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This is my first guide that I thought to share with you since at least for me, it kicks so much *** in Howling Abyss.
So, please try to be gentle about any criticism or suggestion about this guide.
Anyway I really would like to hear some feedback from you about it.
I'll try to update this guide with any relevant information or suggestion after I try it my self and judge the results of what that impact might have in the game.
Thanks you for reading.
And remember to have fun and don't flame nor troll. :)
So playing with Janna
in ARAM can be simply EPIC. Forget the blend support. You can be a very aggressive support with loads of poking and when they are about to fall down go for the KO.
One of the of the important things on this guide is Janna's abilities Cooldown. That's why you can find loads of items that allow her to have ridiculous small times of cooldown.
This will allow you to poke, poke, poke and at the same time keep your distance from your opponents. Timming for this is crucial, since it can make all the difference between you safety poking and get killed, especially by those champions who are experts on closing the gap.
As you look to the items build you can see 2 main parts:
Keep your distance from the enemy champs, play it wisely and Janna can live longtime and get more kills than what typical support has.

One of the of the important things on this guide is Janna's abilities Cooldown. That's why you can find loads of items that allow her to have ridiculous small times of cooldown.
This will allow you to poke, poke, poke and at the same time keep your distance from your opponents. Timming for this is crucial, since it can make all the difference between you safety poking and get killed, especially by those champions who are experts on closing the gap.
As you look to the items build you can see 2 main parts:
- First one is focused basically on your champion
- Second one is oriented to support your team, without loosing the opportunity to get some kills.
Keep your distance from the enemy champs, play it wisely and Janna can live longtime and get more kills than what typical support has.
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