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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Passive: Double Strike Not the most amazing passive in the game, but a decent one Tip: last hit 3 minions and use it on you enemy when he comes to last hit for a bit more damage.
Q: Alpha Strike Your primary damage ability. Great wave-clearing and gap-closer. Also you become un-targetable while using it so with good timing and experience you can use it to dodge CC and turret shots.
Q: Alpha Strike Your primary damage ability. Great wave-clearing and gap-closer. Also you become un-targetable while using it so with good timing and experience you can use it to dodge CC and turret shots.
Flash is the best spell there is in the game. You can use it to escape, gap-close, get in range to ignite that escaping enemy and troll that ganking Lee Sin by Flashing under your turret.
Ignite is useful to secure kills and definitely get it if you're up against a heavy healing enemy like Dr. Mundo because it reduces healing.
Ignite is useful to secure kills and definitely get it if you're up against a heavy healing enemy like Dr. Mundo because it reduces healing.
Take 21/9/0 as it gives you a big boost in damage and some survivability. You can swap the point in Juggernaut for rank 3 of Devastating Strikes if you are going for the full damage build.
In a teamfight do not be the initiator because if your teammates have not caught up with you, you will be focused by the whole enemy team and if they get one CC on you, you're as good as dead. Master Yi is best played when cleaning up fights, dive in with Alpha Strike when your opponents are at about half health and activate Wuju Style and Highlander, then just alternate between Alpha Strike and basic attacks.
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