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Leona Build Guide by Kazdyn123

Support Introduction to Leona

Support Introduction to Leona

Updated on December 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazdyn123 Build Guide By Kazdyn123 2,049 Views 0 Comments
2,049 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazdyn123 Leona Build Guide By Kazdyn123 Updated on December 25, 2013
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Introduction to Leona and my situation with support

I always liked the support role itself but I didn't like having a bad ADC(ATM I'm G5 so its not that big a problem) or being squishy-as I always would be as a ranged support like Sona, Soraka, or Lulu- but at the time that was all I had. I didn't like Leona until I played against her a couple times. She completely shut my bot lane down and whenever the jungler would gank,it seemed like he would always die too. I watched what she did and how she played. She took almost no dmg and always protected her ADC. That's when I realized that that is what I wanted in a support champion. I delved into Leona, reading guides and watching streams where there was somebody playing support at a high level. I saw what she was capable of so I saved up and I ended up buying her. I didn't even play her that day until I put rp on my accnt and got the Pool Party skin. I knew I wanted to get good with her and I wasn't gonna let a couple bad games get in the way of that. If I got the skin and spent money on it, I would be more determined to get good. First game with her I went 4/2/13. I had never played her before in my life. I loved her. This guide is to help you like the several guides that helped me get to this point. Plz enjoy!! :)
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Leona is a champion that stuns EVERYTHING. Her Q is an autoattack reset that on-hit stuns. Her W gives Leona a magic resist and armor buff. After a short time the buff explodes in a small area around her dealing decent dmg and applies her passive to everyone hit and reapplies the buff's resistances again for a short time. Her E is her gap closer. It makes her fling out her sword-traveling at a fairly fast speed- and pulls her to the last champion hit with it. Everyone hit by it gets applied with Leona's passive. Her ultimate ability is a targeted skillshot that stuns everything hit in the middle of it. The outer ring slows by a high percentage. It also has a fairly far cast range. It is great with other AOE based ultimates in and out of lane such as J4 or EZ or Varus.
Your main ability combo pre 6-at least the one I've found to be most effective- will be E onto their ADC after hitting your W so they will be rooted and will take decent dmg. At this point you will hit your Q on the enemy carry so they are now rooted. You then want to start peeling for your carry. Post 6 combo will be practically the same as pre, but you add in your ult after you Q the carry. This allows your carry to get even more free attacks on their own carry.
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The runes/masteries section is explained in their respective section notes.
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Someone else's opinions and tips/tricks for Leona


I found this video very helpful for learning how to play Leona support. This video was made previously to preseason changes so build will differ.
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How you can help me

I myself do not have a stream but several of my friends do:

If you could check out or even donate to either of these streams, it would be extremely helpful and would be a great way to spend your time watching them rage and play some League
:)If you could also help me make this a better guide by leaving CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISCM in the comments section I would be very grateful. Thank you for your time and I hope you
learn something new. :)
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