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About myself, I played LoL since S2, went inactive and came back in S4. I'm currently Silver-III, but I only started playing ranked less than a month ago.
So why Taric? I decided Taric was awesome after carrying a game very hard, much better than I ever have done on Shen, which I mained in the jungle. So that's my reason for jungling as Taric, the ability to carry a team to victory! Besides that, a jungler with a stun, a heal and some damage, what more could you wish for?
I really doubt I'll be telling you anything you didn't know already. Taric's a very blue dependent jungler, to dismay of your mana-hungry mid. Only near the end of the game can you actually give away your blue to that Ahri that was complaining about it since its second spawn.
Usually, I start either blue or Gromp, kill the other, wolves, red, raptors, krugs. At this point you should attempt to gank. Creep up on them, stun them, heal your laner and destroy them! Also, keep in mind to, as much as possible, let your passive proc in between of using abilities. If you got iceborn gauntlet, wait for its procs as well!
Usually, I start either blue or Gromp, kill the other, wolves, red, raptors, krugs. At this point you should attempt to gank. Creep up on them, stun them, heal your laner and destroy them! Also, keep in mind to, as much as possible, let your passive proc in between of using abilities. If you got iceborn gauntlet, wait for its procs as well!
Well, you're the tank. You'll probably initiate it, if you don't have a Blitzcrank or another tank to do it for you. Fabulously stun their carry or whomever extends to much and get in! You should usually try to stay in the middle of your team as much as possible, where you can stun the assassin that came for your carry, heal him back up, and destroy said assassin. Ulting and W-ing in the middle of the enemy team rocks!
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