each explosion deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+30% of ability power) magic damage to units in the area and slows them by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 1.5 seconds. This slow diminishes over time. A unit can be hit by more than one explosion but they take 50% less damage from additional explosions up to a maximum of 120 / 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 (+100% of ability power) magic damage.
Riptide is a ripple AoE Slow around him hitting nearby enemies and the slow and damage is reduced from multiple hits. At level 9
Riptide will slow the movementspeed by 50% which makes it a great tool for chasing.
Depth Charge
Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion. This deals 125 / 175 / 225 (+40% of ability power) magic damage to enemies it passes through and knocks them into the air. The shockwave explodes upon hitting its target, dealing 200 / 325 / 450 (+80% of ability power) magic damage, launching them into the air and stunning them for 1 / 1.5 / 2 seconds.
Depth Charge makes you send a homing knockup which dierupts all enemies in its path and knocks them up. This ability is great for engaging and "picking up free kills".
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Flash |
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You always want to pick flash as a support just to provide an extra escape ability from ganks or other hairy situations. Flash also provides you an offensive ability which means you can use it to secure kills along with objectives. Dont forget that Flash has a fairly long cooldown of 5min/300sec which means you always should pay attention on your positioning. Using Flash makes you vulnerable for long long 5 minutes and can cause many following deaths if you do not ward and play passivly in this downtime.
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Exhaust |
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Exhaust is always a good choice and most of the time you can not make anything wrong with choosing it as your second summoner spell. Exhaust provides you the ability to massivly slow your targets attack and movementspeed along with their magical and physical damage. This makes Exhaust a great tool in general. Like Flash Exhaust is of agressive and of defensive use along with the potential of "baiting" your oponent. Exhaust should always be casted on the Ad/Ap Carry to provide its maximum benefit. Keep in mind that this might always change depending on the situation. Exhaust a strong Top laner or Jungler if you are getting ganked is not wrong BUT keep in mind that in this current meta (Patch 5.6/5.7) is relied in on tanks. Most likly the jungler and top laner will be a tank who wont have enough "burst", attack damage or spell damage to make him Exhausting more worth than the carries. He will apply damage over time with more than one spell rotation.
Remember that everything depends on the situation.
Early Game
At the start of the game you always should take golems or gromp and share the experience with your carry. If you havent practised damage sharing you can skill
Titan's Wrath.
first instead of
Riptide. Use
Titan's Wrath at 1:47 to provide its mamimum benefit. You will be able to tank the whole damage without losing any health.
The next step is to get a level and skillpoint advantage which will be level 2 but you can wait for level 3 if you feel safer.
Remember that in this case its more likly that the jungler will gank so keep your lane warded BEFORE you start a fight you might regret having started.
When you got your level advantage go all in eigther on the carry or the support this depends on their positioning. Use
Dredge Line on your target an lock him down.
Riptide will provide a good follow up slow. Your carry should be able to deal some free damage.
Keep in mind that you should always be focusing the carry but do not run after him like a "******" for the sake of focusing the carry (at least not in the early game). If you just can not get in his range focus the support and try to avoid as much damage from your oponents.
Titan's Wrath will help you absorb some of it.
Do not get baited if they have not used their suommoner spells. Force their summoners first and take the kills afterwards. Time their summoners and ask for ganks. (
Flash 5min/300sec cd
Exhaust 3min30sec/210sec cd) Get your
Stealth Ward and
Vision Ward ready to secure some more kills.
Mid Game
In the mid game your focus should always be at warding dragon and the area around it. You will be able to clear some of the enemy wards with
Sweeping Lens but do not forget to buy
Vision Ward. Your trybush and the dragon pit are "good positions". Do not be afraid to lose teammembers for a dragon. Its at least worth 2 deaths.
Your second focus should be roaming and rotating in order with teamfighting. This means you hsoudl have vision on your oponents position or at least the knowledge where they are. Your job is it to peel for your carries. Pick up your
Turbo Chemtank to get the massive movementspeed boost. This will help engaging and continiue chasing. Focus their essential targets and lock with your rotation down. If you are able to get an decent exchange (3:1/4:2) with their jungler dead do not be scared trying to get nashor. Nashor is your key for a fast and almost uncontested win. The rigth nashor call can change a lost game.
Pick up some kills to purchase your items take down towers alogn with inhibs and start grouping/preparing for the late game.
Late Game
The late game is the final phase of the game. The winning team is trying to destroy all of the inhibitors and their towers to gurantee a safe push. The losing team is trying to defend and clearing the waves without forcing a fight or dieing to mispositioning. In this phase you want to rotate with your team from inhibitor to an other. Your job is it to make sure that your carries can take down their buildings. A
Frozen Heart will allow you to tank the tower if necessary along with the ability to sit in their Ad Carries "face".
Banshee's Veil] is always good to block some spells to make sure you can engage without interruption.
Just tank everything because YOU ARE A BEAST if you play NAUTILUS :)
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Annie |
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Vel'Koz |
Annie is a mage caster with an extreme high burst and kill potential. In the early levels she can easily poke without being worried to get jumped on. What makes her such a bit thread is the post 6 burst and one combo potential of you carry ( Summon: Tibbers, Disintegrate and Incinerate). Try to a deny her combo or interupt her with Depth Charge so she can not deal her maximum damage. If you expect her to use her combo you can use Exhaust to minimize the damage. Try to not let her in your carries range. Position yourself well but if she uses Flash Summon: Tibbers you have to react quick.
Playing against a good Vel'Koz can be extremely annoying and can cause frustration. He has a massive spamable poke with low mana cost and cooldowns ( Plasma Fission and Void Rift). Almost every spell has some kind of crowd control (slows, ****up/stun) which makes it hard to chase or dive him. Try to avoid his poke by doding his "Q" Plasma Fission which is his main source of long range poke. Play "passive" (do not go all in) and get some levels in order to force an all-in's when you and your carry are full health. Be carefull and watch out for his combo ( Plasma Fission, Tectonic Disruption, Void Rift and Life Form Disintegration Ray).
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Morgana |
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Zyra |
Morgana can easily prepare kills with her "Q" Dark Binding and prevent you from chaining her or her carry with her "E" Black Shield. Her weakness is her long cooldown on it which you should definitely abuse. Try to force her Black Shield and save your Dredge Line to engage after it went off. Force all ins but do not push the lane (unless you want to back or roam) and do not fight in tower range or dive if she has Soul Shackles up.
Playing against a Zyra can be very difficult. She is relativly weak pre 6 and does not have any crowd control besides her "E" Grasping Roots or escpae abilities. When she reaches level 6 she can easier annoy and poke you with Rampant Growth and Deadly Bloom. These can aswell block you from engaging. The fact that she can build damage in combination with health ( Liandry's Torment) makes her really frightening. + her ultimate Stranglethorns provides a massive disengagin potential which she can use if she gets focused to get you out of position because you haven't got any escape abilities eigther.
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Janna |
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Lulu |
Janna has a good synergy with hypercarries like Vayne, Jinx and Kalista. Her abilities are almost only defensive but can be used for aggresive purposes. She can disrupt your engage with her Howling Gale and her Monsoon. She does provide a shield Eye of the Storm to harass or block incomming damage. Staying in the backline allows her to avoid a lot of pressure. Monsoon can be used if she gets chained to provide her and her team an escpae path. BUT she does not provide alot of pressure which is extremely good.
Lulu has a good skillset ( Glitterlance, Whimsy, Help, Pix! and Wild Growth wich is relied on poke, crowd control and supporting. Whimsy polymorphs your carry for a short duration along with slowing him which can lead to losing a trade. In the early game you can get easily get poked by auto attacks, Help, Pix! and Glitterlance. Avoid as much damage as you can and start trading after you hit level 4. Do not get baited if Lulu has Wild Growth up.
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Thresh |
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Leona |
Thresh provides a lot of crowd control ( Death Sentence, Flay and The Box) and can set up ganks with his Dark Passage. You should not be worried about getting hooked but you should be worried about getting chained by crowd control. Its better to engage on their carry instead of him but be carefull he can deny your enagge with his Flay. Try to avoid poke from his auto attacks untill you get some early levels. Engage on their carry if the situation allows you to.
As Nautilus Leona provides a lot of crowd control ( Shield of Daybreak, Zenith Blade and Solar Flare). In fact her engage should be your main worry. As Nautilus you havent got a single ability to safe your carry from her chain which means you have to stop her from engaging or if you can not you have to stop their carry from dealing damage. As you Leona needs at least level 2 to engage properly. Keep the vision on lane brushes up so your carry can farm normally. If she engages react quick.
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Nami |
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Alistar |
Like Bard and Sona Nami provides a lot of Sustain ( Ebb and Flow) combined with poke damage. The fact that she is so squishy and has no escape abilities besides her Flash makes her relatively easy to handle. On the other side she provides an good ultimate ( Tidal Wave) to prepare ganks or to disengage from a fight. The combination with her Aqua Prison can be deadly. A Nami you knows how to position himself well should definitely be feared more. As always avoid as much poke damage you can untill you get your early levels to force the right fights.
Like Bard Alistar is not the biggest threat in the world. His sustain is relativly weak and he does not offer any escpae ability beside Flash and his two crowd control abilities Headbutt and Pulverize. Watch out for his Headbutt + Pulverize combo and try to avoid or be prepared for it. An other thing is that he can easily prevent you from any engaging or use his Flash Headbutt + Pulverize to bring you under his turret. As always get your level first in order to to start a fight. When Alistar gets level 6 and activates his ultimate Unbreakable Will in fights definitly do not focus him due to its 70% damage reducetion.
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Sona |
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Soraka |
Sona is really easy to handle. She provides a lot of sustain with Aria of Perseverance and a bit of poke with Hymn of Valor but in fact she has to come closer in order to. If she comes closer you can easily outtrade her and even force summoners. Watch out for her ultimate Crescendo and do not play passive or she will outsustain you. Try to avoid as much early damage as you can. Get your levels and if you think its the right time to go in force a fight. You can easily outtrade her if your carry is one the same page as you.
Soraka at all is not a big threat but the fact that she provides an incredlibe sustain for herself ( Starcall) and her Adc ( Astral Infusion) should not be forgotten. You should only be worried about her if she knows how to stay out of your range and basicly safe. With this gameplay she can easily bring hypercarries in the late game eventough she does not provide any pressure at all. Keep in mind that she can not heal her carry if she has not enough health which means you should trade damage with her. If she knows how to position herself pressureher carry more so he has to give up cs. Do not push the lane and outzone them in order to force a fight or to deny them experience and gold. As always get your levels first and stay safe.
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Blitzcrank |
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Bard |
Eventhough Blitzcrank is extremly annoying he should not be a threat for you. The only thing to worry about is not letting him close to your Ad Carry. His hook Rocket Grab is extremely predictable and easy to dodge. Even if you might get grabbed you can still go all in and turn the fight with your set of crowd control abilities ( Depth Charge, Riptide and Staggering Blow) and your tankiness. He does not provide any poke to be worried about eigther. The only thing he has is his Rocket Grab in combination with Overdrive which gives him a bit of mobility. If he starts pressureing your carry just stay closer to him and be his shield. If you engage first you will most likely win the trade.
Bardis no threat for Nautilus. He is relativly squishy and does not offer a lot of poke and crowd control. The anoying part about Bard is his tunnel Magical Journey and sustain ability in lane ( Caretaker's Shrine).You should get a few levels and start being more agressive. This does not mean you should push. If they start backing just outzone them so they lose gold and experience. If they engage on your forcement start to fight and go all in.
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