When playing
Lee Sin you want to space the abilities. His passive is very good when jungling, as after every ability he attacks twice faster, and gains energy in those abilities. He does an ability, hits them twice with more attack speed, and another ability and twice attack, and so on. This is effective because he is continuously attacking. When clearing a camp you start with
Tempest and attack, then you
Cripple them, making them attack slower. At higher levels you
Sonic Wave/
Resonating Strike in. After that you safeguard, then cast Iron Will.
When you are ganking you will do very much the same thing. You will
Sonic Wave/
Resonating Strike into an enemy. You will then
Cripple. Then
Iron Will to the other side of the person you are ganking and
Dragon's Rage them toward your allies. If you end up falling behind the person you are ganking and your team-mates are close to them safeguard to your team mates.
If you end up in the jungle while fighting, and you can't or don't want to get to the other side of the enemy champion, you will want to
Sonic Wave,
Dragon's Rage, and then
Resonating Strike so you don't end up too far away from your enemy.
So here are some combos that were mentioned before but not outlined:
One that you can use is
Sonic Wave then use your
Dragon's Rage then
Resonating Strike. This is used to quickly kill someone, or even kick someone out of their team and escape at the same time.
This is a very simple trick. It has to do with two things. Those are having a
Stealth Ward, and having your
Safeguard up. All you do is put down your
Stealth Ward, and then
Safeguard to it. This can make for very good outplays, and plays mentioned hereafter.
This one has a name. It's called an Insec. Insec is an amazing
Lee Sin player, namely for this one play. In a pro game he did this really cool looking, and fight winning play. There are many variations on this, and this one is the hardest. I will also state variations.
1. Throw out your
Sonic Wave at their APC. Assuming it hits, you can use
Resonating Strike and very quickly put down a
Stealth Ward behind them. As soon as you do that,
Safeguard to the ward, then quickly use
Dragon's Rage on them, and it will preferably put them in your team. Your team will then not have to worry about going through the tanks to get the carries.
2. This one uses
Flash instead of
Stealth Wards. Everything is the same in this one up to before putting down the
Stealth Ward. In this one, you will just
Flash instead of ward jumping. Then, as stated before,
Dragon's Rage them into your team.
3. With this one the operations can be reversed. You can either
Flash then put down a ward and
Safeguard to it, then
Dragon's Rage. Or you can ward jump onto then, then
Flash and
Dragon's Rage, and you'll be set.
4. You can use your
Dragon's Rage before you
Flash, but use your
Flash in the middle of the animation of your kick. This is hard to react to, and makes it so you are likely to kick the target in your preferred direction.
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