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Item Guide: Ravenous Hydra
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Item Guides
Just like every champion, every item has its own place in the League of Legends. Each item functions uniquely, an the difference between a good item choice and a bad one can make all the difference for how a match turns out. For your champion has 5 abilities (one passive) that are set in stone for that champion forever, but no matter who you picked the items you purchase are entirely up to you--you could pack an
Of course, just because they cost the same doesn't make them the same, especially on a champion like
The item in question for today's guide is the
However, just because it is common doesn't make it a "Keep-it-simple-stupid" item that everyone should build on every Champion they own, or even for every Fighter or Assassin they own.
Gold Advantage is important, and gold earned from being ahead in the game shouldn't be wasted (nor should gold be wasted when you are behind). Every fight is different and just because you got First Blood doesn't guarantee a victory against your opponent next time. They may have learned from their mistakes, purchased a counter-item, or bought a much-needed core item in their build. Don't waste time and money on the wrong items! In a game where everyone is constantly improving their stats and attacks, items can be just as important as maintaining your level with everyone else.
That in mind, let's examine the basics behind the
+ High Damage and Lifesteal + Useful Active + Useful Passive + Farm and Push Lanes Lightning-Fast |
The Ravenous Hydra is useful in a number of areas. It gives a large amount of Damage and Lifesteal, and its Unique Passive, Cleave, will deal a percentage of that to all nearby foes. It's Unique Active, Crescent, is also useful, essentially giving you a free Auto Attack whenever you want once every ten seconds. This can turn the tide of a battle quickly when used correctly. Lastly the item's abilities stack with your other Lifesteal, making other common Lifesteal Item options very viable. |
+ Melee Only + Very Expensive + Mildly Awkward Build + Competes Poorly with Other Expensive AD Items |
Tragically, however, the Hydra is Melee-Only. On top of that, it is very pricey, and competes poorly stat-wise against similar items. The Bloodthirster and Essence Reaver both grant more Damage (the Bloodthirster gives more Lifesteal as well). Luckily other items have since been Nerfed down, and the Hydra is now the only other item to give more than 10% Lifesteal (not including Sanguine Blade, assumedly). It also has an awkward and space-consuming build, starting from 5 total base items (second only to the Trinity Force). |
This item costs 3300 Gold to buy. Very expensive, but the stats justify the price. It builds from the
Now for the Unique Passive:
Despite the price, most Champions who build this item will rush it as soon as possible during the Early-Game. Some still choose to get the
So from this we can conclude that
Most people probably wouldn't have learned anything new about the
Ravenous Hydra by this point, as the basics are, well, merely basic. Despite its apparent simplicity, however, this item has several key elements that are what make it so useful as well as situational. This is the Advanced Uses Section.
Now, the real question here is simple... why build this item? Back during the days of my LoL youth (well, okay... not really), I didn't care much for this item. If you're
Talon with 5
Bloodthirsters, then sure; go ahead and make one of those a
Ravenous Hydra! Still,
Bloodthirster gives more AD and more Lifesteal (even with the most recent patch to it reducing its total AD). This item is a wee bit less expensive, to be sure, but even so...
Naturally the Passives come to mind... they do offer a wide variety of uses all across the battlefield. But what specifically are those uses? And are they enough to justify the inferior stats? Even that lousy
Mercurial Scimitar has more AD now (it's not lousy--more on that later). Is there more to this item? Where is its place in LoL? Does it even have one? Will it end up in the trash bin next to the
Runaan's Hurricane and
Executioner's Calling?
Not too likely. The
Ravenous Hydra will always have a place so long as the Champions who build it consistently are still played. My real question is why do those Champs build it, and I can assure you--it's not just because they're Melee.
Spoiler: Click to view
Here's the thing:
Ravenous Hydra has inferior stats. That means that if you're not making good use of its Abilities, then you're using the wrong item. Even for many Tanky Fighters who might build this as their only offensive item the new
Bloodthirster is looking like a good choice for offensive and defensive reasons. I'll put it gently: THE HYDRA'S PASSIVES ARE THE ONLY REASON TO BUILD IT!!!
And don't feel like you're off the hook if you use this item to push nicely, too. The
Ravenous Hydra's Unique Active is equally useful to the one wielding it if not more useful. The sad truth of the matter is simple: you're not going to be doing a whole lot more Damage in a teamfight with this item's Passive. It has a smallish range that is quickly reduced to a measly 20%, and unless the enemy is really clustered together you won't be hitting multiple targets often.
The Unique Active has slightly more range on the Crescent, and 60% Damage at the edges are a lot better, but you still won't be hitting too many foes most of the time. The real thing here is that you can use it without disrupting your Auto Attacks, meaning you can pretty much use it whenever you want without interrupting anything else you're doing, dealing an additional Maximum AD Damage.
Now, this is mostly all fine and good for Assassins and certain Bursty Fighters. But what about everyone else? Why don't they use
Bloodthirster nowadays? For Tankier Champions who only take this item alone and build little AD on top of it, the
Ravenous Hydra serves more purpose to the Survivability Aspects. A Tank is rarely seeking 20% Lifesteal, but the more disruptive and pushing Unique Passive and the small Health Regen of the
Ravenous Hydra may be more appealing. Remember, this is an Early-Game Item for Lane Dominance. With it, you can fight in Minions, deal a surprising amount of Damage with the Active, and push your lane with much more effectiveness. It also offers a great deal of Disruption in a Teamfight. Sure,
Talon all the way in the back by the enemy AD Carry won't be doing a ton of AoE Damage, but a
Darius after landing
Apprehend? This can have a similar effect to the
Sunfire Aegis--you won't be doing the most Damage on your team, but you'll be doing Damage... to a lot of people. This is what makes Champions like
Wukong and
Renekton viable choices for this item, even when building Tankier--they offer good disruptive capabilities.
Now, the real question here is simple... why build this item? Back during the days of my LoL youth (well, okay... not really), I didn't care much for this item. If you're
Naturally the Passives come to mind... they do offer a wide variety of uses all across the battlefield. But what specifically are those uses? And are they enough to justify the inferior stats? Even that lousy
Not too likely. The
Here's the thing:
And don't feel like you're off the hook if you use this item to push nicely, too. The
The Unique Active has slightly more range on the Crescent, and 60% Damage at the edges are a lot better, but you still won't be hitting too many foes most of the time. The real thing here is that you can use it without disrupting your Auto Attacks, meaning you can pretty much use it whenever you want without interrupting anything else you're doing, dealing an additional Maximum AD Damage.
Now, this is mostly all fine and good for Assassins and certain Bursty Fighters. But what about everyone else? Why don't they use
Since the
Pretty self-explanatory: never, never, NEVER, NEVER get the
Certain Champions who'd only build one Lifesteal Item rely more on the Attack Speed than the Damage. In this case, it's not
If you build the same six items in the same order every single game, then you are a fool. Adaptability is a must in LoL, because each match can play out differently. If you're not making proper use of the
This is a powerful tool in any AD arsenal. The
Use it unwisely, however, and the
I hope this guide has opened your eyes to the usefulness of the
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