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Scales harder than you but you can kill her for early snowball
Ranged top :( (Wait for jungler)
Your e counters his q and his silence doesn't work on your w.
You can out play his hook with your E, but if you make even one mistake, you will lose lane and he'll snowball.
Dr. Mundo
Don't underestimate buffed cleaver damage. But otherwise, you counter tanks.
Skill match up. Unless you know her W is down, don't E into her. She can also W your ult. Play around walls to counter he marks and play for teamfights.
Gankplank scales harder than you and can orange out of your ult. Just make sure you get more impact in teamfights than him.
You can't kill him and he can't kill you. You outscale him, just don't die overextending in lane.
Go second wind and you'll be fine
Many people think Illaoi ***** on Urgot, but she can't kill you and you can't kill her as long as you don't engage. Wait until you outscale her.
Don't fight this champ at her power spikes (Lvl 2, Lvl 6, Bork)
You outscale her, try to freeze infront of your tower.
Scales pretty hard and his e counters your W. Make sure you E his E2 and try to abuse lvl 1 as much as possible.
Make sure you E his E+Q. You outscale him.
You can kill her in lane, she outscales you and she can ult your ult targets in teamfights. Make sure you abuse lvl 1 and watch out for her becoming ranged and scary.
Ranged top and has nuts teamfight. Make sure you don't die in lane and split push in the late game.
He ***** on you. But you outscale. (watch out for his ult canceling yours/wait it out before R2)
You can abuse this guy in lane, just watch out for corrupting + q + comet, it does similar damage to mundo q.
You counter him but you HAVE to build executioners.
Hes AP Darius. You can E his E and out run him. You outscale.
When he hits 6 you lose. So abuse his pre 6 and cc chain him in teamfights and make sure you push out side lanes.
Watch out for his W coutnering your E and Ult. He has suprising damage in lane, but if you E his burst you can kill him.
You can E his W, watch out for his early game dmg, you win level 6. His E counters urgot ult, so make sure you bait it out or delay your R2.
Her W counters your E. Don't try to kill her in lane because she has surprising damage. If she goes full tank she's still hard to kill.
Ranged top :(
E+Flash to surprise her.
Don't try to fight this guy in lane. His trades are nuts. You outscale him hard though.
You can E her 3rd Q. Poke her out and fight her in minion waves. You outscale her.
This guy actually ***** on you in lane. Don't try to fight him in lane. You outscale.
He's a hard counter. He's very hard to catch and scales harder than you. Ask your jungler to camp her.
If you E Sett W you can dodge it. You can also E his E. Don't fight him when he reaches Bork powerspike, but you outscale him.
Watch out for his early game damage. His W counters your W. You win all ins at lvl 6.
You can E his E. Don't die in lane and if you do manage to catch him offguard you can E+Ult to slow him.
Try to cancel his Q with your E and watch out for bush Qs. You outscale him. Watch out for his ult canceling yours.
Abuse level 1 and E his E2. Watch out for him stealing your ult and build executioners. Otherwise hes pretty weak in lane.
He pokes you down, but you can catch him off guard with E+Flash combo. Just E to mitigate his poke damage and outscale him.
He can ult your ult, wait for him to engage on you. Dont trade early in lane. You outscale him and win late if you land your skillshots.
Like Ryze, this champ just counters yours. Ask jungle to camp.
Unlike other ranged tops, vlad's damage is put into his empowered Q. Makes sure you E it and you outscale.
Does alot of damage. Like Renekton treat his lane phase with respect. You outscale.
Annoying trade patterns, if you think you can all in him, try to E his E before he can W away. Wukong doesn't have extended fight damage and you do.
Watch out, your W doesn't focus the Circle when you're caught so you have to auto attack it manually. You also can't E out of it. You outscale and win all ins though.
This champ's biggest weakness is CC. If you lane your E you will win the all in. Just watch out for his damage and E his 3rd Q.
Make sure you E him and you will win all ins. He can win wall your Ult.
With the buffs this champ is hard to play against. He has nuts all ins and does a lot of damage, but if you land your E you will win the all in.
Afk Lane
You cant r2 him while hes in ult. Watch out for early game all ins and his slows. If he's smart he will always save ult for your E, so you lose a lot of all ins. Play safe you outscale.
Suprising amount of sustain with this champ. You can kill him at 6 and onwards.
You can slow her to reduce her atk speed with your ult and Q. She still ***** on you in lane tho.
He can get out of your E stun and Ult, does a lot of damage early, but you outscale.
Ranged top lol
Ranged top
Ranged top
Weak champ
Watch out for lvl 1 damage. If you catch her in your e, you will win all in.
You can E just before you get asleep to surprise her with a stun. Otherwise, she runs arounds you and ***** on you.
His passive works with your W.
She's a nuts champ. Tell her to ult you in teamfights.
Make sure you dont overlap ults
Your ult still procs in her ult. Try to time it so you execute when it expires OR pull them out of the ult.
Tell her to hop on your in the late game
His ult works well with your ult, make sure you don't kill steal each other though.
Her ult is good for you to dive backline.
His passive works with your W.
She's a nuts champ. Tell her to ult you in teamfights.
Make sure you dont overlap ults
Your ult still procs in her ult. Try to time it so you execute when it expires OR pull them out of the ult.
Tell her to hop on your in the late game
His ult works well with your ult, make sure you don't kill steal each other though.
With Urgot, you can stack manamune faster than ezreal. Although Urgot's W is only 50% on hit damage, you can use a combination of toggling W and auto attacking to Maximize Urgot's DPS (This video will tell you how to: and his non-W auto attacks will get the on-hit damage. Also, this combo works well with the second item in the build, iceborn gauntlet, which you can proc the spellblade passive with the toggle of W. Although you will be squishy in lane, iceborn gives survivability and when you get frozen mallet 3rd item, you'll be unkillable. Deaths Dance forth item gives you the lifesteal (adding onto the bloodline) to become a 1v9 monster.
Lane Phase
Your goal is to survive lane so you can rush Manamune and reach your Muramana Iceborn powerspike. Urgot sucks with tear only, so make sure you back for a Pickaxe, this will give you damage to kill your laner, but watch out for being squishy. If its a hard matchup, try going for defensive items instead of buying tear first (like armor for boots, refillable, etc). Try to get a second back Manamune (1525G), but you can also go tear and sit under tower. To stack tear, make sure NOT TO UPGREADE LVL 5 W. Spam your lvl 4 W and Q in lane. Your w autos also proc manamune(but not tear). Since lvl4 W is 3 seconds cd, you should aim to have it stacked by 20min.
Late Game
Muramana, Iceborn Gauntlet, Frozen Mallet, Deaths Dance, Guardian Angel, Defense Boots
With every item this champ scales harder and has a chance to win fights against champions like Camille and Jax with full build. You will be squishy at 2 items, but your 3 item powerspike is what you should be playing for.
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