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Ability Order
Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
Jinx Passive Ability
Introduction/ what to do not path
please do not put hateful things on my side because i am still new to mobafire and in the learning process
[*] try to stay positive when jungling.
[*] go for red then make your way to blue but kill all camps.
[*] gank bot lane and make your fist back.
[*] build ad then armor/mr so you wouldn't die to fast.
[*] play smart and get behind minions this is important beacuse you will never know if you'll get stunned or pulled by other champions.
[*] dont leave allies behind carry them if you have too.
[*] start with red.
[*] got to wraiths.
[*] go to big golems on the red side.
[*] head bot.
[*] kill wolves.
[*] kill big golems.
[*] kill wraith.
[*] gank bot.
[*] dragon if your team wants to.
[*] gank mid if you didn't take to much damage.
[*] kill top jungle and then gank top
[*] repeat 2 or 3 times
[*] star team fights if held behind
[*] if jungling fails go and duo top
[*] got to wraiths.
[*] go to big golems on the red side.
[*] head bot.
[*] kill wolves.
[*] kill big golems.
[*] kill wraith.
[*] gank bot.
[*] dragon if your team wants to.
[*] gank mid if you didn't take to much damage.
[*] kill top jungle and then gank top
[*] repeat 2 or 3 times
[*] star team fights if held behind
[*] if jungling fails go and duo top
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