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Choose Champion Build:
- Blue Ezreal (ADC/Mid)
- Hosan Build AP Mid
- Trinity Force (ADC Matchups)[N
- AP Mid (Mid Matchups)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Who am I?
Now, I'm going to show you the ups and downs of playing Ezreal.
cantseemePros - The most versatile Marksman - Many ways to build - Has strong poke with Mystic Shot - Great burst as a Mid or Marksman - Easiest to reposition with - Arguably the most rewarding ADC/Mid when mastered. - Fun as hell - You belong in a museum! |
cantseCons - All Skillshots - Squishy - High skillcap - Hard to master - Hard to catch up when behind - Getting caught without Arcane Shift normally means death - Mistaken for a lady |
Flash is the best Summoner Spell for Ezreal, no questions asked. While providing a great escape/gapclosing tool along with your Arcane Shift. Grab it always.
The last really viable spell on Ezreal Mid. Allows for better kill pressure early and has the potential of getting you fed. However, early game Ezreal is only good if you poke them down and proc Thunderlords. Ignite can secure you a kill.
SivHD made this popular with AP Ezreal. Offers nothing in lane, but hell, if you're good at aiming your Trueshot Barrage, go for it.
Thunderlord's Decree
Fervor of Battle
, which is better?
At the moment, Fervor of Battle provides a lot more damage than Thunderlords. Especially in sustained fights where all your abilities proc Fervor as a low cooldown poke champion. A fast ulti, some mystic shots, maybe an essence flux ina mid game teamfight, say around level 13, all of your autoattack and Q damage is buffed by a good extra 50 ish damage. The longer the fight, the better.
Thunderlord's Decree ? 20 damage early with a 3 proc and 100+ damage late game with a 15 second cooldown, where as at level 18 [Fervor of Battle] can reach to a maximum of 112 damage PER AUTO AND MYSTIC SHOT with 8 stacks of Fervor up.
At the moment, Fervor of Battle provides a lot more damage than Thunderlords. Especially in sustained fights where all your abilities proc Fervor as a low cooldown poke champion. A fast ulti, some mystic shots, maybe an essence flux ina mid game teamfight, say around level 13, all of your autoattack and Q damage is buffed by a good extra 50 ish damage. The longer the fight, the better.
Thunderlord's Decree ? 20 damage early with a 3 proc and 100+ damage late game with a 15 second cooldown, where as at level 18 [Fervor of Battle] can reach to a maximum of 112 damage PER AUTO AND MYSTIC SHOT with 8 stacks of Fervor up.
Rising Spell Force : Passive. This is your attack speed steroid. Each enemy hit with one of your abilities grants you a stack of attack speed up to 5. This wears out over time, however, refreshes if Ezreal lands an ability before the time is up. You generally want to stack this where attack speed is necessary; before fights, pushing towers, etc.
Mystic Shot : Q. Your main and most used ability will be your Mystic Shot. You shoot a bolt from your gauntlet that does physical damage and procs any on-hit effects. This is where most of your damage comes from. Combine with Trinity Force, your Mystic Shot hits like a truck. And, it's always good to check bushes with instead of your face. Use this to poke and fight.
Essence Flux : W. This ability shoots a wave of energy which may only hit champions. Landing this on an enemy champion will do damage which stacks off of Ability Power. Hitting an ally champion will grant them increased attack speed, and will also proc your Rising Spell Force. As an AP Mid, this is your main damage output, and is generally what you want to max first. As a Marksman, the only use you can really do with it is really mediocre. You may Arcane Shift or Flash in to your Essence Flux to hit yourself with it, and grant yourself more increased attack speed. But, it generally isn't worth the mana.
Arcane Shift : E. Arcane Shift is your most important ability. Ezreal teleports to a nearby location and shoots the closest enemy with a homing missile. This is basically your second flash, and in all cases do you want to max this second. Arcane Shift is one of the best abilities in the game for basically being a second flash, and as an AP Mid laner, this also does quite a large amount of damage. This doesn't mean Arcane Shift in to every fight you get in to, no, that's suicide. Always save it until you need it. This is what determines a GOOD Ezreal from a BAD Ezreal.
Trueshot Barrage : R. This is your ultimate; a global nuke. You can use your ultimate to teamfight, snipe enemies, clear waves, or combine with with your combo to assassinate enemies. This ability procs your Rising Spell Force, so using it before a fight to get your passive stacks is recommended. Another good tool for your ult is stealing objectives such as Dragon and Baron Nashor. Don't be afraid to use it, as it's on a relatively low cooldown.
Sequence for Marksman
Sequence for AP Mid
Now I'm going to talk about the many items you may buy on Ezreal, starting with the most important item of all. (NOTE, I know something is wrong with this section, but I can not figure out what it is. Sorry.)
Tons of Damage! The great Trinity Force is Ezreal's main item for most marksman builds. It offers him decent damage and all around good stats, but most importantly, greatly increased damage on his Mystic Shot. The Phage built in to trinity Force grants Ezreal increased movement speed when damage is applied, which means kiting is made even easier, not to mention the decent amount of AD and some health added. And, of course, the Zeal is the least important in the TriForce, but it certainly is great to have.
Blade of the Ruined King is a great item on Ezreal, but it is argued that Essence Reaver may now be a better item. Let me tell you, they are both good.
Blade of the Ruined King gives about 25 damage and a huge increase on attack speed, as well as lifesteal with an active that steals movements speed and health from a target. This makes it a great kiting ability. This item also has a passive which does percent physical damage each auto-attack. This passive can proc off of your Mystic Shot as well. This item is more for attack speed oriented Ezreal players. Fits in to all Marksman Ezreal builds, however. |
What many people believe to be the most core item on every AD Carry, Last Whisper grants 40 attack damage, and your physical damage cuts through 30% of enemy armor. This item allows you to shred tanks and bypass most armor an enemy player has obtained. You will see a noticeable amount of gained damage. For Ezreal, this item is core. You will need it in every AD Carry build to do the maximum damage to the enemy team.
Infinity Edge is the go-to core item for most AD Carries at the moment, and it isn't half bad on Ezreal. It is more for auto-attack oriented Ezreal players so you may get as many critical auto-attacks as possible, so AD Caster/Blue Ezreal can't make as much use of it as the AD Carry build. It is a great item to pick up either way.
A new core pick-up in 5.22 for the Machine Gun build, Essence Reaver is the item that allows you to obtain 45% CDR in the most effective way possible. With this item along with Trinity Force, you are allowed to rapidly fire abilities and get mana from critical strikes from basic attacks.
Ezreal, a truly underrated AD Carry and even more as a Mid laner. I hope you all have seen the power of Ezreal and his capabilities. This guide was designed to help you, and I want to see the arcane power fluctuating over the rift. Thank you for reading my guide on the Prodigal Explorer, Ezreal.
I will be adding more to this guide when I can, because it does feel a bit lacking for a full on Ezreal guide. So I will look to improve it.
If you would like to read my other guide, click here.
I will be adding more to this guide when I can, because it does feel a bit lacking for a full on Ezreal guide. So I will look to improve it.
If you would like to read my other guide, click here.
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