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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Harass-CC-Sustaine-Tankiness He will give you a very easy beating
Once you have the item and have your sheen level 6, you need to abuse the other player.
you hit two basic attacks on creeps, and you jump with q you hit one w loaded with passive of R, that way you weaken it enough to keep it behind the creeps and lose experience and gold, eventually you should be sure you have enough damage and life for murder under tower.
PD: remember to always have vision of the enemy jungle and prevent die in an ambush.
you hit two basic attacks on creeps, and you jump with q you hit one w loaded with passive of R, that way you weaken it enough to keep it behind the creeps and lose experience and gold, eventually you should be sure you have enough damage and life for murder under tower.
PD: remember to always have vision of the enemy jungle and prevent die in an ambush.
You have to play smart with this champion to win mid game, you do not have to do much more, dedicate a farm, help your jungle ambushes to Midlane enemy, take one kill or an assist is not bad!
While you remain calm and your team will be able to win the game.
PD: Jax loves towers, destroy them
While you remain calm and your team will be able to win the game.
PD: Jax loves towers, destroy them
Once you have 4-5 items specified in the guide, jax is a beast, but is vulnerable to cc and burst, so stay behind your tank or jungle.
objectives need to do: Dragon / Nashor or red / blue
keep calm and place yourself well, do not try to start 1v3 or 1V5 with your e that possibly will lose the teamfight.
Now the last step teamfights
objectives need to do: Dragon / Nashor or red / blue
keep calm and place yourself well, do not try to start 1v3 or 1V5 with your e that possibly will lose the teamfight.
Now the last step teamfights
Jax damage is constant damage based on basic attacks, not their ability as apc, nor is it a tough tank.
Protects your adc the jungle or the enemy mid, don't start tf's because not hesitate to kill you, once you start the tf, focus on enemies with low health (adc / apc) but you should always be close to your teammates , do not go too far.
Never fight without vision or be 4V5 that will lose, do not give the enemy team the lead.
Jax is very strong but the only thing that limits,'s your absurd confident in their player.
Protects your adc the jungle or the enemy mid, don't start tf's because not hesitate to kill you, once you start the tf, focus on enemies with low health (adc / apc) but you should always be close to your teammates , do not go too far.
Never fight without vision or be 4V5 that will lose, do not give the enemy team the lead.
Jax is very strong but the only thing that limits,'s your absurd confident in their player.
Malphite: it is very hard, jax in your E affects attack speed, strong initiation.
Olaf: real harm, harass, durability teamfight
Renekton: A very strong early game, have sustaine with your q, can evade your stun (e)
Garen: His silence prevents you could do much damage, it's tank regenerates much life with his passive.
These champions may be superior to jax, but it all depends on how it uses TO and when you dedicate time to practice with, not necessarily because it is a counter and you win the line, is constant and try to get to late game.
Olaf: real harm, harass, durability teamfight
Renekton: A very strong early game, have sustaine with your q, can evade your stun (e)
Garen: His silence prevents you could do much damage, it's tank regenerates much life with his passive.
These champions may be superior to jax, but it all depends on how it uses TO and when you dedicate time to practice with, not necessarily because it is a counter and you win the line, is constant and try to get to late game.
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