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Now in the wonderful table of contents up yonder, it gives the chapters of my rant of how amazing Jarvan is, this chapter is going over the basics of being worthy enough of Jarvan.
Jarvan is one of the few players (aside from
) who can build as such a tank and still wreck my first item build explains this
Jarvan has a scientific sh*t-ton (*note* this is more than a ****-load, but less than a f*ck-ton) of CC (crowd control), so use it often
Jarvan is one of the few players (aside from

Jarvan has a scientific sh*t-ton (*note* this is more than a ****-load, but less than a f*ck-ton) of CC (crowd control), so use it often
-Lots of CC
-Can build tanky/bruiser
-apparently can jungle???
-good poke
-can scout areas with
Demacian Standard
-fantastic ultimate
-freaking amazing skins
-many build options
-somewhat cheap builds
-mana hungry early
Cataclysm is very hard to use (explained later in *Abilities* chapter)
-4800 IP :(
Dragon Strike+
Demacian Standard combo (also explained later) can get you killed

-Lots of CC
-Can build tanky/bruiser
-apparently can jungle???
-good poke
-can scout areas with

-fantastic ultimate
-freaking amazing skins
-many build options
-somewhat cheap builds

-mana hungry early

-4800 IP :(

My Runes are simple Tank/ AD runes:
Greater Mark of Armor Penetrationx9 Grants, what else?, armor penetration
x9 It seems almost redundant to give comments...Armor! yaaaaaaaay!
x9 allows you to just ignore my comments and just put your mouse over the damn icons
Quint of Magic Resist You know, I really like how fancy these Q's are... you can switch these Quintessences out for any that you like, I just find Magic Resist to be more reliable, I might just change mine to flat health or something
Greater Mark of Armor Penetrationx9 Grants, what else?, armor penetration

Quint of Magic Resist You know, I really like how fancy these Q's are... you can switch these Quintessences out for any that you like, I just find Magic Resist to be more reliable, I might just change mine to flat health or something

Start out with Either

I get


(Active) sends out a standard (basically a flag) in an area, does damage in an AoE (Area of Effect), and also grants sight
Allies in the area of

If and When Jarvan uses

Jarvan can activate this ability again to disengage the barrier.
Jarvan can also use his

When Starting, consider:
gives a considerable amount of health, health regen, and armor very early
grants a large amount of health, and also gives you a head start on your build
Early Game:
any top lane or overall AD champion should have this, its that good... gives health, attack damage, and a slow for every attack
Giants Belt Gives a lot of health, a Jarvan Tank should buy about 3 of these over the course of the game
gives critical strike damage and +2 gold per kill, upgrade into
Atma's Impaler later
basic boots for an AD top, no real explanation is needed, magic resist and some tenacity
Mid Game:
Upgraded from phage, only solution, you shouldnt need Trinty Force
Fantastic item, largest source of health in the game
Good item, grants armor and slows enemies in your area, upgraded into
Frozen Heart or
Randuin's Omen
Late Game:
Wonderful item, armor, critical strike chance, and damage for a percentage of maximum health
One of my personal favorite items, grants additional mana, one of the largest sources of armor, next to
Thornmail,a large amount of cooldown reduction, and a passive that slows anyone in its vicinity
Another great item, grants armor, health, and an active that slows all enemies, best part: STACKS WITH FROZEN HEART
Also Consider:

Early Game:

Giants Belt Gives a lot of health, a Jarvan Tank should buy about 3 of these over the course of the game

Mid Game:

Late Game:

Also Consider:

Spawn Items:
Grants health, damage, and enough life steal to last until later
x3 Standard starting items, allows for more presence and regeneration
Ive never actually used this before but it seems good, from what I understand, its basically 3, more potent Biscuits (I.E.
Early Game/Laning Phase:
Core of any AD build, I already talked about this last chapter
pretty awesome item, grants a good portion of AD, plus some regeneration benefits. identical to
Brutal Strikes, it attacks any enemy in an AoE
giants belt gives health, needed for later
grants armor and resists 10% of basic attacks, good for AD heavy teams or laning opponents
Also Consider:
good for the gold bonus, build it into...I dont know... Yomuu's Ghostblade or something
Mid Game:
again with the last chapter, get it early, you dont need
Trinity Force
Pretty good item, grants good armor, health, and a damaging aura. I believe it stacks with
Avarice Blade**
**Hey you.....yeah you, the readers, answer in the comments of it does or not
Built from
Tiamat, basically
Tiamat with lifesteal on steroids
Late Game:
Zeke's Herald grants health, cooldown reduction, and an aura that grants lifesteal and damage to allies in your area
Grants a good amount of Damage, magic Resist, and a few good passives:
-when your health falls below 30%, grants a shield that blocks magic damage
-for every 2.5% of health missing, grants 1 point to Damage
Also Consider:
Grants a lot of Damage and Armor penetration, good for any AD top laners
Grants significant damage, magic resist, and a built in

Early Game/Laning Phase:

giants belt gives health, needed for later

Also Consider:

Mid Game:

**Hey you.....yeah you, the readers, answer in the comments of it does or not

Late Game:
Zeke's Herald grants health, cooldown reduction, and an aura that grants lifesteal and damage to allies in your area

-when your health falls below 30%, grants a shield that blocks magic damage
-for every 2.5% of health missing, grants 1 point to Damage
Also Consider:

Please dont jungle with Jarvan, I dont care if youre good at it, just dont....If you do, wonderful, use your own jungling experience. Jarvan is not a good jungler and youll just look stupid.
If you Really want to jungle...just pick
*Note to self, never enlarge
Trundle's face ever again
If you Really want to jungle...just pick

*Note to self, never enlarge

When playing as Jarvan, there are some rools:
1) youre not invincible, Jarvan may be, but youre not
2) Poke, thats why you have
Dragon Strike and
Demacian Standard
3) Using your E, W combo, use map awareness, and COMMON SENSE. When tower diving, NO.
4) Be careful when using
Cataclysm you can secure a kill, yes, but you can also get allies killed. When intercepting, in hopes to save an ally, your ult can trap them and get them killed
1) youre not invincible, Jarvan may be, but youre not
2) Poke, thats why you have

3) Using your E, W combo, use map awareness, and COMMON SENSE. When tower diving, NO.
4) Be careful when using

Expect to poke constantly, buy sight wards early or use
Demacian Standard watch for ganks
Know who counters you and who you counter, some helpful sites because im too lazy to tell you myself:

Know who counters you and who you counter, some helpful sites because im too lazy to tell you myself:
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