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Ability Order
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
During the early game stage Kled is going to farm and wait for ganks. Farming should be no problem considering Kled's Beartrap on a rope (Q) which does %150 damage to minions. Kled's violent tendencies (W) give him an additional 150% attack speed for four strikes over four seconds. The last auto attack does increased damage. Kled can use these abilities to poke his opponent out of lane allowing him time to free farm.
Now that the game is reaching team fight time it's important that Kled has A LOT of health. Losing enough health to be dismounted from Skaarl during team fights leaves Kled vulnerable and most likely dead. Using Kled's CHAAAAAAARGE!!! (R) to engage the team fight can often be the difference between winning and losing it.
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