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Recommended Items
Runes: ranged matchup
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
in low elo there aren't many good talons but if you
find against him rush seeker's armguard. DON'T PUSH AND FARM UNDER YOUR TORRET (with kassadin is not difficult). PING IF HE GOES TO ROAM.
she is yuumi
she is yuumi
Champion Build Guide
I climbed with a friend (who usually played amumu) and I had a winrate above 70%.
unfortunately kassadin no longer has the ROA and with the new items he is no longer strong in late as before. He also has much less hp than before and above all

you can't lose a lot of matchup.
one of the strongest late games in the game
good splitpushing
good mobility
AOE damage
you can't win vs ad assassin
good farm
very dependent on mana (you always need bluebuff)
dependent on level and item
he main item is

If you prefer some hp (RIP ROA) buy

Vs tanks buy

Don't understimate


consider the skill counter to use before it activates. Maybe the enemy jungler is nearby and you can find out through this ability.

use the ability in fight to do damage but also to dodge enemy skill shots like yasuo's

Early Game
normally try to play safe before 6. Let them push
if they try to hit you with an ability, cast the Q to parry the damage. at the first back try to return with

From level 6 onwards you can engage with R + A + W + E + Q.
Try to always make short trades.
Mid Game
start roaming in bot (if it is in a balanced situation) as soon as you clear the wave. Don't stay so long out of the lane and get help from the jungler for a 4vs2 dive. YOU MUST TAKE THE KILLS.
if someone starts teamfights in mid that you don't want to participate in, you can splitpush. ward the bushes and the jungle.
Late Game
if your team is low, use your teammates as shields and kill your opponents. YOU ALWAYS TAKE THE BLUEBUFF AND BE CAREFUL OF THE MANA DURING THE FIGHT. you can very well flank. Always target the weakest targets (adc for example). Don't be afraid because you do a lot more damage than you think.
this is my first guide, sorry for the english. The guide is aimed at beginners, giving an idea of what the champ is like.
I hope you have learned the basics from this guide:D
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